For most of the monks in the Taixuan Land in the middle of the North Sea at this time, standing on the big ship, this time the birth of the North Land Xianshan can be described as a wave of unrest.

   Not only was the way forward was blocked, and even many Buddhist temples in the Western Regions had to step in, trying to use this upheaval in the north to provoke a dispute between Buddhism and Taoism.

   "The attitude of Shuntian Temple this time is so tough, and the rest of the temples are respected by it. It seems that Buddhism's move was not a temporary intention, but a long-planned plan."

   Some big power leaders raised their hands and touched the white beards on their chests and murmured, while some of the powers in the county adjacent to the Western Regions had a colder complexion, turning their heads to look back frequently, and there were countless thoughts intertwined in their eyes.

   For them, once the Western Regions change, the root forces of these people will undoubtedly bear the brunt.

   "Sect Master, what should I do now?"

   The voice of the monk from the same clan came into his ears, and after a few breaths of thought by these dignified rulers, they slowly spoke:

   "I waited so far to come to the Northland. There is absolutely no reason to go back now. Let me watch the changes. There are so many top forces here, how can these Western Region monks be allowed to be arrogant."

   Having said that, the atmosphere in the camp of the entire monk army suddenly began to change, as if a layer of haze was added, and there was a sense of suffocation that the mountains and rain were about to come.

   "This human donor, can you think about the proposal of the little monk?"

   Above the sea, the voice from Jianhuai continued to sound, and then this handsome novice, who was guarded by the stars of the rest of the temple monks in the center, smiled and continued to speak:

   "If the donor is unable to make a direct decision, he can also go back and ask the decision-maker. The Buddhists have a saying that the time to come will always come. The two celestial mountains reborn in the Taixuan land are related to Buddhism."

After    finished speaking, Jian Huai picked up the remnant flower in his hand, and the magnetic and mellow voice rang in everyone's ears again:

"This flower is the last flower I picked before I stepped into Beihai County. It has lost the nourishment of the earth, and by this time it has been dilapidated. Maybe you don’t know the donor, but now the human race is in the realm of Supreme Profound. , It is much more dangerous than this residual flower.

"Tens of thousands of years ago, shortly after the sinking of the two immortals, the holy court began to issue a holy order, concluding that the human race with black eyes was one of the murderers of the immortal palace’s collapse, and offered a reward for hunting them. Since then, the human race has completely fallen into In a desperate state of darkness, and now, no human figure can be found in each county."

   Jianhuai’s voice was full of compassion enough to make people cry, as if his close relatives suffered cruel persecution like a human race, and then he lifted the remaining flower in his hand to the front, and the voice of compassion continued:

   "You can ask these so-called big forces behind, which one of their hands is not contaminated with human blood? And this time, they are bringing people menacingly, in order to wipe them out."

After speaking, Jian Huai raised his hands, facing the remnant flower in front of him, a golden Buddha light burst out from his hand, and everyone whispered Buddhist words suddenly sounded in their ears. Then Jian Huai raised his head sharply, staring at him with scorching eyes. Sima Annan, standing with his hand held up, opened his mouth and let out a loud shout:

   "Only by taking refuge in my Buddhism can you be blessed. This is your last chance!"

   The word Refuge resounded directly in everyone’s ears like thunder, and then the complexion of the prince of Shangguo and the others in the center changed suddenly, and they all let out a roar:

   "The demon monks confuse the people, you don't have to wait any longer, just launch an attack, and crush these demon monks and human races under the torrent of supernatural powers!"

   The rolling roar resounded across the sky, and under the pressure of the temples of the Western Regions, even the Great Prince of the Central Empire, who had his own ideas in his heart, put away the idea of ​​taking advantage, and took the lead with the army of monks to slowly press forward.

   At the next breath, I felt the apprehension of the cultivator army from behind and continued to stare at Sima Annan in front of him. The voice came out:

   "The donor, the monk torrents are coming down the city, it is up to you to choose whether you die or die!"

Before    Jianhuai's words fell, a whole number of hundreds of magical powers poured down from behind, directly covering all the monks of the Western Regions, and it only took a short moment to evaporate countless sea water.

  After a few breaths, the infinite Buddha light rose up from the mist, then rushed to the sky, and then the voice of Jianhuai continued to resound through the sky:

   "Don't hit the south wall, I don't know how to look back, my promise to the Buddhist Temple of the Western Regions has always been valid. If you take refuge, you will be blessed!"

   "If the temples of the Western Regions want to find death, it is difficult to save the Buddha. After the opportunity of the North Sea is divided, the entire Taixuan Land will have another battle to destroy the Buddha!"

   The stern voice of the Great Prince of the Central Empire blasted, and then he raised his right hand and patted forward. The golden dragon roared out and plunged into the mist, directly suppressing the trembling void and the lake.

   However, there are no traces of monks from the Western Regions in the land covered by magical powers, only Sima Annan in white fluttering on the sea not far away, and a swordman standing holding a crystal sword.

The army of cultivators continued to roll forward. It took less than a hundred breaths. The cultivator of the prince of the Central Shangguo at the forefront had already come before the white line drawn by Sima Annan with Xuantian Wine, followed by the solemn Sima Annan. Watching the torrent of monks rolling in, he opened his mouth and let out a roar:

   "This official emphasized once again that if you cross the line and invade the Great Xia territory, you will be arrogant about your life and death, don't say it is unpredictable!"

   "Tear this arrogant human race to this prince, whether it is a demon monk in the Western Regions or a vast land of China, under the torrent of my Central Plains monks, there is only one death!"

  The voice of the prince of the Central Shangguo was full of domineering, and at this time, he had already regarded himself as the leader who ordered countless monks, and opening his mouth was a murderous command.

At the same time, the monks under his command directly crossed the forbidden line set by Sima Annan, and the five great swords flew directly from the top of the Golden Palace, rising against the storm, turning into streamers, and facing Sima Annan and Jiansheng below. Next, it was the Great Sword Sect who was the most sharp under the seat of the Grand Prince and made a full shot.

   "Sovereign, do you follow?"

   More and more inquiries sounded from the monks' army, and then a solemn response came out:

   "Follow, finish this Beihai matter early and return to the sect. The lord always feels uneasy."

   After these great power suzerains and elders made their decisions, the army of cultivators, which had stopped above the sea like a dark cloud, began to move forward in turbulent torrents, and the whole world was suddenly surging with infinite murderous opportunities.

   "Jiansheng, retreat!"

A murderous voice came from Sima Annan's mouth, and then his white figure jumped and disappeared directly back in the mist of the rolling air. The next breath, Jiansheng clenched his hand like a crystal sword with scarlet blood flowing in it slowly. He lifted up, took a step forward with his right foot, and cut countless swords in front of him in an instant.

   "Supernatural powers. Blade storm!"

  In an instant, the cyan stegosaurus directly poured out countless swords from the back of the girl. These blades hovered and soared into the sky around the huge body of the stegosaurus, forming a vast storm leaning against the sky.


   Hundreds of millions of sword blades become a storm, and the sword roar is noisy like a ghost!

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