
read2();   "Dead, die, die for me!"

   The brothers who grew up together died in battle, making Zizhu Lane Song Lin and Heipi's eyes completely red. Every shot is wrapped in boundless anger, endlessly dying.

  Especially Song Lin, he hardly made any defense, allowing the monks in the Supreme Profound Land to add their magical powers and weapons, and directly took the heavy hammer to slap the monks in front of them into meat.

   After a while, Song Lin's body was completely reddened with blood, and this madman-like reckless play made Xu Jin had to speak and order the former to retire and let Xiao Yuan stay ahead.

   It is worth mentioning that the Daxia forward soldiers who were fighting with the monks of the Supreme Profound Land at this time, including the invincible Rage Beast Army, were all sharp-edged soldiers.

   Therefore, after the initial chaos, the various armies regrouped under the command and began to surround most of the elite monks under the Nine Princes with heavy shields, and then besieged and killed by magical powers and arrows.

The battlefield is like a chess game. Whether it is the overall situation or the partial fight, it contains ever-changing games. At this time, the Chinese military battlefield under the eyes of countless eyes is a typical personal cultivation of high-powered monks and monks. Life and death battle between well-trained troops!

Quantitative changes caused qualitative changes. After the well-trained Daxia forward soldiers platooned troops and supported from the rear, they once again mastered the initiative of the entire Chinese military battlefield, and their forward speed accelerated again, and even the entire nine princes The trend of the monk camp dispersing.

At the forefront of the Chinese forward, Mo Yuan's nose, who was rushing forward with all his strength, suddenly heard a very strong pungent and **** smell, and then he hugged the silver box in his hand, turned his head, and stared from the front. After retiring and changing positions with Xiao Yuan, Song Lin, who was bleeding all over his body, opened his mouth and said:

   "Brother Song, are you okay?"

   "I can't die for the time being, no problem."

After the voice of    fell, Song Lin Yang took a sip of life potion and purification potion into his mouth, wiped the corners of his mouth, and continued to speak:

   "Brother Mo, the goal is not far ahead, please, don't let my brother Ma Yuan sacrifice for nothing!"

The words of the burly warrior Song Lin contained deep sorrow, and in this extremely rough man, tears were faintly in his scarlet eyes, and then Mo Yuan nodded heavily. Although he did not speak, he was already Undoubtedly reveal his will.

   "Brother Mo, whether our Chinese army can quickly surpass the first threshold headed by the Ninth Prince of the Central Government, and win this battle, the key lies in the altar in your hand."

Song Lin, who was rushing forward, raised his head and stared at the huge golden palace that rushed forward between the arrow and the thunder pond. There was solemnity in his words, and Daxia generals and officials who followed the entire Chinese army knew that. This golden palace with both offense and defense is the biggest enemy Daxia has encountered so far.

   In the imperial hall of the White Emperor Palace in the capital of the gods, Zhao Yu sitting on the throne, with dark eyes watching the pictures of the mountains and seas in front of him showing the **** battle in the North Sea, and the voice of inquiry came out:

   "Yuan Bai, for the placement of the first altar in the entire army, can you make proper arrangements with the Department of Defense and the Military Aircraft Department?"

   The emperor's voice fell, and the teleporter Sicheng Yuanbai who was also watching the battlefield closely stood up, and after a salute to the young emperor above, he responded loudly:

"His Majesty, the importance of the placement of the altar for this battle is self-evident. Therefore, in order to place this first altar, Wechen specially arranged nine Antan envoys to move towards the target point at the same time, and there is a military office. A special squad of monks was escorted, and by this time, there was already a team very close to the settlement point."

After the voice of    fell, Yuan Bai raised his finger to a place in the mountain and sea map, and the young and steady voice continued to be heard:

   "This team is led by An Tan envoy Mo Yuan, and escorted by Xu Jin, the second lady of Wei Guo Gongfu."

   When Yuan Bai said the words Miss Wei Guogong's Second Miss, Zhao Yu's ebony eyes moved, and then raised his hand and tapped on the desk in front of him. After some thought, he continued to speak, and the emperor's voice heard:

"Send to Wangjing, speed up the advancement of the battlefield, and calculate the time. It will not take too long for the second wave of cultivators in this place to reach the center of the North Sea. I want to take the heads of these cultivators before they arrive. Cut it down!"

The impermissible Di Yin rolled down, and Li Chunfeng directly nodded and led the command, and then the holy order passed the void flying messenger directly to the frontline battlefield. After 50 breaths, the deafening drums on the entire battlefield suddenly disappeared. accelerate.


With Sima Annan just beating the tough drum in front of him, the sound of drums that shook the sky, drove the heart of the entire Daxia Sergeant to speed up, and at the same time endless power burst out from the heart, causing the Daxia Nine Army to move forward. The assault formation suddenly accelerated for a while, slashing the head of a monk in the Taixuan Land under the knife, and the blood mist rushed into the sky.

   At the same time, among the Xu Jin team escorting the altar, the roar from Mo Yuan suddenly resounded in everyone's ears:

   "Everyone, one mile ahead is the target location!"

  'S voice fell, and the complexions of the children in Zizhu Lane suddenly loosened, and then the formation began to change rapidly. Xiao Yuan, who had been at the forefront, retreated, and together with Song Lin, he directly protected Mo Yuan in the middle.

The distance of one mile was quickly passed under the charge. The second lady Xu Jin stepped on the ground and shot three sun-falling arrows in a row, holding the bow directly to the sky. The next breath, three rounds of scorching sun fell, and the fierce flames moment Clear the monks in the Taixuan Land in the target area.

   "Supernatural power. Fog!"

   Then the black skin screamed, and a large amount of white ice mist fell into the sky, extinguishing the burning flame, sweeping outwards, turning into a fog world to lock the square.

   After the two magical powers fell, the group and Mo Yuan happened to arrive at the target location cleared from the safe area, and then Xu Jin's anxious voice came out:

   "All of them are in a guard formation. When the Mossman unblocks the space barrier, even if he fills it with his life, he must hold on to me, Xiaoyuan, and bell!"

As the voice fell, Xiao Yuan, who was tall and straight, raised his hands to the sky, and then pressed heavily in front of him. With the next breath, the huge Golden Bell Dao Soul behind him fell directly from above, wrapped in dense runes, directly covering Mo Yuan. .

After a few breaths, heavy defenses had formed around Mo Yuan's body, and his eyes focused directly on the young man of the teleportation division. Then Mo Yuan took a deep breath and carefully placed the silver box in his hand on the ground. Above.

The next breath, he held his breath, put his right hand fingers directly into his mouth, and bite hard, scarlet blood suddenly poured out, then Mo Yuan stretched out the slightly trembling fingers of his right hand, using direct blood as the medium, and began to paint on the silver box An unlocked rune that matches the original rune.

   Drops of sweat poured out from Mo Yuan's forehead. He tried his best to control his trembling fingers, and then bit his lips deeply with his teeth to keep himself calm.

  "Go to the **** place!

After    gave a low drink, the young man's right index finger swiped directly down, drawing the first blood rune on the silver box!


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