
read2();   "Boy, take this half of charcoal. Don't worry about the coming. It was given to dad by a nobleman. Daddy asked. This charcoal is called Xuantian Charcoal and comes from Baidi Palace. It’s extremely precious. If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved in the future, you will take it out."

   The entire body was bumped from time to time due to the rapid progress of the huge catapult puppet, the roar of ballistas, the roar of arrows, and the roar of magical powers bursting, and so on, together formed a battlefield song that mixed blood and life and death.

Under the blood song on the battlefield, life is like grass and mustard, and the adrenaline of the human body will be secreted rapidly, causing the blood in the body of a man in the human army to flow wildly, and the body under the battle armor also began to tremble slightly, I don’t know why. At this moment, Mo Yuan, who was sitting in the back seat of the catapult puppet, showed his father's round face and his slightly proud words.

   This small piece of Xuan Tianmu may bear the greatest glory of his father's life, because it is a gift from the imperial palace!

"According to the report from the Scout Army, our ground troops are still forty miles away from the frontal confrontation with the monks in the Supreme Profound Land. They are all energized, and the rear shooting and the French soldiers have already held the air supremacy extremely beautifully. , The next thing is to look at us, if the first wave does not rush down, not only will you lose your life, you will also lose face!"

The roar from the school lieutenant in his ears rolled into his ears, and then he was seven-point similar to the Mo shopkeeper in Yaxia Town, but with a well-proportioned body and a lot of dark skin, Mo Yuan recovered and reached out and held a quilt beside him. The silver box surrounded by the text swallowed, and a strong color of determination flashed in his eyes.

"Brother Mo, don't worry, the ballistas of our Weiyang Army directly shredded a large number of enemy warships in front of us. Now the warships with the rule attribute of the warship ballistas are the magical powers that are more threatening to our ground forces. Kill them one by one with Thunder Qixi, and it will be much safer for all armies to advance!"

At this time, the word was inside the catapult puppet. A young man with a very sunny smile saw him looking down at the avatar of the mountain and sea map showing the dynamics of the battlefield in his hand, while continuing to guide the thunder ballista towards the front. The battleship of the Taixuan Land launched a bombardment.

   "The left string is 60 degrees, the elevation angle is 30 degrees, and the range is 70%, let go!"

After the roar fell, Mo Yuan could clearly hear the back of the puppet above, and the chirping thunder gathering sounded through his ears. Then the huge puppet suddenly trembled, and the vitality of the ballista from the front Weiyang army rushed outwards. After a breath, Thunder Qiong snarled the tearing void, rushed to the sky, and hit the target mercilessly.

The huge recoil made Mo Yuan in the puppet try his best to stabilize his figure, especially the rune silver box next to him. The whole catapult puppet can ride four sergeants, except for Mo Yuan, [笔趣] There is another place where this box is placed.

   "Brother, are you in this shot?"

After a few breaths, the puppet inside the puppet controlled the Weiyang Army puppet to move forward. The young ballista who released the thunder ballistae asked, and then guided the sergeant to drill out of the puppet. After looking out, he retracted into the cabin with The solemn response came directly:

   "The middle was hit, but the monk on the warship did not leave the ship, so the Thunder Agar did not tear the defensive barrier outside of the ship's body, and a shot was needed.

After    finished speaking, the young Weiyang army guided his hand to take a deep breath, slapped his thigh heavily, and said again with a harsh voice:

   "Brother, this warship is a stubborn stubble, we must use the power to reverse the Yin and Yang!"

As soon as he said this, the atmosphere inside the puppet suddenly became extremely solemn. Then Mo Yuan, who learned that reversing the thunder cannon is the strongest means of killing the Weiyang Army today, calmly touched the sweat bead on his forehead, holding his breath. Make any sound.

   "This North Sea is a desert of vitality. The big guy under us can't replenish vitality with the gathering array. Once the reversal of Yin and Yang is used, I must immediately replenish it with purification fuel. At the same time, I need some time to recover the power of the soul."

   The crossbow gunner's voice was solemn, and then the young Weiyang army beside him still nodded his head seriously, and said loudly:

   "Release the inverter thunder cannon. Next, I will change to control the ballista. Then let the brothers of the Teleportation Division help replenish the purified fuel for the big guy!"

"it is good!"

On the battlefield where every second counts, once a decision is made, there is no need for much words. After two breaths, Mo Yuan can feel the entire giant puppet begin to tremble violently, and at the same time the temperature of the whole body rises rapidly, followed by an exceptionally harsh roar. The entire giant puppet suddenly jumped, and the inverter thunder cannon directly blasted forward.

The ballista engulfing the might of thunder tore through the void and blasted on the warship without fancy. Then the densely packed monks roared and injected all their vitality into the defensive barrier. The two suddenly stalemate. one place.

   However, in the next second, the blazing white thunder that originally climbed outwards like tentacles became extremely black in an instant, turning directly from yang to yin, and at the same time releasing unparalleled power of inversion.

The yin and yang inverting force is powerful enough to completely break the balance. Therefore, after an instant, the thunder inverting force is like an indestructible blade, directly piercing into the defensive enchantment of the form, and it will bring the ship below in an instant. The whole is submerged.

   "Roar! Great summer glory!"

   When inside the catapult puppet, after the leader roared with excitement after killing the enemy, Mo Yuan also grinned, showing a big smile.

   Then the young man pursed his lips and clenched his fists. This **** battle has just begun, and every enemy's death can affect the balance of victory in the entire war.

   "Brother Mo from the Teleportation Division, come and do a favor, come out with me and add purification fuel to the big guy!"

   "No problem, lead the way!"

Mo Yuan did not hesitate, and directly tied the silver box beside him on the seat beside him, and then picked up the big kettle half-high behind him, followed the young Sergeant Weiyang in front of him, opened the top cover of the puppet, and climbed to it. The upper part of the catapult puppet.

   With his left hand stretched out to hold the upper edge, Mo Yuan directly drilled the puppet out of his head with his strength, and at this moment, the young man truly felt what a turbulent battlefield was.

The pungent smell of blood, mixed with the burning smell of the air after the burst of magical powers, hits his face, and directly in front of him are those flying races of the Supreme Profound Land that fly at low altitudes, like tides. .

In front of these flying races, the two huge golden temples are so dazzling. At the same time, on the ground below the golden temple, the monks of the Supreme Profound Land who are standing up against the defensive enchantment are like marching ants emitting bloodthirsty rays. Billowing.

   Black clouds are pressing down on the city to destroy the city, and the light of the sun opens to the golden scales!


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