The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1338: Storm to storm


read2();   "Old Nine is over, and these sect monks who charged with him are over!"

Behind the **** battlefield in the North Sea, unanimous dignified words came from the princes of the Central Shangguo and the Fourth Princes at the same time, and then the two locked their eyes in front of them, like a torrent, the Great Xia Jiulong Charge Force continued to charge forward. In the golden dragon eyes, thoughts throbbed.

"It's another monk with a high level of cultivation. You should be aware of the strength of the young master of the Eagle Nest. You should be very clear about the cultivation base of the Palm Border Birth and Death Realm. It is among the best in Tangdu. He immediately cut off the strength of his head, and my Highness asked everyone present, who can do it?"

   After the central prince’s questioning came down, the monks standing densely underneath them all shut up, and the huge golden hall became silent for a while, and the atmosphere suddenly became extremely solemn.

   Then the expression on the face of the prince became more and more unsightly, and finally he turned his gaze to the direction of the son of the Great Sword Sect on the side. Although he did not continue to speak, his inquiries were full.

If the Ninth Prince of Central Shangguo’s trip to the North Sea mainly relied on the eagle’s nest from the great power of Tangdu, then this Great Sword Sect was the strongest sect talent under the hands of the Great Prince at this time. In the Great Sword Sect camp under the gaze, raised his head for the first disciple carrying a huge sword, took a step forward, and a vigorous response came out:

   "Back to your Highness, if our five brothers are united to form a battle, although they will not be able to slay the response between the faces, they are confident to slaughter them like pigs and dogs."

This Great Sword Sect disciple’s response was full of self-confidence, and as soon as this statement made the dignified color on the face of the big prince faded, after a slight nod, he continued to raise his head and watch the **** gunpowder in front of him. battlefield.

   In the next breath, on the entire battlefield, a roar from the nine princes of the Central Shangguo resounded across the sky:

   "You dare to kill the eagle's nest aristocrat of my country, damn, humble human race, accept the destruction and anger from the ancient blood eagle!"

The roar and roar rolled down, and the golden palace that had already opened its wings, the huge eagle feathers on both sides continued to skyrocket directly, and then the wings quickly changed from golden to scarlet, and huge pieces appeared outward. Blood feather.

Then, with the rise of an extremely vast will, the void behind the Golden Palace of the Nine Princes directly descended on an ancient blood eagle will phantom, and the ancient and tyrannical aura from top to bottom, like a sea wave facing below Daxia striker slapped and charged.

"It is said that the mother of the nine princes of Central Shangguo was an aristocrat of Tangdu Eagle’s Nest. At this moment, it was indeed well-deserved. Even the ancestor Tao, the most treasured ancestor of the sect, moved over, obviously gaining the full strength of the Eagle’s Nest. stand by."

   Behind the battlefield, there were some unmoving cultivators, looking at the ancient blood eagle will descending to the North Sea in the void in front of them, muttering, and then another cultivator next to him responded:

"The ancient ancestor Taoist statue directly reflects the background of a sect. The Eagle's Nest has a long history. This ancient Taoist statue is extremely powerful, and the magical power it releases must have the power to destroy the world. I don't know this has given everyone an unexpected immortal. Island people, what else can you do this time?"

   At this point, the Zongmen Sect Master’s expression was dark, and after hesitating for a while, the voice continued:

   "If this human race can dissolve this supernatural power lightly, then this suzerain will have to consider whether to continue to attack."

The words that this monk spoke to a certain extent expressed the struggle in the hearts of the monks watching from the rear at this time. The magnificence and sharpness that the vast land of China showed to the world at this time has been in these places of the profound. A seed called fear was planted deep in the hearts of the monks.

As Zhao Yu said, only blood can reach the hearts of the people. Numerous monks in the land of the profound mystery landed their heads on their heads, and the horror of blood flowing into the river was nakedly displayed in front of them. The heart has begun to shrink.

Once    seeds are planted, they will gradually take root and sprout under nourishment!

   The words of the monks in the back did not fall, and on the front line battlefield on the other side, the roar of the nine princes who had been completely in tyranny sounded again:

   "If you die, you will die for your Highness!"

   After a few breaths, the ancient blood eagle ancestor Taoist statue on the back of the Golden Temple directly raised up to the sky and let out an incomparably harsh scream, then the huge blood-colored wings slammed forward.

   The **** feathers are blowing up!

In front of the ancient giant eagle, a fishy wind suddenly took shape, and then the scarlet tornado skyrocketed outwards at an extremely violent speed. It took only a few breaths, and it directly turned into a super storm of heaven and earth, countless scarlets. While the blood feathers were cutting back and forth in it, the vast and incomparable edge instantly occupied the center of the entire battlefield, condensing everyone's sights in an instant.

   "A strong supernatural power, I am afraid that it is only so powerful to use the full strength of the land gods!"

Numerous shocked exclamations came from all directions, and what made the surrounding monks continue to show amazement is that as time passed, this tornado blood feather storm was still in the middle of the roar of the nine princes. Under, continue to grow.

Then the nine princes on the golden palace raised their hands, trembling slightly, and pushed forward heavily. He pushed very slowly, as if there were thousands of weights in front of him, but the truth is also true. As the nine princes pushed forward, Jin The **** wind that connected the entire world in front of the hall began to sweep across the Great Xia Army in front of him.

   "Who can stop this prince, no one can stop this prince!"

The piercing roar of the nine princes was full of madness, but at the next breath, his unruly voice came to an abrupt end, because no matter how vast the scarlet hurricane was, the storm came in front of him. No one paused in the footsteps of the soldiers. Instead, they looked up to the sky and let out a deafening roar:

   "Daxia glory, long live your majesty!"

The charge of the mountain whistling and tsunami resounded throughout the sky, and even completely covered the neighing sound of the hurricane. Then, amidst the blue and white light of the altar radiating outward, a figure holding a sword directly jumped out and gently touched the ground. After one point, the scarlet tornado that floats upward like a butterfly, and the Golden Palace where the Nine Princes are.

This figure was extremely inconspicuous at first, but after a few breaths, more and more monks in the Supreme Profound Land began to pay attention to this petite figure that crashed into the tornado hurricane, because they were not unfamiliar with it, and then all went up and down. The voice came directly:

   "It's her, it's the female swordsman of the human race who slayed the sword mad and Pei sword with a sword above the North Sea!"

   "What does she want to do, is she trying to use her own power to directly cut off this hurricane, how can this be possible?"

   Under this ups and downs of exclamation, after a few flashes in the air, the flying shadow of Jiansheng's robe appeared directly in front of the hurricane connecting the world.

Compared with the vast tornado, the figure of the girl is so insignificant, and at the next breath, Jiansheng directly pulled out the red crystal sword in his hand, took a step in the air with his right foot, raised the sword forward, and did it. A standard sword style.

   "Supernatural powers. Tai A Blade Storm!"

   In an instant, countless stars fell directly from the sky, the sword was born among the stars and danced gracefully, holding the sword facing the front and cutting out countless swords.

   The sword came from above the nine heavens, then merged with the misty starlight, and turned into a storm of Tai'a rising into the sky, connecting the heaven and the earth.

   An unstoppable storm once again appeared in the entire Chinese military battlefield.

   Take the storm to the storm!


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