The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1335: Young Master Eagle Nest


read2();   "Mo shopkeeper, look at the figure that is at the forefront of the Chinese army's charge, and the figure heavily guarded in the center. Isn't it your bastard?"

In Yaxia Town of Daxia Bingzhou, a loud shout suddenly rang from the Daxia Academy, and the eyes of everyone in the Academy were gathered to the position that this person said, and then the shopkeeper was sweating on his forehead. Hand the daughter in her arms to the wife on the side, look carefully, slap her thigh suddenly, and open her mouth with an exclamation:

   "It's my son, it's my son!"

This familiar figure could be recognized by Mo shopkeeper at a glance, but the exclamation sound fell, and there was another exclamation in the academy. Everyone’s eyes suddenly became worried, because at this time Mo The location where Yuan and the others are located is exactly in front of the Nine Princes' Golden Palace!

  The golden light is vast, the setting sun is like blood, and under the hazy scarlet light, the entire North Sea **** battlefield is covered with countless pungent blood fog, and then above the Golden Palace of the Nine Princes, a violent roar sounded directly:

   "The blood feather in my son's hand is shattered. It is my brother who was killed. Damn, who is it?"

   This voice was extremely stern, and then a figure shrouded in blood robe turned into a red glow and appeared in front of the Ninth Prince, kneeling on one knee, and then an extremely cold voice came out:

   "Xia Xia asked His Highness the Nine to allow me to go to the Human Race to avenge my loved ones!"


   The domineering voice came from the mouth of the nine princes standing proudly above the golden palace, and then his hands were raised, strands of golden wind lingered around him, and he continued to issue a command:

   "Ying Li, you take the eagle's nest children down to the slaughter, and the rest of the cultivators will inject vitality into the golden palace. This prince will bring a catastrophe to the human race ants below!"

When this statement fell, the light outside the entire huge golden temple suddenly radiated, and the vast golden light swept in all directions, gradually condensing a pair of extremely large eagle wings, and then the law of violent wind converged into the giant wings, even if Across a very long distance, you can feel the billowing majesty that belongs to the pure high-order origin aura.

   "The golden palace of these nine princes is accumulating great supernatural powers. This is undoubtedly bad news for our forward army."

On the front line of the Daxia Army, Xiao Yuan, who released Dao Soul to cover Mo Yuan, raised his head and stared at the golden palace with huge eagle wings in front of him. The young man of the Transmission Division who was shackled by the space, clenched his fists.

In order to ensure the smooth placement of the first altar, the Daxia Teleportation Department also dispatched nine Antan Envoys. Each of the Antan Envoys has been trained day and night. At this time, they are quickly scribbling the symbols with their fingers. Wen's Mo Yuan is one of the best, and has even set the fastest unblocking record.

As time passed, Mo Yuan had already unblocked most of the runes under his gaze, and he raised his hand to portray faster and faster, and everything was developing in a good direction, so the surrounding Zizhu Alley When all the children saw this, their expressions were relaxed.

   However, the next breath, the loud shout from Xu Jin made everyone's complexion suddenly change, and they suddenly locked their attention to the front.

   "Attention everyone, there is a strong enemy coming, very strong, at least reaching the Grand Master of the Palm Edge Birth and Death Realm!"

After   , the second lady of Wei Guogong's mansion directly drew the bow and struck the strings, pinched three tiger roar arrows and shot out. With the deafening tiger roar, the three purple tigers directly regarded the void as flat ground and violently rushed towards the void ahead.

After an instant, over the entire battlefield, a red line that was difficult to capture with the naked eye directly ignored the Daxia Frontier Army who was lined up to besiege the monks in the Taixuan Land, and attacked in the direction of Xu Jin and others. The purpose was extremely clear. At the same time, the extremely tyrannical voice sounded clearly in the ears of the disciples in Zizhu Lane:

   "You have blood feather resentment released by my Eagle's Nest nobleman when he died. It turns out that you killed my brother!"

Before the words came to an end, two cold eagle claws stretched out from the red line. First, they grabbed two tiger howling arrows in the air, and then completely ignored the third roaring purple tiger, and directly smashed it to pieces. Instantly disappeared from everyone's sight.

   "Raise the whole body defense enchantment to the limit, this person's speed is too fast to capture!"

   Xu Jin’s slogan was filled with unprecedented solemnity, and then he bit his lip tightly, once again raised his bow and pulled the string, and put a total of nine arrows on the string.

   "Supernatural power. Stars!"

   Nine arrows shot in all directions at the same time, covering almost the entire body of the disciples in Zizhu Lane. Since this person's speed is extremely fast, Xu Jin used the covered arrows to force his appearance.

This is undoubtedly the simplest and most efficient method. However, after a breath, an increasingly solemn expression appeared on Xu Jin's face, because the nine-star Lianzhu magical power did not work, and then the entire battlefield was at this moment. Suddenly fell into a very strange silence.

After Xu Jin amplified her spiritual sense to the limit, she felt that everything around her became extremely slow, and then perhaps because of the fighting intuition flowing in the blood of the fourteenth family name, the girl directly released her waist with her mind between the electric light and flint. Flashes the magical powers contained in the dagger.

   "Ancient magical powers, twinkling!"

Miss Wei Guogong's figure disappeared without warning. At the same time, the entire void was directly torn apart in the place where the girl was originally. Two scarlet eagle claws wrapped in the mighty power of the vast domain came from the void fragments. In reaching out, but caught a lonely!

   "This is impossible. The Master has already locked all the space with the domain. How did you move your little human ants one by one?"

   slowly sounded with a cold and unbelievable voice, and then a figure in a blood-colored feather robe appeared in front of the children in Zizhu Alley.

I saw that this person was eighth similar to Master Ying, who was killed by Xu Jin before. While his face was more gloomy, he was pouring out one after another with intrepid power, demonstrating his status as the top master overhaul of the life and death realm. .

   "No matter what means you use to escape from the master, you will die today!"

   An icy voice came from the mouth that continued to respond, and then he looked at the Mo Yuan behind Xu Jin, who had been unblocked to the last minute, his brows furrowed, and the color of thought flashed in his eyes like an eagle.

The Master of Palm Fate Birth and Death Realm, especially the favored son of heaven like Yingli, has a special response to crisis by nature, and at this time, he actually felt the throbbing of his heart in this small silver box. .

   "What the **** is this?"

A murmured question came from the young master of the Eagle's Nest in the Central Shangguo. Then he raised his right hand, grabbed a scarlet whip, also made up of patches of blood feathers, and threw it violently toward Mo Yuan. Where

   "Whatever it is, as long as it is destroyed, it is just rubbish!"

   When the cold voice was rolling out, in front of the disciples in Zizhu Lane, countless blood feathers attacked, and the scarlet whip shadow in the blood feathers kept flashing like thunder, which was daunting.

   Such an overwhelming formation is more than thousands of times stronger than the previous whipping of Young Master Ying!


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