
read2();   If you overlook the entire North Sea’s central battlefield from the sky above, and occupy a large sea area on the glazed continent, whether it is mid-air or on the ground, there are countless magical powers and thunder blasting each other, Burst, disappear.

At this point in this **** battle in the North Sea, it has completely entered the stage of fierce battle. It can even be said that the sharpness that Daxia showed in an instant is like a heavy hammer, completely giving the monks of the Supreme Profound Land with a high mentality. Thoroughly knocked stunned.

Whether it is the three-type combined magical powers that the French Xiu Army forcibly created a continent at the beginning, or the ten-point arrow rain that Min Xiu shoots to suppress the entire high altitude, or the thunder ballista that harvests countless monks in the Supreme Profound Land, it is a perfect interpretation. What is meant by reclaiming the sea and moving the mountains, destroying the world!

The light of thunder and magical powers constantly flickered in the eyes, causing the monks of the Supreme Profound Land who had charged halfway to face wild changes, subconsciously slowed down, and wanted to retreat, but all veterans knew that in the two armies On the battlefield of the confrontation, any hesitation and retreat will bring a result.

   That is death.

   "The entire army of Daxia, charge, crush, and kill!"

In the Great Xia Army, the roar of the commander shattered the sky. After a few breaths, the ferocious wave of iron and blood continued to charge forward. The nine sharp claws that the nine-day phoenix grabbed forward were accompanied by countless crossbows. Under the cover of the rain of cannons and arrows, they stabbed into the army of monks in the Profound Sky Land without fancy.

   hand in hand!

   Tens of thousands of years later, the first real battle between the powerful monks and the imperial army.

The Thunder Army’s leaping thunder pool’s magical powers just dissipated, an indomitable anger beast soldier rushed into the cultivator formation of the Supreme Profound Land, and the cultivators who had just survived the thunder pool were smashed into blood in an instant. dead.

   The nine long-charging dragons of Daxia that rushed out of Jiuyao Island, like nine-handed sharp blades, directly pierced into the chest of the great power monk in the Taixuan Land, and continued to tear and pierce inward quickly.

   Because of the will of Zhao Yu and the entire court, they have never just killed the monks in the foremost part of the Supreme Profound Land, but have to keep all of these invading enemies on this sea area.

   Daxia will use countless human heads and blood to tell the entire Taixuan land what is Daxia's rules!

Looking forward from the hesitating camp of the Great Profound Land, one can clearly see countless Taoist statues released outwards, revealing the main body of the various monks in the Great Profound Land, being more violent and more violent by a deity. The ancient giant beast directly smashed into the air without any fancy, with broken arms and limbs, and the scattered blood stained the sky and the ground.

   "Executioners, these fairy island tribes are executioners, run, run!"

Facing the Daxia generals who were advancing with extremely fast killings, some young monks who were not determined by the sect completely collapsed in their mentality. They wailed and turned around and wanted to run away. However, before the elders on the side spoke, a golden light directly It penetrated directly from above and cut off its entire head in an instant.

   Then the icy voice of the nine princes from the central government rolled directly from above:

   "Follow the prince, if it is a runaway, kill the nine races!"

After finishing the sentence, the Golden Palace under the seat of the Nine Princes, with a large number of powerful elite monks, whizzed past, and at the same time the dazzling golden light gathered inward to directly form a vast beam of light with the fiery emperor, tearing open the void, Blasted on an ancient giant beast of an angry beast army.


With a loud roar, the solid skin of the **** violent bear rage beast military lieutenant was suddenly cut into countless wounds. The entire huge body was blasted backwards and hit the rear formation. The body began to shrink rapidly, and blood was dripping from his body. Instantly surged.

   "The military doctors and guards come quickly, take the water of life first, and send it to the back!"

Accompanied by the roar of the commander of the angry beast army, the seriously injured soldier of the angry beast was transported to the rear very quickly. At the same time, countless wind blade magical powers once again violently attacked from the front, and the bombardment was released by the shield armour. Above the barrier, there was a deafening roar.

Afterwards, the shield armour squad, who resisted this magical power in the front, opened its mouth and let out a muffled hum. The shield and the shield were lifted back, but after only a breath, the rest of the armor directly lifted the shield and blocked it. Stay in the gap and continue to move forward.

   "The personal combat power of the monks in the land of the profound mystery is really difficult, even the strongest defensive leader of the angry beast army has suffered casualties!"

Inside the sling puppet that the Chinese army was rolling forward, the young leader of the Wei Yang army in front of Mo Yuan retracted his head from the cabin, and a solemn voice came out. In fact, he didn’t need the latter to speak. Mo Yuan knew the truth. After the short-term combat, the casualties of the entire Daxia Sergeant will increase greatly.

   Then the young man with his heart beating violently, he took a deep breath and stretched out a hand to hold the silver rune box next to him, like the contents of this box, which can provide boundless courage.

Then Mo Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly, feeling the constant roars, hacks, and commands coming from outside the slinger puppets, and the words from Yuan Bai, the transmission division Si Cheng Yuanbai, suddenly appeared in his mind when the battle began. :

   "Everyone, the strategy adopted by your majesty and the court this time is not defense, but killing."

   Yuanbai’s voice contained a calmness that was inconsistent with his age, and then this Daxia’s latest champion and No. 1 looked down for a week, and the voice continued:

  "Kill the enemy outside the country, and you cannot allow the monks from the land of the profound to set foot on every inch of my Daxia. This is the glory of our Daxia, and it is also the glory of all the staff of our transmission department!

"All of you who were enrolled in the Antan Camp are all people born in the summer with a special talent for space. Therefore, in this battle, you are shouldering an extraordinarily important task. The altar was sent to the battlefield to unblock it and become the strongest strategic base for our Daxia Sergeant!"

After    finished speaking, Yuan Bai pointed his finger to the silver boxes placed beside him, and the sound of the sound continued:

"Once the entire army rushes into the local army, it will inevitably face the problem of too long battle lines if it wants to complete the situation of interspersed and encircled by dragons. Therefore, we are here to ask you all. The altar must be delivered to the planned strategic location as soon as possible to unblock and deploy.

   "If you arrive one second earlier, it may mean that one of the wounded in our army can survive!"

   The solemn voice of Si Si Cheng Yuanbai in his mind kept reverberating, and then Mo Yuan inside the sling puppet could not help but clenched his fists and let out a low growl:

   "Fuck his mother's place!"

He is the most advanced security guard among the nine forwards. In the training on weekdays, he can even unlock the space seal outside the altar within sixty breaths. Therefore, if nothing happens, don’t The altar in Yuan's hands will be the first strategic fortress to shine on the battlefield!

   Then the young man from Chuan Sangsi just fell, and the roof of the catapult puppet above was suddenly opened, and then a very young female voice was directly heard:

   "Teleport Division Antanying Secretary Mo Yuan, this team is responsible for escorting you to the predetermined location to unblock the altar, please leave the cabin immediately!"


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