The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1284: Conquering the Taixuan Land


read2();   "Egue, are you scared?"

   The vast Arctic land of China, like a long dragon, on the winter snow fortress wall surrounded by the northern boundary city in front, Li Yi faintly questioned.

Standing next to Li Yi is the little prince Jiang Yue, who also wears a celestial army robe and has a body like a blood halberd. The wind of the void generated by the roar of the sleepless giant ao, blows the two of them. Robe also poured Jiang Yue's eager response into Li Yi's ears:

   "How can I be afraid, Li Yi, do you understand, my body is trembling because of being too excited."

After    finished speaking, Jiang Yue raised his head and stared at the sleepless giant ao directly illuminated by countless red lights in front of him. He stretched out his tongue and licked his lips before continuing to speak:

"My son said early on that people like us were born to kill. If the world is truly peaceful and there is no war, then our so-called Radiant Army and Night Dire Division will no longer exist. Any meaning.

   "Now there is a vast and more magnificent continent in front of us, waiting for us to conquer, the so-called fear, there is no existence!"

After the voice of    Jiang's leaping over and over, the vast battle intent almost condensed under his robe billowed into the sky, then Jiang Yue seemed to have thought of something, turned his head and looked at Li Yi, who was silent, and said:

   "Brother Li, are you scared?"

In front of the Winter Snow Fortress, the red light reflected from the northern boundary city shone on Li Yipu's ordinary, even slightly cold face, especially the two long lines on his face that penetrated the entire face from the corner of his eyes. Scars are even more frightening, but in Li Yi's eyes, there is a gentle warmth like the warm winter sun.

   "Brother Jiang, I am afraid, and what I am afraid of is that Qinger will be afraid."

   After Li Yi fell with tender words, Jiang Yue, who was a blank sheet of affection for his children beside him, glanced at his mouth and said:

   "Your Majesty has made arrangements. The young lady and others will be connected to the White Emperor Palace. Do you wonder why you are afraid?"

   "Jiang Yue, you don't understand. Isn't it a kind of worry to make your beloved woman worry about your safety all the time?"

After    finished speaking, Li Yi turned around and stretched out his hand to pat Jiang Yue's shoulder, his words showed his gentleness.

   At the eastern end of the vast land of Shenzhou, on an uninhabited island outside the East China Sea, two figures, one fat and one thin, sit cross-legged on a rock on the island.

   Above the two men’s head was a river of stars flowing backwards like a meteor shower, and then, wearing a nightmare robes, slowly placed a large wine barrel-like puppet organization in a pit in front of them.

After    placed more than ten large buckets in a row, Xi Hongchen stretched out his hand and wiped forward, and the pit in front of him immediately returned to its original state, as if it had never appeared before, and then a slightly cold voice came from the girl's mouth:

   "Okay, go to the other side of the island and continue to settle."

After he finished speaking, Xi Hongchen stood up first, with his right foot a little above the ground, and his whole figure rushed towards the sky like a bird. Then Qiu Hengji, the fat man sitting on the ground, looked at Xihongchen's back and scratched. Scratching his head, he swallowed the half-talking question in his mouth.

   What he wanted to ask was:

   "Do you feel scared?"

Happiness, anger, worry, sorrow and panic, this is the most basic seven emotions of the heaven and earth creatures, and facing the upcoming Taixuan Land, every Daxia citizen above the vast land of China has its own different emotions. They may be surprised or worried, and they will encourage each other with their family members.

   But among the hundreds of millions of people in the vast land of China, there is one person who cannot express any emotions of his own. Even if it is a huge wave in his chest, he must also have a face of Pinghu.

   Until this time, Zhao Yu is not just as simple as an emperor for all Daxia people, for the entire Shenzhou Haotu, he has gradually become a totem of faith for the entire world, and even a **** in his heart!

On the high platform outside Huangji Hall, under the shining stars, the robe embroidered with twelve coats of arms on Zhao Yu's body waved back and forth, and the ebony black eyes under the crown of the sky looked straight ahead, and in the square below In the eyes of all the officials standing in line above, they were like giants standing on top of the earth, afraid to look directly.

   No one dared to ask the young Lord Daxia who was standing upright at this time, are you afraid?

   No one dared to guess what kind of emotion Zhao Yu was not angry behind his handsome face.

  No one can accurately feel and measure how much weight the young emperor bears when he lifts up the vast land of China!

   But it is undeniable that Zhao Yu has done well enough, and he has given all his citizens an unprecedentedly strong summer and unparalleled confidence.

   "Your Majesty, Sitian Tower is here to report that the celestial sand barrier around here will be completely broken through immediately, which means that I am at the same distance as that of the Great Profound Land, very close and very close!"

On the square below the Huangji Hall, Li Chunfeng’s old voice resounded across the sky, and then the cultural relics of the dynasty looked up at the young emperor above and the bright galaxy that was about to drain completely backwards behind him. The fists under the official robes were tight. Hold tightly.

After Li Chunfeng's reminder fell, Zhao Yu, who stood proudly on the emperor's high platform, lowered his head slightly, then raised his hand and waved forward, a clear picture of mountains and seas slowly unfolded behind him, and he went up to the mountains, rivers and seas. , The big city of villages and towns is clearly visible, and even the vast stone statue towers in the big city of 36 states can be seen.

   "Song Xinhao, present an essay!"

Zhao Yu was as steady as the voice of Kunlun Mountain resounding through the sky, and then Song Xinhao, the middleman of the ceremonial department in the hundreds of officials at the bottom, took out a scroll of gold silk essays directly from his arms, trot all the way to the young emperor's knees and presented it, and then Zhao Yu stretched out his hand to move downward, and the message flew into the sky and opened out, and the golden light was released!

  On the gold silk, I saw the fonts of iron and silver hooks written one after another, each stroke with a sword dancing-like edge, making it feel like being in a battlefield like a sea of ​​corpses.

   Then the civil and military officials below looked up, their complexions changed one after another, because at the beginning of the huge golden silk was a dazzling, trembling line of big characters.

   "The Land of Emperor Taixuan"!

   "My Daxia people!"

As the stars change, Zhao Yu on the high platform slowly speaks, and then in the vast 36 states of Shenzhou, wherever the first artifact of the human race is shrouded in the mountains and sea maps, the voice of the young emperor can be heard clearly in everyone's ears. Shore.

   After a breath, all the people of Daxia kneel down respectfully in the entire land of China, no matter from south to north or west to east, and screamed:

   "Long live long live your majesty!"

  The sound of greetings from the mountains and the tsunami resounded throughout the vast land of China, and the tone of Emperor Zhao Yuhuang continued to resound throughout the land of the thirty-six prefectures:

"I, seventeen ruled the world, it has been three years since now. During this period, the king will be good and the minister will be the best, the army will be strong, the Nan barbarian will be destroyed, the foreign race will be settled, the xueyuan will be established, and the foundation will be created forever. Live up to the expectations of the Empress Dowager, but the secrets of heaven are changing, the universe is turned upside down, and the land of Taixuan is now in front, tigers and wolves look around, threats are everywhere.

   At this point, the young emperor paused slightly, and the whole world seemed to be completely still at this moment. After a few breaths, the emperor's voice continued to explode, and there was a rolling voice:

"Therefore, I swear here that the world will return to Ning where my great Xia warriors come, and wherever Daxia’s land will not yield, anyone who hurts Daxia’s people will be punished even if it is far away, and the universe will be clear and peaceful, and the heaven will be changed to the mountains and seas. The knife immediately shook the mountains and rivers, and when Feng Fei was too mysterious, let's look at who's the land of the too mysterious!"

   When the words of the young emperor resounded across the three rivers and six banks, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, all the people roared and roared with thunderous roars all over China.

   In the next breath, all the bright stars circulating on the top of the dome disappeared, and the vast land of Shenzhou officially broke through the celestial sand barrier in the void.

At the same time, in the depths of the North Sea of ​​the Taixuan Land, accompanied by a deafening roar from the Great Lord Jinhai, the depths of the North Sea not far below his feet suddenly cracked to both sides, and countless sea waters rushed down, and the void roared. more than.


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