
read2();   a tsunami soared into the sky, the void shattered, and the whole world seemed to be upside down. The tearing force from all directions almost directly tore the powerful body that is usually proud of it into countless pieces.

If it weren’t for the young man’s river realm being a clan of catfish who are good at driving the power of the river, it would be like the countless Shenxian City around, rushing to the depths of the North Sea to seize opportunities, like a large number of monks who were killed by the waves. between.

Raising the time to half a day ago, since the Taiqing sword that soared into the sky in Shenxian City, it shattered the toppling tsunami like a bamboo, and the two south and north palaces of the Holy Court were used to block the entire Shenxian City. After the establishment of the Heavenly Punishment Thunder Array, the monks of the Great Profound Land, who had already been shocked by the chance of Xianshan, swarmed out of Shenxian City, rushing toward the North Sea like a group of ants out of their nest. go with.

The flying magic weapon in the sky, the big wave splitting ship galloping in the sea, after all the means, above the raging and violent sea below Shenxian City, suddenly there appeared a mighty fluorescent galaxy rushing to the north, and every one in this galaxy The rays of light floating in the huge waves are all a large ship that opens the defensive enchantment and is full of monks, including the Sanhe sect power where the young people are located.

The Sanhe Zongmen is located in Sanhe County in the Taixuan Land to the southeast. The vast plains of this county are directly pierced by three mighty rivers from beginning to end, so it is named Sanhe County. At the same time, every river in the county There is a dominant aquatic race in Zhongji, which together form the Sanhe Sect, which is the most powerful in the county.

However, it is worth mentioning that although Sanhe County is located close to the southeast, it is not coastal. Therefore, it has no results to join the GCC formed by the major forces on the southeast coast. It has no choice but to fight alone. At the same time, the three rivers of Sanhe County dominate the three rivers. The relationship between races is not good, and conflicts occur from time to time. In other words, this is a seemingly powerful but isolated and unreliable sect.

It stands to reason that the powers behind the Sanhe Sect will generally wait and see, and definitely will not jump into Shenxiancheng and rush into the North Sea storm to compete for opportunities before most of the forces act. Where his own confidence lies, that is the people of this sect, they are all the river fish clan who control tides and control water as commonplace.

   However, it turns out that they were wrong. Not only the Three Rivers Sect, but most of the other forces who jumped into the Roaring North Sea desperately were wrong!

After these dense and powerful monks rushed into the North Sea for about three hundred breaths, the second wave of tsunami that spanned the entire space between the heavens and the earth blasted, and the entire North Sea was almost turned upside down, with the force of the violent sea impact, Blasting the defensive enchantment that shrouded a large ship, and making it light and dark for a while, the monks on the ship struggled to lift their vitality to gain a foothold.

   And if a series of waves of tsunami impact has made these great forces monks in the north nervous and uneasy, then the power of the void impact after the tsunami has caused these people to be mad and angry.

The power of the vast void caused by the immortal mountain hitting the North Sea is more than a hundred times more powerful than the Beihai tsunami. Just a single shot shattered a large number of defensive barriers outside the warship, and countless monks were rolled out of the deck. Outside, wailing.

   "Father, look at it, the defensive barrier of the fleet next to us is more than half broken, and several ships have been torn to pieces, and they are wailing in the sea."

On a ship in the North Sea between winds and waves, the face was covered with silvery white fish scales. Looking at a fleet that was directly overturned by the void shock wave on the side, opened his mouth and let out a gleeful laugh, most of which was destroyed. The ship of is not a member of the other forces, but is the other river force of the Sanhezong that is usually quite incompatible with the catfish clan where the river is located.

More importantly, above that fleet, there are mortal enemies who are in violent conflict with the river, so the river under the pleasure of my heart almost forgot the torrent of void that was about to impact, and continued to split its mouth, With a loud laugh:

   "Tear these Beihe offal, shred them!"

   River Realm's voice has not yet fallen, a huge force came from behind him, directly kicking his tall body, and at the same time a roar followed:

   "You bastard, what time is it now, you are looking for death, and you still don't inject all your vitality into the big ship defense enchantment under him!"

After the roar from his father, who was also the patriarch of Sanhe County, the head of the catfish clan fell, He Jing shrank his head and continued to infuse his body's vitality into the lower deck, but his fish-like eyes still carried a pleasant color. However, at the next breath, the young man couldn't laugh anymore, because the mighty torrent of void power directly slammed into the ship where he was.

   People who have never experienced this powerful torrent of void can't imagine how desperate the whole body defense enchantment, void, and even the palm edge birth and death realm overhaul domain will be shattered before your eyes.

   "Father, save me, my son doesn't want to die yet!"

The mouth of the river boundary uttered a terrified roar, and the big ship it was on was instantly torn into two parts from the middle. In an instant, the sea water mixed with the void torrent directly rushed on the body of the river boundary, the original solid fish scales on his body The armor resisted only one tenth of the breath, and it shattered in pieces.

It was like a river that had been tortured by the rapids, opening his mouth and wailing incomparably, and the young man closed his eyes before the last scene, that is, whether it is flying in the sky or sailing on the sea, it is all in the torrent of void Under the impact, he fell to the surface and was completely swallowed by the rolling sea.

I don’t know how long it has passed, but for the river, it seems to have had an extremely long dream. In the dream, he seemed to have fallen into an ice lake, and the icy cold came deep into the bone marrow. The next moment, it was biting. The cold hit the divine consciousness of the river, making him subconsciously open his mouth and let out a scream, his eyes suddenly opened, and his consciousness began to return to his body.

   "My son is not dead, but my son is alive, hahaha!"

   Feeling the body and consciousness of the river, subconsciously opened his mouth and laughed wildly. The laughter was full of the joy of the aftermath, and then a contemptuous voice came from his side, directly interrupting the former's mind:

   "It's another mad boy who can't figure out the situation. Let's see where you are before you talk."

   As soon as he said this, Hejing retracted his thoughts and began to look around, his complexion changed drastically.

I saw that the place where he was at this time was above the North Sea, and he was advancing rapidly toward the depths of the North Sea ahead, and what caused the young man to rush to the soul was that he was now in a huge prison. Inside this cage, there is not only one of them, but a large number of monks with dilapidated clothes and aspirations like him.

   Then Hejing suddenly climbed up from the ground, pulled the clothes on his chest and looked down, only to see a dazzling rune flashing on his chest.

   "My son, is this being caught as a pathfinder dog?"


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