The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1317: The core opportunity of Beihai


read2();  The vast land of China in the far north, the boundless darkness of tens of thousands of years, was completely broken by the first ray of dawn this morning, the long-lost light dispelled the darkness, and the whole world suddenly brightened .

   The longest and darkest night, there will be dawn.

Not only the northernmost part of the vast land of Shenzhou, but also the entire northern snowfields, and the entire Tianmenguan, began to be gradually bathed in sunlight. Then one of the people came to the window and squinted at Zeng. The snow covered in darkness sighed:

   "It turns out that this one hundred thousand mountains in the dark, like a group of demons, turned out to be such a majestic and magnificent scene, truly surpassing the world."

As the people of Tianmenguan murmured and admired, the sunlight above the sky became more and more intense, sprinkling on the white snowfield, reflecting a dazzling light, and then the winter snow fortress in the far north was cold. The extreme low temperature of frozen bones rises rapidly under the sun.

At the same time, on the snow armor of the northern soldiers of the fortress, a large number of water drops began to emerge continuously, across the firm faces of the human race, and dripping down, while the eyes of these elite soldiers of the northern army were fixed on The sleepless giant still struggling above the huge world city in front of him, let out a roar.

   Dongxue Fortress clicked on the platform, and the Tianmen Hou Jiang Qing wearing scarlet blood armor narrowed his eyes like a **** thunder. After a few breaths of thought, he spoke:

   "Since I waited for the vast land of Shenzhou to be born in the land of Taixuan, Benhou felt that this giant ao had become particularly irritable, as if there was a force attracting the North Sea outside."

   "Perhaps this is the feeling of being close to the hometown and is more timid, not only this sleepless giant, but even the deity has a little uncontrollable throbbing in his heart."

Beside Tianmen Hou Jiangqing, the burly lava like a hill responded, and then the ancient giant born in the Longbo Kingdom of the Supreme Profound Land, glanced sideways at the Lingbo floating above the sky behind. Lake Country, continued to open his mouth, and made a hoarse voice:

   "Jianghou Lord, this seat is ordered by your majesty to come and open this city. I don't know if everything is ready?"

   "The 300,000 soldiers of the Northern Army, as well as the equipment specially made by the Ministry of Industry, called Jacks, are ready!"

   Jiang Qing's calm and confident voice fell, Lava nodded boasting, the entire huge body sank, knees bent, and the voice sounded again:

"When this seat came, Sima Annan went to the front alone to delay the advancement of the monks' army in the Taixuan Land, and bought enough time for the deployment of the rear army on the North Sea, and the rear Wei Guogong Xu Sheng took down Shen Xiancheng. Together with the descendants of the Immortal Mountain in Wuxian City, a barrier was formed, preventing the remaining forces from going north to enter the battlefield.

"At the strategic level, Daxia has completed the encirclement of the monks in the Taixuan Land of the North Sea. The next step is to enter the stage of real life and death. The Northern Army cannot have so many people stationed in the Arctic. Only by putting the Sleepless God Ao into the North Sea can the soldiers of the Winter Snow Fortress be completely liberated!"

After   , the burly body of lava rose into the sky like a cannonball, and turned into a jet black streamer, hitting the northern boundary city in front of him. At the same time, Tianmen Hou Jiang Qing's command sound rolled out:

   "The Northern Military Law Repair Corps, the magical frost cage, temporarily seals the action of Sleepless Giant Ao!"

At the next breath, on the wall of the Winter Snow Fortress, a group of French soldiers wearing snow-white Northern Army robes raised their hands one after another, behind the ancient magic soldiers, the spirits of the ancient spell soldiers were released outward, a white stream of light blasted towards Ahead, like the tentacles of the ancient gods and monsters, shrouded toward the sleepless giant ao, and then Jiang Qing's commands continued to resound through the sky:

   "The northern military force repairs, bring the organs to help the lava exaggerated people to rise to the Arctic City!"


   A deafening response skyrocketed, and the gates of the Winter Snow Fortress opened, and then huge box-shaped puppets were repaired by the northern forces to withdraw from the gates, and quickly marched towards the northern boundary city.

After ten breaths, Lava’s burly body came to the northern boundary city, and then this man with luxuriant beard and hair, braided and hung on his chest, the guard of the Emperor Daxia, raised his head and glanced at the magically sealed frost cage. The sleepless giant anchored his hands and feet, pursed his lips and squatted, stretched out his hands to grab the edge of the city in front of him, and let out a deafening roar and roar on his back:

   "Give me, get up!"

The sky shattered and shattered the sky. In an instant, the huge body of lava expanded rapidly. At the same time, countless orange-red hot flowing lava emerged from the body surface one after another, just like the blood vessels exploding outward when exerting force, extremely hot. The breath exploded outward.

Then the lava boasted that the ground covered by ten thousand years of cold ice began to melt rapidly. In just a few breaths, this part of the Arctic was suddenly shaken, and even the Winter Snow Fortress was trembling. At the same time, this The boundary city of Henglan Tiandi, under the violent power of lava, began to rise from the ground.

   "Master Hou, this world city was lifted by exaggerated people!"

  Behind Jiang Qing, a horrified voice sounded from a child of the Jiang family. Then Jiang Qing nodded, and a solemn response sounded:

"Looking at the appearance of the collapse of the ice under this city, Benhou suspects that our feet are made up of countless glaciers, and after the city is lifted, at the current rate of melting, this very northern land may be soon , It will become a vast ocean!"

When the voice of Hou Jiang in Tianmen was heard, the height of the northern boundary city was raised by the lava boasting crazy shaking, and then a large number of soldiers from the northern military force rushed to the boundary city, pushing the huge organs, and extremely well-trained to stuff the golden dome into the boundary city. Below, began to shake the mechanism, and continued to lift the Arctic City.

Under the combination of a series of huge forces, the far north boundary city carrying the sleepless giant ao towards the nine sky sky of the North Sea suddenly rose, and what made the faces of Lava Kua and others changed slightly was that when the boundary city rose to a certain level After the height, it doesn't need any lifting force anymore, but directly rises violently by itself, faster and faster.

   "Your Majesty's guess is correct, this extremely northern boundary city plays a vital role in repairing this broken heavenly path.

"Once this boundary city completely absorbs the mist of Hokkaido abandoned, and rises into the air to block the broken Beihai sky dome above, then this piece of Beihai County, which has been barren for tens of thousands of years, will become a source of vitality and luck from all directions. Huge black hole!"

   After the terrifying voice of lava boasting, he raised his head, watched the rising, and continued to violently absorb the entire Arctic City in the center of the North Sea, murmured:

"The recovery of the entire Beihai County is unstoppable. It will not be long before it will become a top blessing place. Whoever can occupy this place will have the deepest foundation of this new era. This is the core of this North Sea upheaval. Chance!"


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