The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1314: Western Regions


read2();   Loud noises roared, and waves crashed and fell like rain.

   Then, in full view, a novice monk walked out of the waves dancing with a smile on his left hand and holding a flower that was almost withered on his right hand.

   It is tall and tall between the steps forward, but the dripping waves do not touch the body. It seems to shuttle from cause and effect, so mysterious.

   This novice monk at Shuntian Temple has a handsome face. Although he has no hair and hair, but his eyes are delicate, if he is seen by some women in the shops, he must say that he is so handsome, but unfortunately he is a monk.

There are so many powers in the Taixuan Land, and there are not many temples erected in the 107 prefecture, so you can often see some Dutuo and novices in cassocks walking on the land, but at this time young monks appear in front of everyone. The golden robes made everyone recognize his identity at a glance.

   In the entire Taixuan place, there is only one place where monks can wear golden robes, and that is Suncheon Temple!

"Shuntian Temple, one of the five sects of the Hidden World, the one who holds the best of the world's temples, is far away from the Tianyan Taoist Temple from the west to the east, and is often not born. Why this time is so important to this fairy mountain opportunity? You need to know that the place in the Western Regions is far from the North Sea. The journey is not short."

   The appearance of the novice monk at Shuntian Temple did not make the monks of the major forces on the sea any happy, but frowned. Since the ancient temples, there are many temples in the west, while the rest are full of Taoist temples.

   The Western Regions are sparsely populated, and there are not many influences. At this time, most of the monks who are present are practicing the magical powers of the authentic immortal palace, and naturally they don't like the monks.

There was a lot of discussion, a gold shoe stepped gently on the undulating sea, and then this young novice from Shuntian Temple stopped, with piercing eyes, watching Sima Annan who was pouring wine in front of him. , The magnetic sound came out:

   "Little monk at Shuntian Temple, Jianhuai, I have seen a human donor!"

   "Unexpectedly, there really is a Buddhist temple in the Taixuan land. The official thought it was in the legend."

   Sima Annan put down the wine glass in his hand and stood up from behind the table. His dark eyes and Monk Jianhuai's eyes met, and the voice of inquiry continued:

   "Master Jianhuai is going to cross this forbidden line when he ends up, breaking my Daxia rules?"

   Sima Annan’s voice became colder and colder. For Daxia generals, whether it was a Buddha or a Tao, as long as it was an enemy, there was only one option.

   "The donor has a strong killing intent, and the poor monk can feel the terrifying murderous intent in the front. I want to come and wait for these immortal mountain island tribes who have just been born to fight with the monks in the Supreme Profound Land."

After    finished speaking, Jian Huai raised his head, passed the flying figure of Sima Annan in white, looked at the rolling void of the mist of Taoism behind him, shook his head and continued to speak:

   "Human donor, the little monk did not come here to break the rules of other countries. The monks are compassionate and do not like killing."

The voice of    fell, Jian Huai raised the corners of his mouth, his eyes seemed to flash with rich golden Buddha light, and the words that continued to spread became louder and louder, and finally turned into magnificent and loud Buddhist words that resounded across the sky:

   "The little monk is here this time, not to kill, but to redeem!"

  As soon as this statement came out, not only was the monk in the land of the profound mystery showing a look of surprise, even Sima Annan's handsome face showed a weird expression, and he spoke with interest:

   "What is redemption, does my official want to hear the details?"

"Saving the lives of countless lives on Mount Daiyu and Yuanqiao is tantamount to a great deed. With this merit, the little monk was guided by the Buddha in the temple and came to the North from the Western Regions several years ago. This matter."

   Jianhuai did not hide anything, and opened the tray directly, but this made the expressions of the surrounding monks more and more weird, and even some monks who were quite suspicious of Buddhist temples secretly spit out:

   "With a mouthful of compassionate words and doing ridiculous things, these bald-headed monks are still disgusting as always."

As soon as    said, the other monks on the side waved their hands to stop them, and then a solemn voice came out:

   "The Daoist said carefully, there are many mad believers under these temples. If this statement is spread, there will be endless believers who will come to chase you endlessly."

   The words fell, and the expressions of the people who nodded in agreement suddenly changed slightly. They closed their mouths and stopped talking. In the land of Tai Xuan, the temple believers have always been known for their piety and madness.

   Then these monks continued to turn their eyes to the shaky bald figure in the golden robes below, wanting to see what else they would say, and then the latter's voice continued to be uploaded on the surface of the sea:

"Several years ago, when the little monk entered the Shuntian Temple, he suddenly felt that there will be **** battles in the north. Therefore, he left the temple and went north to prevent this one, which would cause the entire Taixuan land to fall into charcoal. In the war."

   "You want to stop it by your own strength, for fear that you will not have enough power."

   Sima Annan’s response was still as heroic as before. Then he raised his right hand and pointed to the vast number of monks who occupied the sea and sky in the dark, and continued to speak word by word:

   "It hasn't even been three days since the birth of the vast land of my divine state in the land of the Taixuan, but these monks are already on the ground, even ignoring the ban issued by the official of the Great Xia, to force the ban, my Great Xia has only one battle!"

The word "  " came from Sima Annan's mouth with a decisive and decisive voice. At the same time, with the iron and blood suffocating, he looked at the Jianhuai standing in front of the sea, and the sound of inquiry continued to roll out:

   "You said you can stop fighting, how to stop fighting?"

"It's very simple. You just need to convert to Buddhism for the newly born people of the two immortal mountains, and the Western Regions monasteries headed by my Shuntian Temple will do their best to protect themselves from other forces, even if they are the holy court, the same not afraid."

When    Jianhuai’s words were neither light nor heavy, all the people who heard it on the entire North Sea changed their expressions wildly and uttered an angry roar:

   "Shuntian Temple chants the scriptures all the time, but it becomes a madman, how dare you dare to risk the world and openly monopolize this opportunity against heaven!"

   "The demon monks of the Western Regions are in trouble in the West on weekdays, but now they want to reach out to the Central Plains. Who gave you the courage!"

At this time, the great power monks in the Central Plains in the Great Profound Land above the North Sea, the anger in their hearts can be imagined. Shuntian Temple has learned this statement, if it is not a personal expression of spirit, it can almost be regarded as facing the Western Regions. The Central Plains forces declared war in the North Sea.

   "The monks do not slander, but hope that the donor and the people behind the donor will consider it carefully."

After finishing the sentence, Jian Huai raised the hand of the residual flower, folded in front of him, and performed a Buddhist ceremony. At the same time, on the entire North Sea sky, one after another silhouette suddenly cut through the void, and fell from the sky like a meteor. Above the sea, billowing waves rose again.

After a breath, there appeared one after another bald monks behind Jian Huai, old and young, but no one wore gold robes anymore, but silver, gray, brown, etc., indicating that these monks came from different temple.

   "Tingshan Temple of the Western Region, in accordance with the decree of Shuntian Temple."

   The first monk in silver robes folded his hands together, and the voice came out, and then another monk beside him also gave the Buddha salute, and the voice continued:

   "Tianyuan Temple, I also wish to respect the decree of Tianyuan Temple."

   "Dajue Temple, I also wish to respect the decrees of Shuntian Temple."

   One after another monk spoke, the monks above the sea suddenly felt a terrible fear, and they couldn't help muttering:

   "There is chaos, the Western Regions are about to go to the Central Plains!"


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