The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1300: Enemy with Quan Taixuan


read2();   As Shunzi said, Daxia never fights unprepared battles. The Military Aircraft Department has already targeted the Eagle Falcon Alliance to death, so at this time, the Fufeng Goshawk clan that belongs to the leader of the Eagle Alliance, Destined to be fully restrained by the ancient black dragon.

In the wind-suppressing array, the third ghost-winged beast claw had not yet been lowered, and Shunzi’s claws had already penetrated into the field outside the Fufeng Goshawk, grabbing one of the latter’s wings, and violently tear.

   The blood flies wildly, the huge wings are all broken!

   "Where is your sacred? Why do you want me to die!"

Accompanied by the terrifying roar of the leader of the Eagle and Falcon Alliance, the hazy sun above the sky of Shenxian City continued to **** westward, and then the sunset light from the sky brought a strong scarlet light, as if countless blood, smeared on Above the void.

Under the **** light, the fights in Shenxian City were staged everywhere. In addition to the strongest Eagle Falcon Sect residence, there were also extremely violent palm edge birth and death realm supernatural powers pouring outwards, releasing such violent supernatural powers. , Which means that these monks in the land of the Supreme Profound that were attacked and killed by the Daxia generals are all in a state of fighting before death.

   In the void, the buzzing sound of bowstring vibration sounded one after another, and then one arrow after another dragging the long silver light tail across the void, piercing the heads of cultivators who tried to counterattack.

   "Go back to Wei Guogong, Lord Ximan, all the forces on the west side of Shenxian City have been cleared, killing countless enemies, and capturing 30,000 monks."

In front of the gate of the Wuxianzong Mountain, an angry beast lieutenant wearing purple helmet and purple armor with a lifelike centaur warrior carved on his chest, hurried to the front of Xu Sheng and Ximan King Zhong Liye, with one knee Kneeling, a loud voice came.

The power that originally occupied the west of Shenxian City was Yan Jue Upper Kingdom, and Yan Jue Upper Kingdom was almost killed by the people of Qing Tian and Qingzhi Kingdom before Xianshan was born. Therefore, the formerly powerful city west has now become The area that was captured first.

   Before the Five Immortal Sect Mountain Gate, after the young Raging Beast Lieutenant finished speaking, he took a breath and continued to speak loudly:

   "Although the west of the city is completely controlled, among the prisoners, there is a group of people who are more special."

   As soon as he said this, a steady voice from the night ahead came:

   "But the Shumei clan of Qingzhishangguo is in it?"

   "Huiye Sicheng, it is precisely that the people of the Qingzhi Kingdom have run out of old power and new power has not been born, so they did not resist too fiercely, and they were directly arrested."

   "Qingzhishangguo is very important for us and the follow-up development of Daxia. Bring them back to the Five Immortals Sect, and separate them from the rest of the prisoners."

   After the old and majestic voice of Wei Guogong Xu Shengcang fell, he raised his head and watched Shen Xiancheng, whose aftermath of the battle in front of him was gradually weakening, and continued to speak:

   "The Angry Beast Army freely supported the whole city, and the rest of the prisoners were escorted back to Wuxianzong Wufeng to identify their identities. All those who were marked by the military plane with the A-letter force were directly executed on the spot, and the rest of the forces destroyed half a round of customs detention.

Xu Sheng's words, with the terrifying horror of his neighbors, made Ao Bai, who was accompanying him, subconsciously shake. Da Xia's decisive killing exceeded his expectations, and only then did he understand what Xu Sheng said before. It is not a joke to use the orders of the monks on the North Sea to establish the prestige of the Great Xia.

   "Sister Fu, how many people do you think are left in Shen Xiancheng at this time?"

   After a few breaths, he gradually slowed down to Ao Bai, the girl next to Ao Fu's ear, and after thinking for a while, the latter slowly spit out:

   "Although most of the monks are leaving the city to look for opportunities at this time, there are countless monks who have come to the North Sea from the inland over the years. At this time, they are still in the city. It is conservatively estimated that it will exceed half a million."

As soon as the girl Ao Fu said this, Ao Bai’s heart was once again shocked, and then a trace of excitement emerged from her eyes. Once upon a time, the disciples of the Five Immortals had to be careful when going out. The heroic of a hundred thousand heads?

   "Sir, returning to the country, the city is calmed down, more than 50,000 captured, and two people are killed in the life and death realm."

   "The Lord of the Country, the south of the city is under the control of our army, and more than 30,000 prisoners have been captured, and the three masters of the death of palm fate, birth and death!"

   As time goes by, more and more military academy lieutenants return to Wuxianzongshanmen to report, and every battle report is like a heavy hammer hitting Ao Bai's heart, making his whole body tremble.

If it weren’t for the last reason to control himself, the Five Immortal Sect’s major disciple could barely restrain himself and screamed up to the sky. Then in front of him, Xu Sheng, who was standing proudly in the setting sun, raised his hand and gave a gentle move. The generals of the military department strode forward directly, and after giving a great summer military salute, he let out a loud shout:

   "Daxia Glory, will finally be ordered by the commander!"

   "In the second phase of the strategic deployment, the Shield Armor and the Euphorbia Army swept the city from start to finish, making up for the fish that missed the net, and at the same time protecting the eyes of the Sitian monks who deployed the investigation and the seeds of the mountains and seas."


The middle-aged military general raised his right hand and thumped his chest. The loud response skyrocketed. He turned and stepped into the mountain gate behind him and began to dispatch troops. Then Xu Sheng turned his head and looked at the Western Barbarian King Zhong Liye, his voice continued to spread. Out:

   "Brother Zhong Li, your hands are itchy?"

   "I haven't taken a shot for several years, and my hands are itchy."

   After the response fell, Zhong Liye, king of the Western Barbarian, stretched out especially huge, warhammer-like fists, raised his mouth to show a smile, and then Xu Sheng raised his hand and pointed to the side, the old and thick voice sounded again:

"There is a divine machine pavilion in the Great Profound Land. The divine guards in the pavilion trapped a three-eyed soul race at the pinnacle of the birth and death realm. Your Majesty has clearly ordered to capture him. Go for a while?"

   "It's easy to talk, if I remember correctly, your Majesty is not particularly friendly to the three-eyed spirit race in his mind."

   Zhong Liye's eyes were full of warfare, and his lean body stepped forward. After a roar, the whole person rose into the sky like a cannonball, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

  After a few breaths, everything was arranged. Xu Sheng began to lift his feet and step forward, and the sound continued to be heard by everyone around him:

   "Ya Si Cheng, go with your father to the courtyard where Xue Dao heard the news, to see the top power of the so-called Taixuan Land, what has left us!"

   Wei Guogong Xu Sheng’s voice was icy, and then a group of people outside the Wuxianzong Mountain Gate followed the former and walked towards a small courtyard not far from here, surrounded by the Shield Armor Corps.

   then stepped forward, following Ao Bai behind the Daxia general. The girl beside him did not step forward, raising her eyebrows and asking:

   "Sister Fu, don't you go and have a look?"

After Ao Bai's voice fell, Ao Fu, who was also in white clothes behind him, raised his head and squinted his eyes to look at the mid-air ahead. The ancient black dragon Shunzi tore off the second wing. The falcon leader who kept roaring took a deep breath. After taking a breath, he continued to mutter:

   "Brother Bai, are you ready to be the enemy of the entire Taixuan Land?"

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