
read2();   "Sect Master, who is the Pei Jian who shot this front? Why are the expressions of the disciples looking at the people around them so strange and deeply jealous."

   Inside the densely packed North Sea, like a warship like a colony of ants, a young monk asked around him, and then an older man squinted his eyes to answer:

   "This Pei sword is a lunatic, a lunatic who is obsessed with the sword and kills his wife and son!"

When this statement fell, the people around who heard the words showed extremely horrified expressions, and then looked at the gray figure standing in front of the white line in front of them, and brought dignity. It is true that the word "killing a wife and killing a child" Human pressure is not small.

"This Pei Jian was originally an outer disciple of a small sect in Central Shangguo, and his real name was not Pei Jian, but on a certain day when he was forty years old, he was suddenly possessed by the sword, even named after the sword. , Began to challenge sword repairs everywhere.

"Although he won half and half at the beginning, he could always escape his life, but when he was forty-five years old, it ushered in a second turning point. In order to seek the purity of swordsmanship, he openly decided to include his wife and children. All the family members were beheaded to death, the beautiful name is one-hearted."

   "This is really a sword lunatic!"

   After hearing the words, the young disciple murmured, and then the elders of the sect beside him nodded, and the voice continued:

"Since then, his personality has changed drastically. He is usually taciturn in gray, but if he encounters Jian Xiu, he will go forward to fight with him for no reason, and he will not stop without cutting off the latter's sword. According to this, there is only one sword left in the entire world, and that is the sword in his hand."

   "It bites people like a mad dog, are the sword repairmen of the Central Kingdom turn a blind eye?"

   "Of course not."

   After talking about this, these older sect overhaulers, watching the more complex colors in the eyes of Pei Jian ahead, continued to speak:

"The sword repairing powers of the Central Shangguo have taken actions. Pei Jian fled to Fufeng County outside of the Central Shangguo. Then he was cut into a hurricane in Fufeng County for nearly ten years without clothing. He finally comprehended the Qinglan swordsmanship and since then Dacheng returned to Tangdu, killed all his enemies, and was listed in the Shenji Pavilion, known as the Sword Mad Master.

   "This Sect Master thought that Yi Pei Jian's temperament would be congenial to the third of the Central Shangguo who is also a lunatic, but he did not expect to be under the seat of the Fourth Prince. It is really weird."

The old Sect Master’s words have not yet fallen, and the roaring sea surface of the sword in front of it has changed again. The gray-clothed man Pei Jian, who completely drew the big sword from his back, pointed it straight at the sword student standing in front of the sea, hoarse. The voice came out:

   "I have a feeling, as long as I kill you, kendo can be done, maybe I can step on that bridge."

"What! This Pei Jian actually regarded this battle as his own battle of proof, that means that the masked human race has a very strong kendo cultivation. Maybe I can see the best kendo in the world. Showdown."

   A cry of exclamation sounded one after another in the cultivator formation of the Supreme Profound Land. Behind Sima Annan, the red lips of the sword student standing with the sword lightly opened, and everyone was shocked by the young female voice:

   "Master Sima, please escape backward!"

   "Er turned out to be a woman, really beyond the master's expectation. The woman uses a sword to be soft but not strong enough. I hope you don't disappoint me."

The icy hoarse voice continued to be heard from Pei Jian’s mouth, and then the not-so-big Sword Mad Master, under the eyes of everyone, raised his sword and stepped forward, stepping across the dazzling line above the sea. White line.

   This white line is the line of life and death, and it also means that this piece of North Sea will once again float on a sword repairer with blood and broken sword!

   "Those who cross the line die, sword live, cut it!"

Sima Annan's murderous voice resounded across the sky, and the next breath, all the monks who watched all of this place suddenly jumped their eyebrows, because the endless violent sword energy instantly covered every inch of the North Sea in front of them, but they took the lead. It was not Jian Sheng, but a Pei Jian with his mouth open, revealing an extremely excited and excited look.

The big sword in Pei Jian's hand was cyan, but this cyan was not the rippling blue of blue waves, but the hazy gray blue like the mist lingering in the green hills, and then this gray blue sword swept across the void. The extremely profound path pierced the Jiansheng in front of him.

   "Supernatural power. Mist kill!"

The trajectory of the gray-blue sword light in Pei Jian's hand directly touched a kendo law unique to the Supreme Profound Land in the next breath, and then a huge law sword condensed from countless mists suddenly appeared across the sea. , Wrapped in the mighty power of cutting annihilation, thrust down towards Jiansheng with great force.

On the sea surface between Pei Jian and Jiansheng, because of this sky-shattering magical power, the Qinglan sword aura pouring violently outwards, directly separated from the middle to the two sides, looking from a distance, it was as if a huge wound had been torn out. .

Countless cyan mists rolled in the azure ash sword that crazily approached towards the swordsman. Each mist was formed by a densely packed small sword swimming like countless small fishes. At the same time, the small sword , Contains a shocking edge that is enough to break open the incomparable scale armor.

"This is what Pei Jian understands, the unique Qinglan swordsmanship, which integrates swiftness, sharpness, and concealment, condensed into a sword, scattered into a fog, and it is impossible to guard against. Once it hits the ground, countless fog swords are added, and you want to get out. It’s extremely unlikely."

Among the cultivators of the Supreme Profound Land, there are not many sword repairs with long swords on their backs. Therefore, many of them are very familiar with Pei Jian and spoke out. Then there are other sword repairs with extraordinary cultivation skills. :

  " Pei Jian’s magical sword moves are just like his own. It is a completely crazy style of play. Once you press your hand, it will be life-and-death, like a tsunami-like continuous wave of attacks, which is extremely difficult.

"Therefore, as I wait for the sword repair, I understand that the key to fighting against it is to find a way to avoid this first mighty impact and come to Lanwu to kill the sword. Now I don't know if this mysterious Sunken Mountain Clan can have This is an insight."

   As soon as this person's voice came out, all the surrounding monks nodded one after another. High-ranking monks with similar realms, especially the sword-cultivation fighting between life and death, could determine the final life and death with every subtle decision.

After that, the eyes of countless monks in these profound places condensed directly on the surface of the sea, on the slender figure that was completely locked by the murderous magical power, but the next breath, the pupils of these monks shrank slightly, and they subconsciously muttered. :

   "This person doesn't move. Could it be that his cultivation is shallow, and he can't even break free from Qi?"

I saw that this ethereal and vast Lanwu sword had already crossed half of the void, but the black robe was flying, and the extremely petite swordman was still on the surface of the sea without moving, even the sword in his arms was not drawn. It seemed that there was no reaction at all.

   "Draw your sword, what are you doing in a daze, draw your sword!"

   Ma Cang, who was sitting paralyzed in the cage far away, roared frantically in his heart. At this moment, he infinitely yearned for Pei Jian to break his sword here. In this way, he still had a chance to speak of.

   Lanwu sword gas tore through the void, and almost completely blasted the girl into a sieve in the next second. After that moment, Ma Cang's horrified eyes suddenly changed, and the color of ecstasy suddenly appeared on it, and he even let out a roar:

   "My son should never die!"

   At the same time, Jiansheng holding a sword on the sea raised his right hand forward, his slender and white fingers spread out, and a cold voice came out:


   After speaking, the Lanwu Dao Sword that was violently forward turned from movement to silence in an instant, and stopped in front of him. It was difficult to advance, just like a completely tamed hound.

   Jiansheng can tame all the swords in the world, because she is now the master of kendo!

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