
read2();  "Report, Your Majesty, the Lava Exaggerator together with the soldiers of the Northern Army lifted the Northern Territory City from the extreme north, and this Territory City took the sleepless giant ao into the nine heavens. And continue to violently absorb the fog of Taoism around Liangxian Mountain."

At the Baidi Palace in the capital city, the deep and clear voice of the secretary of the Great Xia Transmission Commander resounded in the hall of the Emperor Great Hall. Then Li Chunfeng, under the high platform of the throne, took the small golden hammer in his hand and gently knocked on the small bell beside him on.


   After the quaint and melodious voice came out, the pictures of mountains and seas above the officials' heads began to ripple.

In the next breath, now the sight of the Arctic land appears directly [Biqudao] Now everyone can see the Arctic City that traverses the entire world, and all the runes on it shine outward at the same time. Then the vast and infinite force of suppression swept outwards, frantically devouring the thick thick fog above the sky.

The speed of    Boundary City's ascent into the sky has been slow from the beginning to getting faster and faster. It took only ten breaths before it rushed out of the enveloped range of the Heavenly Way of the Mountains and Seas, and completely crashed into the sky of Beihai.

At this moment, all the big monks above the palm edge birth and death realm above the North Sea suddenly changed their complexions, because they could clearly feel that the sky above the North Sea, which had been shattered for tens of thousands of years due to blood battles, Unprecedented changes are taking place.

   "Your Majesty, it's not just that the world city is absorbing the mist of Taoism and has lost the isolation of our mountains and seas. That sleepless giant is also consuming the mist of Taoism to recover and grow."

  In the Palace of the Emperor, Li Chunfeng’s old voice came out, and then he sat on the high platform above him, staring at the young emperor in front of the mountain and sea map with majestic eyes, and placed the army mobilization folder on the table, and Emperor Huang Huang's voice followed:

"It is said that the ubiquitous gray fog in the North Sea was left after the **** battle in the North Sea before the legendary Chaos Deshen Sea, which was inverted after the ebb tide. Therefore, its essence is the same as that of the Chaos Sea. For the sleepless god's Ao, which has been sealed for tens of thousands of years, it is like a tiger returning to the mountain and the fish returning to Qianyuan."

As soon as Zhao Yu’s emperor’s voice fell, everyone’s sight saw the sleepless divine ao, which was hooked on the body by countless huge dragon fishing rods and hooks and pressed against the city, with a terrifying roar from the sky, directly surrounding the road. The mist of Abandonment was swallowed in one bite.

   After that, his already extremely large body swelled a hundred times again, and directly turned into a violent giant that covered the sky and covered the sun, occupying the entire center of the North Sea.

   "The immortal mountain is on the top of the sea, and the ao is enough to stand four poles. It turns out that this is the complete state of the sleepless giant. It is so huge and boundless, I am afraid it is comparable to most of our vast territory!"

One after another, gasps sounded in the Palace of Emperor Ji, and then the eyes of these great officials shrank inward again, because this sleepless giant raised his feet and pulled the gold line of the fishing dragon rod inward, and then opened his fangs. The exposed huge mouth, biting on the golden thread, began to bite frantically.

Accompanied by the harsh rubbing sound, under the incredible gaze, this extremely strong dragon silk was directly bitten off by Shenao, and then the dragon silk shrieked back because of the huge counter-shock force. , And even blasted the void along the road into dark cracks.


After    was completely free, the sleepless **** ao once again made a roar like a dragon and not a dragon, and then it began to move its four legs, using the fog of Taoism above the void as the sea, and rushing along the direction of the golden thread retracting.

There are hardly any words to describe the anger of Sleepless Giant Ao at this time. It is true that although Giant Ao’s spiritual intelligence is mostly lost due to sleeplessness, the endless anger caused by being dragged by a fishing dragon rod to an infinite distance still makes the latter in It was violent in an instant, and pursued the culprit ahead.

At the same time, at the moment when the sleepless giant ao smashed the golden thread of the fishing dragon rod, the Xuemei monarch, who was rapidly advancing towards the center above the North Sea, stopped suddenly, and the cold female voice said Outgoing:

   "Sleepless God Ao, it's really difficult!"

After finishing the words, the figure in the wind and snow directly threw the dragon fishing rod in his hand in front of him, and immediately after his hands were sealed, stretched out to both sides, and the two hands of the monarch of Xuemei Kingdom, like ice jade, An unheard of mysterious power directly penetrated into the void in front of him.

At the next breath, the monarch of Xuemei Kingdom retracted his hands and slammed backwards. Two huge ice ships were pulled out from the void. On the ice ships, a monk from Xuemei Kingdom was standing. The Xuemei Nation warship that retreated outwards and retreated due to the aftermath of violent vigor.

Then in just fifty breaths, the Xuemei Kingdom used the same method to pull out ten warships full of Xuemei cultivators from the void. Then these people’s ears, the former’s cold female voice continued. Sounds:

   "Go ahead and board the fairy island, I will come afterwards!"

After   , the third eye of the Xuemei Monarch's eyebrows suddenly opened, and the temperature in the North Sea all over his body dropped at an extremely violent speed. Numerous frost swept outwards, and a vague idol appeared behind the Xuemei Monarch.

   This idol is in the color of colorful colored glaze. Although it is only a ghost, it has the supreme power of swallowing the sky and the earth. As the supreme will gradually wakes up, no matter the sea or the void, everything is suppressed.

At the next breath, the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom raised his hands that were completely exuding the light of colored glaze, and reached out. At the same time, the supreme Taoist statue behind him also stretched out the hand of the huge colored glaze, and rolled forward. Catch it in the mist of Tao abandoned.

After an instant, an anger came out from the gray mist, and then the dense mist of Taoism began to boil at an extremely violent speed, and rolled outwards. In the blink of an eye, the mighty and vast body of the sleepless **** Ao The mist rushed out, opened his huge mouth covering the sky, and completely enveloped the monarch of Xuemei Kingdom.

   "If it is on weekdays, I will blast you back to the Chaos Sea, but today I am going to go to the island, so I am crazy!"

   An extremely cold voice came from under the flying frost and snow, and the glazed hands of the Taoist statue behind the monarch of Xuemei grabbed the body of the sleepless giant ao, and then the vast colorful light immediately completely frozen the giant ao from head to tail.

   Then the Monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom turned around, exerted force, and directly smashed the entire giant ao towards the rear!

   A deafening roar resounded across the sky, and the entire behemoth formed a huge parabola in the sky, and then billowing black air blasted out from the body of the giant Ao, smashing the ice outside the body in the blink of an eye.

After a breath, the sleepless giant ao smashed to the rear suddenly raised its head, looking directly at the sky ahead with bloodthirsty crazy eyes, and saw the end of the sky. It happened that there were rounds of terrestrial fairyland kingdoms coming quickly, covering the entire half of the sky. Dyed colorful.


   After a roar, the sleepless giant pounced towards the land gods and fairyland in front of the country.

   "Damn it, Sleepless Sect, still such a powerful sleepless giant, such a monarch of the Snow Enchanted Kingdom, it will cloud me all!"


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