
read2();   Central Shangguo is known as inheriting the orthodoxy after the collapse of the fairy palace, and has a profound background, and the ancestors of almost every major force in Tangdu are the famous immortal saints in the fairy palace period. Mighty, therefore, even if it is the remaining image of the will and Tao, the supernatural power released outward is still extremely vast, which can be called destroying the world.

   For this ambitious ninth prince of Shangguo, with the monks under his command almost dead, this is undoubtedly the former's last trump card in this **** battle!

At this time, all the monks in the Supreme Profound Land who focused their eyes on the battlefield of the Chinese Army, after the appearance of the blood feather gorilla, they are all speculating about what means the human race on the sunken island will use to deal with this style. Destroy scarlet supernatural powers.

   either use barriers and supernatural powers to resist, or use mysterious means to move it elsewhere, and more people think that the assault army of the Daxia human race will be defeated and flee under this vast bloodfeather gorilla wind.

However, when another sword blade storm was cut out by the sword, and within a few breaths, it occupied the entire space between the world and the earth, and at the same time it released a violent aura that was not weaker than another storm, all on the North Sea battlefield. The monks in the Taixuan Land shook their souls and their hearts sank quickly.

Once again, they underestimated the Daxia Human Race, and cast a shadow over their original confidence. Once upon a time, the mentality of these powerful monks had already been on the immortal island of the world as soon as possible, grabbing opportunities, unconsciously Change to how to persist under the torrent of the human race until the follow-up large forces arrive.

As a result, the cultivator army of the Supreme Profound Land, which had been continuously following the Nine Princes to charge forward, directly suffered a fault due to the hesitation of the subsequent sect forces. In this case, the Great Xia soldier above the nine islands from far away Looking at it, it was as if the river was originally billowing and flowing, being cut off directly from the middle, without connecting back and forth.

"Sure enough, as expected by the aides of the Military Aircraft Department, the sect monks of the Supreme Profound Land are fighting separately. If they have an absolute advantage, they will be half-hearted when they encounter a strong enemy. After all, they put their own interests first. , In front of fate, what is chance?"

   On the back of the ancient black dragon on Jiuyao Island, a Daxia army general spoke with a bit of coldness in his words, and then Wang Jing with a solemn face in front of him put down the secret order in his hand, and a steady response came out:

"During the deduction of your majesty and the Military Aircraft Department, the individual strength of the monks in the Supreme Profound Land is undoubtedly strong, but this kind of strength, when combined with each other, is like a tall house formed by random accumulations, which seems to bluff people. , It is actually fragile internally.

   "At the same time, this room has no load-bearing beams, no arches and tenon joints. Just remove all the bottom sections and it will collapse."

After    finished speaking, Wang Jing squinted his eyes and watched the Chinese military battlefield where two tornadoes violently oppose each other, and his young and confident voice continued to sound:

   "Faith, as long as you destroy the faith of these monks in the Supreme Profound Land, then this mansion will be overwhelmed in an instant. Looking at the appearance of these monks, the seeds of fear have begun to take root in their hearts."

As soon as Wang Jing’s words fell, on the huge battlefield ahead, shrines exuding vast blue and white light continued to appear, just like the vast stars in the night sky, lit up one after another, and countless outwards. The light of the altar swept across almost the entire area of ​​the battlefield of the Daxia soldiers, and began to continuously recover the strength and injuries of Daxia's soldiers.

Following Mo Yuan, the young secretary of the Transmission Division, after the Chinese army unsealed the first altar, in the remaining eight charging fronts, each had an altar envoy under the guard, and the altar was unsealed and placed on the battlefield. Time, the nine altars shine brightly, competing with the sun, shining in the center of the North Sea.

   If you take a bird's eye view of the entire battlefield from the sky, you will find that the nine altars are connected in a straight line, and then together with the blue and white light pouring out of the altar, the **** glazed land in the center of the North Sea suddenly divided into two parts.

  The place where the altar shines is the place controlled by Daxia!

Then Da Xia charged into the sky with a violent torrent, and continued to rush forward, completely dispersing and massacring the monks in the terrifying Tai Xuan land. At the same time, Wang Jing on the back of the ancient black dragon gently beckoned, and there was a commander immediately. The secretary came quickly and obeyed his orders.

"The Ninth Army was passed, and the forward army completed the change within 100 breaths. The soldiers who were replaced from the front line, the lightly wounded relied on the altar to recover, and the severely wounded were directly sent back to Daxia for treatment by the military doctors. At the same time, let Tianhui The army’s taboos used the most violent and shocking means to take down the nine princes of the Central High Kingdom. This commander will not only kill, but also condemn!

As soon as the murderous words in Wang Jingkou uttered, the deafening sound of the horn suddenly came out from the nine islands, resounding through the entire battlefield, and then in the Nine Army formations, the sergeants of the sergeant who rode fast, were picking up After the news, while waving the huge flag in his hand, he opened his mouth and shouted:

   "Change, change, the first forward retreat, second advance, charge, continue to charge!"

Accompanied by a loud command, the second-round forwards, who had been reserving for a long time in the rear, began to release the iron-blooded killing intent on their bodies, roaring outrageously, and at the same time, they were all wounded and exhausted. The sequence retreats.

   After about fifty breaths, the two armies swiftly staggered like tightly connected machines on the battlefield full of corpses. From a distance, they had the beauty of order and discipline that shocked everyone.

This time between advance and retreat indicates the incomparable combat capability of the Daxia army. At the same time, beside the Chinese army's altar, the second lady of Wei Guogong, Xu Jin, raised her head and looked at the monks in the Taixuan land in defeat. As well as the battlefield where two sky-sweeping storms blasted against each other, they tightened the purple bow in their hands, their red lips lightly opened, and the voice came out:

   "Song Lin, go to the rear to bring Ma Yuan back, and then, together with the teleporter of the Simos, teleport back to the rear of the mainland. Our mission of escorting the Antan envoy has been completed."

   Xu Jin's words were plain, but the faces of the disciples in Zizhu Lane were slightly relaxed. Then everyone thought of Ma Yuan's sacrifice, and deep sorrow appeared in the black eyes.

   "According to the mission arrangement of the Ministry of War, the forward troops have changed, and our squad is also among them, so you can go back to the rear to repair."

   The words that Xu Jin continued to ring fell, and Xiao Yuan, who was supporting Mo Yuan, frowned, and then the voice of inquiry came out:

   "Second Miss, won't you go back and fix it?"

"The change of the forward army is to maintain the sharp attack of the entire Kowloon army. This lady is full of vitality, naturally there is no reason to go back to the rear. Next, I will join the light cavalry to hunt down the strong monks in the Taixuan Land. ."

   Xu Jin’s response was sharp, and then the girl raised the big bow in her hand and pointed it forward, her voice sounded again:

   "I said that if Ma Yuan sacrifices, I will kill the entire Central Shangguo Eagle Nest with all my strength. The seeds of hatred have been planted. This is the cruelty of war, and no one can avoid it!"


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