
read2();  Destroy, powerful, reckless, ancient, etc. These words are not enough to describe the strength of the ancient black dragon Shunzi after fully revealing his figure in Shenxian City at this time.

For this ancient and powerful aura, Qin Chuan, the young man of the Five Immortal Sect who was overthrown to the ground, undoubtedly felt the most directly. It is not that he has not seen the rest of the dragons in the Taixuan Land, including the great disciple of the Five Immortal Sect Ao. The blood of Beihai Molong is flowing in the white body.

But at this time, the mighty power of the black dragon pouring outwards gave people a very different feeling. It was different from the brilliance and majesty and dominance of the rest of the dragons in the Taixuan Land, but it carried the tyranny of the abyss hell. And bloodthirsty.

   At the same time, the dragon's breath of destruction that the ancient black dragon jets forward also indicates that it is an ancient killing machine designed for combat!

   Above the emptiness of Shen Xiancheng, the blazing red dragon's breath of destruction cut through the sky, rushed directly into the blue town wind array, and directly shrouded the three palm edge birth and death realm major repairs of the Eagle Alliance.

   "Damn, the second elder, the third elder defend, this lord finds a way to break the formation!"

In the wind formation, the roar of the leader of the eagle and falcon alliance was extremely solemn, and then the two elders who had already raised all aura to the limit behind him took a step forward, opened the entire domain, and waved out two huge cyan giants. The eagle screamed and rushed towards the jet of dragon's breath.

   At the same time, the leader of the Eagle Alliance directly transformed into a huge wind-splitting eagle, rising into the sky, and the area of ​​blue wind spread out around him, like a sun rising towards the sky.

   "Supernatural powers. Nine wind strikes!"

   Accompanied by a gloomy voice, nine pillars of light rushed out directly from the domain of the leader of the Eagle Alliance, like nine sharp spears, stabling the claws of the ghostly winged beast that slapped down.

   "Brother Qin, you retreat outward, I am afraid that the aftermath of this battle will affect you."

   The young and heroic voice came from Heilong Wei Shunzi. After hearing this, Qin Chuan said nothing, mobilizing his vitality and throwing his legs away, running and shouting:

   "Brother Shunzi, fight against the dangers, but pay attention to safety!"

   "Thank you Brother Qin for reminding me that when the **** battle in Beihai is over, I will definitely invite you to my Daxia to have a drink and talk, so as to fulfill the friendship of the landlord!"

As the voice fell, the ancient black dragon's wings stretched out directly, and the entire huge body rushed directly into the sky. A huge shadow suddenly appeared above Shenxian City. The speed of the flying wings was extremely violent, and the huge body disappeared like a teleport. Qin Chuan appeared in front of the sky, and then began to dive downward.

   Between the heavens and the earth of Shen Xiancheng, a huge pitch-black arrow suddenly appeared falling downwards, and the target of this black dragon arrow was the two elders of the Eagle Alliance who were releasing magical powers on the ground.

   After blinking, the ancient Black Dragon Shunzi directly went from top to bottom, like a violent meteorite, smashing into the ground where the two elders of Zhenfeng Array were.

The huge and mighty black dragon dived, and the impact caused by it was beyond imagination, and even the entire Aojia ground produced a tremor, and the huge roar completely overwhelmed the rest of the sound that was constantly ringing in Shenxian City, and it was clearly transmitted to all People's ears.

Qin Chuan, who was retreating outwards, staggered again, and then turned and looked at the distant town wind array. After hitting the ground, he saw the ancient black dragon Shunzi, stretching out two huge dragon claws, each deadly. It suppressed the domain of the two elders in the Falcon Alliance.

From a distance, these two rounds of cyan domains are like small **** played in the hands of a black dragon. They are squeezed on the ground of the armour armour. They are hard to move. Then they are mighty, like the eruption of spring water. Pouring out of the two rounds of the field, it directly shrouded the black dragon's body, cutting wildly.

The supernatural powers released by the palm-linked birth and death realm overhaul, no matter where they are placed in the Taixuan land, have huge powers that make people hear it. However, the two elders of the Eagle Alliance are extremely desperate. Even the terrestrial gods of the fairyland dare not take the supernatural powers lightly to explode. After hitting the dense dragon scales on the ancient black dragon's body, it dissipated like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no trace of damage.

   "This is impossible. How can this legendary magical powers really exist!"

   A terrifying roar came from the mouth of the elders of the Eagle Alliance, and then the two unwilling to give up, continue to madly pour out a huge amount of wind attribute cutting magical power.

The core figure of this falcon alliance is worthy of being the big power that once controlled Fufeng County. Now he has used his mighty magical powers such as wind blades, wind pillars, storm tornadoes, and so on. The black dragon's scales were isolated and absorbed, but it was completely in vain.

In fact, for the two elders of the Eagle Alliance who were pushed on the ground by the ancient black dragon at this time, the awkwardness in their hearts can be imagined. The cultivation base of the two is also superior in the palm-linked life and death realm, plus it belongs to Twin brothers are naturally able to fuse vitality into one place, and jointly release more powerful magical powers.

   In this way, the two of them used powerful magical means to gain a good reputation in the entire Taixuan Land, and were even included in the list by the Shenji Pavilion, known as the two elders of the eagle and the falcon.

   But at this time, the two old eagles and falcons met the ancient black dragon Wei Shunzi who had supernatural power immunity. Just like encountering a natural nemesis, he could only use two points of strength at all, and he had to shout desperately and unwillingly.

The battlefield was ruthless and the roar of despair was unable to cause any damage to the enemy. Then the ancient black dragon Shunzi bowed his head and stared at the two rounds of cyan domains that flashed under his claws. The black dragon eyes flashed with a strong killing intent. A layer of black light like obsidian began to emerge from the entire body.

   That is the forbidden realm of the ancient Black Dragon Shunzi!

In the next breath, the black dragon and dragon claws enveloped the black glow of the Forbidden Demon gradually pierced into the cyan domain of the two eagles and falcons. From the eyes of those watching from a distance, this situation and situation are like hideous and terrifying black claws and thorns. It's like eating two delicious green apples, which is an understatement.

However, the existence under Shunzi's claws at this time is not a green apple, but a realm condensed by the Master of Palm Edge Birth and Death Realm through his lifelong cultivation base, and only by being under the claws of the ancient black dragon can you feel how this is Despair.

   "Leader, save me and wait!"

   A shrill and terrifying roar rolled outwards, and then Shunzi shook the dragon's tail to hit the Falcon Alliance leader who turned back from the sky to rescue, but his eyes still looked at the two old Falcons under him, opened his mouth, and the voice passed below:

  "My Daxia has been preparing for this battle in the North Sea for too long, do you know why I am here to kill you?

"Because the dossier of the Military Aircraft Department clearly states that the Eagle and Falcon Alliance of the Supreme Profound Land has a total of the leader and two elders who have cultivated to the realm of the Great Master. The body is the Fufeng Goshawk Clan. The Red Killing Force!"

After   , Shunzi's claws suddenly pressed hard, and the two old eagles and falcons in the claws died!


   The two strongest elders of the Eagle Alliance were killed together, making the leader of the Eagle Alliance trapped in Zhenfeng Town completely crazy. After a loud roar, he swooped down at Shunzi above the ground.

   "It came just right!"

   Shunzi's eyes on his fierce head flashed a bold battle spirit, his wings opened, and the body of the black dragon soared into the sky, directly crashing into the storm of supernatural powers leaning from above without evading.

  In an instant, two giants, one blue and one black, began to fight frantically in the air, the tornado and the dragon's breath were intertwined, roaring one after another.


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