The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1333: Warrior blood cold


read2();  The battlefield is ruthless, and the situation changes instantly, unless it is the land gods who see the dragon without seeing the end, and even those who can move the law and bring their own realm of birth and death. Grandmaster will be exhausted by waves of charge fighters and endless magical powers!

   The nine princes of the Central Shangguo relied on the treasured golden palace and brought out all the forces under his command, which caused the greatest obstacle to the Daxia Frontier since the beginning of this **** battle.

The purpose of the nine princes of Central Shangguo was extremely clear. Among the nine long charging dragons of Daxia, he chose the most central Chinese army to launch a full-scale attack, and one after another streamers continuously rushed down from the golden palace and smashed into the forward camp. , Fierce battles are coming!

Perhaps at the moment when the arrogant land of Xia was teleported to this unfamiliar Taixuan land Beihai, all the children of the Great Xia Army were ready to sacrifice their lives for the country and die on the battlefield, but it was true. Facing the critical moment of life and death, these young children from Zizhu Lane still shook their hearts and roared:

   "Fuck, Ma Yuan!"

The body of Young Master Ying, who was lying on the ground with a rolling red glow, burst out, and Ma Yuan's body bound by two long whips was pierced into hundreds of sharp blood feathers in an instant, like Ling Chi, blood rushing. What's even more cracking is that Ma Yuan's body, including the most vulnerable neck of the human race, has been completely pierced.

Under the roar and roar, Song Lin, the nearest to Ma Yuan, burst directly into his temples on both sides because he was too angry. Then he held the two hammers and bullied himself up again. At the same time, the two arrows fell directly from the sky. The long whip shot into the horse's body with extremely precise precision.

   At the next breath, the arrow tore the blood whip, and the long whip broke. The young man in Hongmang wanted to raise his hand to counterattack, but Song Lin directly slammed his arm with a heavy hammer and let out a painful howl.

   "Song Lin, drag Ma Yuan back!"

   The second lady of Wei Guogong's Mansion Xu Jin's hands holding the bow trembled slightly, but the command sound from her mouth was still firm and steady, and then the black skin beside her, directly pressing the ground with both hands, opened her mouth and let out a sharp shout:

   "The white fog rises and falls, the universe is shackled!"

After the roar, the ground where Young Master Ying was located suddenly drilled a strip of white mist like spider legs, and then overlapped each other at a very fast speed, firmly trapping the former on the ground, and then the entire scarlet surging outward. The momentum suddenly stagnated.

Taking this opportunity, Song Lin hugged Ma Yuan, who was surging with blood, and quickly retreated. At the same time, a number of vast magical powers released by Zizhu Alley violently were directly facing the monks in the Supreme Profound Land who came to support from the back of Master Ying. Then, in conjunction with the rapidly closing shield armour, these people were forced back.

   After an instant, a beautiful figure pierced the void directly and rushed forward. After a few jumps above the ground, it rushed into the prototype of the scarlet domain where Master Ying was located.

   Before anyone arrived, the violent wind still tore the red glow in front of him, and through the scattered blood smoke, you could clearly see Xu Jin's murderous intent and boundless angry eyes.

   The horse is dead. As the commander of this squad, she has no reason not to be angry. Concentration is the eternal label of an archer. How angry the heart is, then how calm the mind is at this time.

   At the next breath, Xu Jin raised his big bow, and at a very close distance, within one breath, he fired nine demon-breaking arrows in a row at the young master Ying in front of him.


Accompanied by an incomparable tearing sound, the Demon Breaking Arrows directly smashed the prototype of the field in front of them, one after another, plunged into the body of Young Master Ying, the next second, Xu Jin's figure disappeared in place, when it appeared again , Already came behind Young Master Ying, tightly clenched the purple bow to wrap the latter's neck, and pulled back, the sharp bowstring was directly and deeply into the former's neck.

"My son is an eagle's nest nobleman in the Central Kingdom, and my brother is the young nest owner of the eagle's nest generation. You can't kill me, kill me, you will suffer endless pursuits by the eagle's nest, and my brother will not let go. Pass you!"

   A stern voice came from the mouth of Young Master Ying in front of him, and Xu Jin behind him, with his legs against the back of the former, the bowstring pulled back in his hands did not relax, but tightened, and then cold words came out:

   "The name of the bow is life, but its function is death. If Ma Yuan dies in battle, then for the rest of my life, I will hunt down the so-called eagle's nest as my duty!"

   The words fell, Xu Jin clenched the purple bow in his hand, and turned it mercilessly three hundred and sixty degrees. Young Master Ying's head was cut to the ground, and the red light suddenly disappeared.

Then Xu Jin stood up, squatting down and staring down at the huge eagle head on the ground. With the next breath, the girl just wanted to look back and look back. Her black pupils shrank severely because the back came from Song Lin. The crying roar came directly:

   "School Wei Xu, Ma Yuan is dying!"

When the roar fell, Xu Jin suddenly looked back, and saw Ma Yuan, who was held in Song Lin’s arms, his entire face was covered with blood, and because his throat was almost cut off, even though he was constantly being poured the water of life, he couldn’t do so. Swallow, spit out all from the mouth.

   At the same time, Ma Yuan's heartbeat has completely stopped, and his body has begun to become cold. In his slightly opened eyes, the fire of life is extinguishing.

   "Where is the military doctor, where is the military doctor near here?"

Heipi roared, while frantically starting to search for the army medic's descent nearby, and in this battlefield that was torn apart by the elite monks of the Supreme Profound Land, every army medic tried his best in the back To rescue the wounded, how difficult is it to find a military doctor on the front line!

   "Ma Yuan, don't sleep, don't sleep. After the **** battle in Beihai is over, we will have a happy drink and wake up!"

   Song Lin’s roar was accompanied by a sorrow, and then Xu Jin’s voice sounded again in the ears of the entire Zizhu Lane team:

   "Mosman, how far is it from the target location at this time?"

   Xu Jin's calm and steady voice fell, clinging to the silver box tightly, and Mo Yuan, who was trembling slightly, directly responded:

   "Go ahead to the right, and you will be ten miles away!"

   As soon as he said this, Xu Jin clenched her fists, and her voice continued to grow louder and louder:

   "The whole team listened to the order and continued to perform the **** mission. Don't neglect it!"

   No one knows how hard Xu Jin is struggling behind the decisive command sound at this time. However, on the battlefield, the command is the bounden duty, so all the senior officials in the Zizhu Lane team suddenly stood up straight and shouted together:


   roared, Song Lin helped Ma Yuan, who was already cold, sat down cross-legged, clenched his fist and slammed the ground three times, then whispered in the latter's ear:

   "Brother, when this mission is completed, I will personally come back and take you home, I swear!"

After    finished speaking, Song Lin no longer hesitated. He held the heavy hammer next to him again, and began to rush towards the target position with his legs, and the rest of the children escorted Mo Yuan to follow.

   After the group of people left, a ray of sunlight above their heads passed through the scarlet wolf smoke and countless raging magical powers, and it happened to shine on Ma Yuan's body in the sitting room.

  The cold armor was flooded, the soldiers were blood-cold, and under the deafening sound of fighting, Ma Yuan sat like this. Although his eyes were dead, he still watched closely the back of his compatriots who continued to charge.

   He knew he would not die in vain, he was also waiting for Da Xia Paoze to carry the victory and take him home!


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