
read2();  "Your Majesty, now I have been chasing into this fog of abandonment for about half an hour, and the fog of Taoism and abandonment in all directions is indispensable. Next, the power of the monk’s divine consciousness will be compressed to the greatest extent. This is not a powerful terrain suitable for combat."

   Outside the Great Prince’s Golden Palace, a report from the adviser from below sounded, and then the central prince of Shangguo flying in a golden python robe, staring at the fog of Taoist abandoned in front of him like a **** barrier, the voice of inquiry came out:

   "Can the traces of the two human races be found?"

  As soon as this question came out, the monks below the Golden Temple lowered their eyebrows and fell into silence. Then the counselor who had spoken to the matter before, bit the bullet and continued to respond:

   "Back to your Highness, the fog of Tao Qi is too weird, so I have lost the trace of these two human races."

   The person's response has not yet fallen, and the voice of the prince above directly followed:

   "Your Highness just asked, "Is the direction I am waiting for at this time going towards the center of the North Sea, or is it turning around in place?"

   "Yes, it should be to the north, just because of the fog of Taoism, so there is an illusion of turning in circles."

   Facing the prince's fierce and aggressive questioning, these counsellors burst into sweat on their foreheads, and they stubbornly spoke. Then the former's face became more and more cold, and he spoke lightly:

   "Release all the pathfinder dogs you caught before to explore the surrounding environment. By the way, let Ma Cang lead the team. If you still don't find out why, let him roll as far as you can and never come back."


After about thirty breaths, the huge cage below the Golden Palace on the side of the elder prince fell directly from mid-air, directly on the sea below, and then a large number of disheveled monks rushed from the cage. After coming out, he randomly chose the direction and spread out in all directions.

   Time passed slowly, and most of an hour passed by again, and then the voice of the counselor came out again on the Golden Palace of the Great Prince:

"His Royal Highness, we have a special formation on these pathfinder dogs. We can deprive these people of their senses within a certain range for their own use, see what they see, listen to what they hear, and based on the feedback from the formation at this time. Look, all the pathfinder dogs are still alive and not in danger."

After finishing the sentence, the person raised his hand and patted lightly. A light curtain appeared directly above the void in front of the temple. In the light curtain, one after another red dots spread out from the place where the golden temple was located, and radiated outward. The area is not small.

   "Let my Highness lock the position of Ma Cang, I want to see the environment around this waste."

As soon as the central empire’s remarks were made, the faces of all the talents of the Zongmen who had come from Tangdu underneath changed slightly. No matter how big the mistakes were in this Ma Cang, the latter belonged to the central sect in essence. Disciple, they are in the same line.

   "Follow your highness!"

   The response fell, and the monks who controlled the formation below began to display their magical powers. The picture in the light curtain gradually became clear, and then appeared above it was a fierce and extremely angry looking immortal sect young man Ma Cang.

   "Don't go hurry up, you wait for these lowly pathfinder dogs, don't think that at this time they are still the high-ranking young masters in the sect. At this point, you are all dogs, understand?"

   chattering curses came from Ma Cang's mouth, and because the former possesses a strong ability to find and locate, he brought many pathfinder dogs to shuttle in the thick fog of road abandoned.

   Then Ma Cang raised his hand and waved forward, slammed the long whip in his hand directly to the side, and slammed it firmly on the back of a cultivator who had deviated from the direction, who let out a very screaming scream.

"Don't think about escaping. At this time, in this gray fog, not only we sent the Pathfinder, but the rest of the forces that rushed into the fog also released a large number of people. The only way to survive is to take the lead. Find those two silent fairy islands and make great contributions!"

When Ma Cang spoke this word, the look in his eyes was not good, because this was the only way he could atone for his sins. However, at the next breath, Ma Cang's brows suddenly jumped because of a very slight whistling. The sound rang directly from the ears, and at the same time it was introduced into the eardrum, and there was also the chuckle of the arrow inserted into the flesh and blood.

A second later, a pathfinder cultivator next to Ma Cang appeared with a rotating arrow at the same time. The arrow directly penetrated the entire head. Then these cultivators were like cut down wheat. A stubble fell down.

   "There was an attack, **** it!"

Ma Cang let out a weird cry, without even thinking about it, he directly poured out his whole body vitality, forming a defensive enchantment covering the whole body. After the lightning and stone fire, an armor-piercing arrow directly rotated and blasted at this layer of defense. Above the barrier, while rotating inward, there was a creepy sound.

This piercing arrow was so fierce that Ma Cang’s eyebrows were only one strand away from the center of his eyebrows. Then Ma Cang’s hands were sealed, and a flash of magical power was blasted forward, the arrow blasted away, and the whole person retreated three steps backwards. , Raised his hand and wiped his eyebrows, and found the blood on one hand.

   "His Royal Highness, found the location of these human races!"

   After the Pathfinder was collectively wiped out by Daxia scouts, a monk hurriedly spoke up above the Golden Temple where the Great Prince was. Then the Great Prince of the Central Empire slammed his sleeve forward and let out a roar:

   "You fellows, the location of the sinking Immortal Mountain Human Race has been determined. Follow the prince to conquer it, and take this opportunity against the sky!"

The roar of the great prince fell, and the entire Golden Palace suddenly began to march violently in the direction where Ma Cang and others were attacked at the most violent speed. Great power in the mysterious land.

   At full speed, the mighty army of monks advancing in the mist of Taoism is not unpleasant. It only took half a stick of incense to directly come to the sea area where the Pathfinder was slaughtered before.

   I saw that the entire sea surface can only be described as tragic at this time, and countless monks' corpses are floating around, and a strong smell of blood is exuding outward.

   However, between the vast corpses, there was a figure standing, looking from behind, the brocade clothes fluttering, motionless, it was the young man Ma Cang of the Central Shangguo Xunxianzong who led the team before.

   "Ma Cang, the palace is coming down, why are you standing there, why don't you report everything that happened here?"

After the scolding from above the Golden Palace rolled down, the Ma Cang above the sea still stood motionless on the surface of the sea. Such an abnormal shape made the complexion of the monks of the Supreme Profound Land change. The body shook suddenly.

Then, under the gaze of countless lights, Ma Cang swayed around, but everyone's expression changed wildly. I saw that every inch of Ma Cang's body in front of him who turned around was filled with dense arrows. Like a hedgehog.


A painful whimper came from Ma Cang's mouth. He wanted to say something, but the throat was shot through and he couldn't say anything at all. Then the former fell backwards weakly and hit the sea, causing a wave of waves. .

   In the next breath, a deafening drum beat came from the mountains in the thick fog ahead like a tsunami. Under the sound of this drum, both the surrounding fog and the North Sea began to tremble violently.

   The battleship shook, and among the cultivators of the Supreme Profound Land, the flying race that was born with a strong sense of danger opened its mouth and let out a terrified scream.


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