The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1328: Really tough


read2();   Above the smoke-filled battlefield, the enemy who covered the sky and covered the sun completely occupied the entire line of sight. At this moment, the impact from the **** battlefield was unparalleled and completely occupied the entire young man’s mind.

At the same time, a series of ballista meteors blasted from the puppets of the Weiyang Army, swaying dazzling light of thunder, forming a saturated carpet attack, blasting on the ground warships and flying races flying at low altitude, turning into one piece after another. The Slaughter Lei Hai, holding the death sickle, swept outwards mightily.

   Under the omni-directional blow, a large number of flying races in the Taixuan Land were blasted down the glazed ground, wailing and **** fog filled the sky.

   "Brother Mo, don't be stunned, come out quickly, and you will be hand-in-hand immediately, and then it will be the real life and death!"

  The cry of the young sergeant of the Weiyang Army who had climbed onto the back of the puppet just fell, and the deafening roar from the commander of the fury beast army in the forefront sounded like a shock:

   "Thirty miles! The shield armour army lifted the shield, repaired the warrior's blade and out of the sheath, all armies prepared, the barriers were supernatural, and the army charged into the enemy's hinterland all the way in a charging position, charging, charging, charging!"

   Under the roar that resounded through the sky, Mo Yuan, who fell into a trance for a few breaths, suddenly became clever. After recovering, he hurriedly pulled the huge water bottle and climbed onto the back of the catapult puppet.

"Brother Mo, the big taboo on the battlefield is to be distracted. Now let’s not see that there are adults in front of the angry beast army who resist the magical powers, and there are shields and armors around to defend, and the magical powers are difficult to invade. That is the real enemy, and every one of this enemy is a monk.

   "Therefore, we must focus and cooperate. Every soldier performs his duties and cooperates with each other. As long as one of them appears stunned, there will be flaws!"

A young voice came from the front of Mo Yuan, and the young soldier of the Weiyang Army who opened his mouth was squatting halfway on the back of the catapult puppet, holding the huge kettle with both hands, and poured the blue and white purified water in the kettle. Enter a hole directly in front of the puppet's inner core.

   In the depths of the North Sea, known as the Vitality Desert, the Spirit Gathering Array is completely unable to replenish energy from the outside world. These purified fuels that are flowing into the puppets are the core energy for the Weiyang Army's catapult puppets to keep advancing and fighting for a long time.

   After only ten breaths, a large pot of purified fuel was poured directly, and then Mo Yuan handed out the large pot in his hand, and a slightly hoarse voice came out because of his dry mouth:

   "Sorry, just now I was taken away by the turbulent blood on the battlefield, and it was difficult to react for a while. Looking at your age, are you a veteran?"

   "Veterans are not counted. They have participated in the decisive battle of the fortress in the endless mountain. Later, by luck, they were able to merge the soul of the trebuchet lane and enter the Weiyang army."

After   's response fell, the young man reached out to take the big pot that Mo Yuan handed out, and continued to pour the purified fuel in the pot into the puppet's hole, and the voice continued:

   "I know that your mission of teleporting Si'antanying is very important, so please protect yourself!"

   "With your auspicious words, I will definitely live up to expectations!"

After that, Mo Yuan raised his right hand and thumped his chest heavily and made a sonorous promise from the men. Then he suddenly raised his head because the assault barriers of the shield armies on both sides of the Weiyang Army puppet had already soared into the sky, and at the same time there was a thick line above the sky. The command sound resounded throughout the battlefield:

   "All the Thunder Army, jump lightning, and send all the monks flying in the air to the commander and return to the ground!"

After the command from the rear commander Wang Jing fell, over the Great Xia Kowloon army, the air troop escorted all the way at high altitude. The eighteen ancient black dragons at the forefront were simultaneously roaring and roaring, ignoring the invasion ahead. The countless magical powers that came, led the Thunder Army behind him to speed up suddenly, and came directly to the top of the flying army in the Supreme Profound Land.

The violent monk’s magical powers bombarded the huge body of the ancient black dragon, but under the black dragon guard’s own forbidden domain, it completely dissipated like a stone sinking into the sea, and then the vast flames of dragon breath rushed straight down like a ruined pillar of heaven. Then a large number of giant eagle fighters were completely penetrated from beginning to end.

At the same time, over the entire battlefield, countless deep purple thunder lightnings began to crackle and circulate among the wings of each thunder army's back, and it took only a few breaths to form a whole seductive purple thunder on the sky. Destroying cumulus clouds is like a hurricane in the North Sea, which makes people's discoloration come directly.

The big sun over the North Sea was instantly obscured, making the entire battlefield suddenly dark. Then, under the horrified gazes of countless cultivators in the Great Profound Land, countless purple arcs descended in the blink of an eye, and the whole world was really real. There was a purple thunderstorm.

   The purple thunder released by the Thunder Army at this time is different from the Thunder Ballista released by the Weiyang Army puppets. The former has a special attribute that is very suitable for large-scale operations, that is, the arc jump.

After the purple thunders poured down, countless electric arcs began to violently jump around, intertwining among the monks of the Supreme Profound Land to form a purple thunder sea with extreme precision. If you look from a high altitude, the purple lightning flashes in the Supreme Profound Land. In the monk formation, it seemed that a **** in charge of thunder descended, and all the monks in the Taixuan Land above the midair blasted to the ground.

   "Old Nine, we miscalculated this time. The monks you and I brought from Tangdu have already lost 50%. If this battle is here, the price to be paid may be unbearable for us all our lives!"

   Above the battlefield, in the Golden Palace of the princes at the end of the Central Kingdom, the eighth prince's solemn voice came out, and then the nine princes standing on the other side of the Golden Palace, with extremely different complexions, opened their mouths and let out a roar:

"Myna, we haven't lost yet. Look at how many supernatural powers the human army has poured out in this short period of time, and even suppressed our entire army of cultivators. I don't believe that these human races can still have no vitality in this unborn Beihai. Restricted release of supernatural powers, the golden palace is given to the prince to press, I want to personally conquer!"

   When the nine princes of the Central Shangguo spoke, not only the subordinates below him, but all the other emperors who heard the words changed their faces, and then the eight princes opened their mouths and let out a shocked cry:

   "Old Jiu, you are not the reckless man of Brother Three Emperors, and you don't have such a strong cultivation base, don't be reckless."

   "This prince has made up his mind, I don't believe it, these human races really dare to kill my dignified central empire!"

   The roar fell, and the nine prince waved forward. The eight horses in front of the Golden Palace suddenly neighed, their huge wings flapped frantically, and rushed towards the torrent of Daxia soldiers ahead.

  At the same time, the roar from the commander of the fury beast army at the forefront came directly into everyone's ears:

   "Ten li, the whole army on the ground is going to rush into the thunder pond to fight, roar, and kill these gangsters!"

   Before the roar of anger fell, the more deafening voice in the entire Great Xia army rushed straight into the sky:

   "Daxia glory, kill, kill, kill!"

  The time, the right place, the harmony of people are all perfect!

   Then the back of a catapult puppet who was very far in front of the Chinese army, filled the young Sergeant Weiyang with purified fuel, directly pulled Mo Yuan to jump back into the puppet, and then an urgent voice came out:

   "The real tough battle is here, Brother Mo needs to stabilize!"


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