
read2();   "Squeak!"

The horrible sound of the folding fan slashing the scale armor seems to still be lingering in the ears, and the blood splashing scene originally envisioned in the mind has indeed appeared, but what makes all the monks in the Supreme Profound Land feel incredible is that this splash of blood It didn't come from the thin and small human race, but the three-river catfish with wild aura.

This Sanhe scorpionfish, which was seized by the high-ranking soul race, is not strong, and even the vast majority of the monks in the entire army of monks are hard to match. Because of this, the appearance of flesh and blood flying across the sky above the sea at this time, It made them feel frightened.

   A complete instant kill!


After a breath of breath, the huge corpse of the three river catfish was severely smashed on the surface of the sea, and a wave of scarlet blood was stunned. At the same time, the confident horse barn in the pathfinder cage and The entourage slumped directly back on the ground.

   "Damn, damn, this is what you promise to be foolproof? You are not saying that you can definitely complete the order given by your highness, then why you will be killed, and it is an instant kill, how do you make this son stand up in the eyes of the prince!"

Ma Cang, whose mentality has been completely out of balance, grabbed the entourage beside him and was beaten and insulted. At the same time, the prince of Central Shangguo standing on the high platform of the golden palace above his head, his complexion became extremely cold for a moment, and he spit out coldly. :

   "Things that have less success than failure!"

Before his words fell, Sima Annan, who slowly floated from the sky to the surface of the sea below, condensed slightly with his sharp eyes, and then continued to slam the fan towards the side of the void. At the next breath, a colorful river pierced through the void. The vague soul shadow blasted out of nothingness, and it was the soul that escaped from the three-eyed soul race.

Then Sima Annan raised his hand, and the struggling soul shadow of the Three-Eyed Soul Race was directly sucked in his hand. Then the former fan turned his hand, fanning inward, and lightly swiping it, accompanied by a hoarse cry of the soul shadow in his hand. Sima Annan’s young voice continued:

   "It is said that the forces of the Great Profound Land have nothing to say. The official has experienced it today, but if you cross the forbidden line, one will die, and the two will die, both are the same."

   After that, the very young official of Da Xia looked up at the army of monks occupying the entire sky and the sea in front of the dark river. After taking a breath, he let out an angry roar:

"Who else?"

Roaring and rolling, constantly lingering back and forth in the sky of the North Sea, the monks in the Supreme Profound Land on the battleship changed their colors, and then an angry tyrannical atmosphere rose in their hearts. Sima Annan’s move was undoubtedly trampling on these great forces. The high arrogance in my heart.

   "Audacious, so arrogant, Four Majesty, I'm willing to go to war, I will bring these two people back!"

   In the Golden Palace of the four princes of the Central Kingdom, a young talent stepped forward to ask for a battle, while the eldest prince and his subordinates were pale, and then the voice of the four princes with a full smile sounded from the sky:

"Brother Dahuang, your path-finder is not strong enough. Not only was it unable to reveal the truth and truth for me, but it also provokes fellow daoists to read jokes. Otherwise, the people below you should simply rest for a while, brother I’ll let people do it directly. If I get lucky, then I’ll go to the dense fog to find opportunities.”

   The words of the four princes fell, and his handsome face continued to show a very happy expression, and then he lowered his head and looked at the monks who stepped forward in the formation to fight.

As one of the emperors who have the opportunity to sit on the throne of Central Shangguo, the monks under the four princes are naturally big monks who dominate. Among them, not only are the great powers of Shangguo walking in the world, but some have even become famous. A long-time elder monk, therefore making it difficult for the four princes to make a decision for a while.

   The eyes of the four princes swept back and forth under the golden palace. After a long time, they finally locked in the silhouette of a middle-aged man standing in the corner in silence. Then the voice of the former directly sounded:

   "This battle, can Mr. Pei take action?"

   As soon as this statement came out, the eagerly eagerly asked battle in the entire four princes golden palace disappeared directly, and then the faces of the other monks showed the same expression.

   In addition to solemnity, there is also deep fear!

Afterwards, below the Golden Palace of the Four Princes, the monks who had originally gathered in front of the middle-aged man in gray, scattered to the sides, revealing the former who was slowly opening his eyes behind him. After a breath, his eyes were completely Opening it, a blue light suddenly lit up in the golden palace.

   The blue light swept outwards. After sweeping over his body, it left a stinging pain after being cut by a knife. Then the man in gray with an epee on his back stepped forward and came to the four princes, opening his mouth:

   "The orders of the Four Highnesses, Pei Jian should obey."

   The voice of this person's opening was extremely hoarse, like two rusty iron blocks rubbing against each other. After speaking, the gray-clothed man turned around, his figure directly turned into a blue breeze disappeared without a trace.

   At the same time, on the surface of the sea where the flesh and blood of the Sanhe river catfish were floating, a violent blue wind suddenly blew, and within the blue wind, a hoarse voice suddenly rang:

   "Central Shangguo Peijian, here is here to take the lives of fellow Daoists!"

   When the word Peijian resounded through the sky, countless monks in the monks' army suddenly broke out in a very violent commotion, and then a well-informed person directly explained:

   "Pei Jian, a major sword repairer who can be ranked in the top five in the Central Shangguo, was also included in the 22nd of the Great Masters by the Shenji Pavilion."

   "All the masters of the palm-line birth and death realm in the entire Taixuan land are ranked twenty-two, which is enough to show the strength. The four princes directly showed their trump cards when they came up directly this time. It seems that they are determined to win!"

As soon as this statement came out, the hearts of the monks in the land of the profound mystery were suddenly shocked, while the faces of the elder prince were extremely blue, especially Ma Cang, who was extremely pale, because he had already felt a cold and extremely cold. His gaze directly locked on his body that couldn't restrain the shaking.

At the moment when the Wuyangyang monk army was in a commotion, the blue gale swept across the sea, and the gray figure stepped out from the wind, slowly moving forward three steps, and stopped before the white line drawn by Sima Annan with Xuantian spirits. under.

   Then, under countless gazes, the gray-clothed man stretched out his hand to hold the big sword behind him. At this moment, all the noisy sounds between heaven and earth disappeared instantly, and only the whistling and fierce wind and the sound of the sword sounded alone in the world.

A sharp-edged sword intent rose to the sky above Pei Jian's body, but what was puzzling was that this great sword repairman did not raise his foot to step across the extremely conspicuous white line in front of him. It was Sima Annan who looked in front of him and continued to speak:

   "In this battle, my opponent is not you, but her."

   The voice fell, Pei Jian drew out the big sword behind his back, and the sea surface of his body instantly sank down for a large part, and the hoarse voice came out again:

   "My sword makes a living by cutting other people's swords!"


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