The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1292: Conscript Five Immortals City


read2();  "Welcome all compatriots from the vast land of China to the Wuxian City!"

Beneath the Ao Jia on the shore of the North Sea, the old voice of the Sect Master of the Five Immortals lingered back and forth in the city, clearly spreading into the ears of every citizen. At the same time, the figure of the second wave of troops sent from Daxia mainland, Along with the dissipation of the light of transmission, he stood proudly on the land of the Taixuan Land.

   Great Xia Shield Armour, Great Xia Lixiu Euphorbia, Great Xia Minxiu shot!

The three main ground combat services covered in battle armor, like the same torrent of invisible end, appeared majestic under the ancient stone statue tower, occupying the center of Wuxian City in just a few breaths. That large area, and then endless iron and blood gas, erupted outward like a volcanic eruption, sweeping the entire Wuxian City.

In the City of Five Immortals, a large number of buildings that were already old, dilapidated and corroded, under the full of iron and blood, made a crackling noise, and they were crumbling, compared with the first wave of the Shang Fourth Army and the angry beasts. The army, at this time the Great Xia's main combat service, which vastly occupied the entire giant square, had an even stronger impact on all the citizens in Wuxian City.

   Every sergeant standing on the square, the aura exuding from the inside and outside of the burly body is so fierce, and more importantly, these auras are not only evil auras, but also contain extremely powerful vitality fluctuations.

   This means that the soldiers who have just been born and descended on the sunken island, everyone has a cultivation base, and everyone can use the vitality between heaven and earth to fight!

"Sect Master Lan, this, these Daxia people who have come here are at least more than 300,000. What is even more frightening is that they are real soldiers, not monks. We all know that once a **** battle breaks out, the soldiers The role of the monk is almost the difference between heaven and earth."

   A soft murmur came from the Wuxiancheng Presbyterian crowd who was moving forward. After that, the group of people continued to sigh before they spoke, but they stopped slightly, and the old face trembled again.

  Because under the ancient stone statue tower in front of everyone, the dense transmission light once again shined above Shenxian City, turning into a sea of ​​blue and white light rippling away.

   "The third wave!"

   The extremely solemn voice came from the mouth of the silver-haired old woman Lan, and then his spine that walked forward slowly straightened, and the voice continued:

   "According to the previous law, every soldier who sent from Daxia will light up a beam of light, so this also means that this wave of soldiers who came to our Wuxian City is more than one hundred thousand."

After the silver-haired old woman's words fell, the iron and blood pouring in all directions from the front direction suddenly added a thick tyrannical atmosphere, and then a horses taller than a person appeared from the transmission beam, and then the cavalry controlled it on the back. Next, formed a large array and moved forward slowly.

   Daxia Qingqi.

As the unstoppable aura rises, for the citizens of Wuxian City who are directly in front of the Daxia Hussars, it is tantamount to a sharp spear, which is pressing against his brow, subconsciously shrinking his head, and backing away. step.

The uniform Qingqi front pressed and cleared the area under the ancient stone statue tower, the dense figures continued to appear in the teleported light sea, and the figures that appeared this time were no longer wearing strong defensive powers and fighting in close quarters. Armor, but dressed in a mage's robe with light green runes uniformly outlined.

   At the next breath, Wei Guogong Xu Sheng had a solemn expression next to Ye Yi, suddenly turned his head, and asked:

   "Guo Duke, is this possible?"

   "Ye Si Cheng is right, our original Fa Xiu group should be called the Fa Xiu Army at this time!"

Xu Sheng’s response was also filled with excitement and sigh. Whether it was Xu Sheng or Ye Yi, they both served in the Battle of Yulong Pass in the endless mountain for half a lifetime. Therefore, the two of them can best understand the three words of the French Xiujun on the battlefield. Significance, that is completely a shocking weapon that can finalize the entire war!

"His Majesty has elevated Daxia to a level that he can't even think of during the past two years in the Taixuan Land. The Law Cultivation Army alone can give us a winning rate in this North Sea battle. , A whole improvement of 10%!"

   Yeyi stared at the Daxia Fa Xiu army, which was still in the continuous transmission, more than tens of thousands, and sighed. Then Wei Guogong Xu Sheng shook his head slightly, and the response sounded:

   "Yesicheng, Daxia's changes in the past two years are beyond anyone's imagination. In addition to the French soldiers, there are new things still to come."

After Xu Sheng’s words fell, the figure that appeared under the ancient stone statue tower changed again, and this time in the city of Five Immortals, it was a craftsman wearing the robes of the Daxia Gongbu, and many The brand-new soldier in black and brown armor, and Yeichi who was watching afterwards, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and the voice of inquiry sounded:

"Master Wei Guogong, your majesty and the imperial court's killing strategy, the subordinates have guessed a little, that is, they descended behind the enemy line, together with the Shenzhou vast front line army, flanked the entire North Sea on both sides, forming a situation of encirclement in the urn, so the emphasis is on fast , Xun and Meng.

   "But why did the craftsmen of the Daxia Ministry of Industry come here? Could it not be possible to build a fortress along the coast of the North Sea?"

   "Ya Si Cheng, no!"

   After Wei Guogong Xu Sheng shook his head and denied it, he paused and turned his eyes to the old silver-haired woman who had brought the monks from the Wuxiancheng Presbyterian House, and the voice continued:

"These craftsmen did not come here to build a fortress, but to assemble sling puppets for the Weiyang Army to kill enemies on the shores of the North Sea. The Weiyang Army is our newest army in Daxia, and the Majesty's favorite Princess Weiyang is name."

   After finishing speaking, Xu Sheng, a burly body, stretched out his right hand to lift the sky, and then directly made a fist. In the next moment, nearly half a million armies behind Xu Sheng stopped mobilizing, and the clanging sound of armor collision stopped abruptly.

   The vast expanse of Daxia soldiers in the Five Immortals City have truly achieved the terrible state of prohibition!

At the same time, the entire city of Five Immortals suddenly became silent, and under the gaze of a full half a million lines of infinite murderous intent, even the silver-haired old woman who was the leader of the entire city of five immortals could not restrain the trembled heart. The right hand below suddenly squeezed the crutches.

   Then Wei Guogong Xu Sheng and Ximan King Zhong Liye raised their feet forward, the tiger eyes were piercing, and then the heavy and majestic voice rolled out from Xu Sheng's mouth:

   "The old man Daxia Wei Guogong, on behalf of His Majesty Fuyao and Daxia's hundreds of millions of people, send greetings to his fellow tribes in Wuxian City."

   Huang Huang's voice resounded throughout the city, Xu Sheng took a deep breath, and the momentum pouring out from the burly body became more and more violent, and then the sound like a tiger's roar continued to resound in the ears of everyone in the entire Wuxian City:

"According to the order of Emperor Fuyao, Xianshan returned to the throne, Shenzhou was born, and a **** battle with many tigers and wolves in the Taixuan land. This battle is fierce and dangerous, and it is related to the fortune of the country. Xiancheng, if there are those who don’t follow, they must put themselves in the house, advertise to the whole city, and let them hear about it!"

   The voice of Wei Guogong Xu Sheng's unwillingness to refuse fell, and the expressions of the overhaulers in the Elder's Courtyard of Wuxiancheng became extremely blue in an instant!


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