The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1440: Send you on the road


read2();   The setting sun is like blood, and the orange-red light shed from the sky above the sky, falling on this **** Beihai battlefield, intertwined with a hell-like tragic scene, as if still The wailing and screams of countless cultivators in the Great Profound Land before they died.

The entire North Sea **** battle has proceeded here. There are countless dead creatures. The dazzling and hot blood has almost completely soaked the vast glazed land in red. As Xu Jin said, war will bring death, and death is accompanied by hatred. Tens of thousands of years later, Da Xia, who was reborn in Beihai, the land of the Supreme Profound Realm, had to fight with tigers and wolves around him.

The Great Profound Land that adheres to the laws of the naked jungle, the major forces in it are not good stubbles. Daxia is like the fierce behemoth that broke into this forest for the first time. It will use a **** battle that will make everyone fearful. To declare your own strength and inviolability!

   Only blood can reach people's hearts directly, and only blood can gain awe. At this time, the young emperor sitting on the imperial hall of the White Emperor Palace has only one thing to do, and that is to kill the heart.

   "The Great Xia Ninth Army, continue to charge, kill all without mercy, and leave no prisoners!"

Wang Jing’s unrejectable command sounded through the entire battlefield, and the words of murder without mercy were like a sharp blade that directly pierced into the heart of a monk in a place of great profoundness, perhaps with increasing momentum. What's more, under the torrent of the more and more powerful Daxia Sergeant, their ending is already doomed.

   "This prince is a disciple of the Kingdom supported by the Eagle's Nest. How can these human ants who don't know where they come back can stop me, how can they stop me!"

Over the middle of the battlefield of the Chinese Army, the Nine Princes above the Golden Palace raised their hands, roaring, while struggling to control the blood feathered orangutan that was leaning against the sky in front of the wind and rolling forward. However, under the opposition of the sword-born Tai'a storm, this wave Carrying the destructive supernatural powers that the Nine Princes finally relied on, not only was it unable to cause damage to the Daxia Sergeant below, it even had a faint tendency to be swept back.

   This rare sense of powerlessness caused the originally full-fledged Nine Princes to completely lose their minds. As they became more and more mad, they shouted:

   "Come here, let the prince get off the court, go and kill the sword-dancing woman in front of you, as long as she dies, no one can stop my release of the ape wind blood feather magical power!"

   The stern roar of    hadn't fallen yet, and the stern response from someone below sounded directly:

   "His Majesty Nine, there is no one, everyone is called to fight by you. As long as you go down, neither the children of the Eagle's Nest nor the people of the other sects have returned."

As soon as this statement came out, the Ninth Prince suddenly looked down at the Golden Temple below, and saw that the square that was originally densely covered with monks had become extremely empty, with only a few attendants kneeling on the ground. Stop shaking.

   "Should be vigorous, where is the most outstanding disciple of the Eagle's Nest?"

   The nine princes asked with a tremor that he hadn't noticed, and then the servant below opened his mouth and shouted:

   "His Majesty Nine, Ying Li died, and his head was cut off by a human monk in the first encounter, and the dead cannot die again!"

   "The demon words deceive the people, with a stern cultivation base, unless it is a land god, who can kill it in an instant, if you talk nonsense, this prince will cut you a thousand swords!"

   The nine princes who controlled the scarlet storm on the golden palace screamed for bursts, with a face full of unbelievable color, and then the servant who kicked his feet climbed up from the ground below, kowtow, and continued to shout:

   "His Majesty Nine, let's go back, when these human races rush over, it will really be over!"

   "Go back, where to go back? I can't sit in that position. It's still a dead word to go back to Tangdu. It's just the difference between early death and late death. Do you think my emperor brothers can give me a way out?"

   The roar fell, and the Ninth Prince once again stretched his feet and kicked the attendant in front of him to the ground. Then his hands became claws, and he uttered a dragon roar on his back:

   "How can the noble nine princes of our central government lose to these human ants like you!"

Accompanied by the harsh dragon howl, pieces of golden dragon scales emerged from the body of the nine princes, and the extremely ancient and noble aura burst out outrageously, and then the scarlet hurricane before the former seated in the golden hall expanded several times in an instant .

   "Whether a person is noble or not is not up to you. The blood flowing in our human body is no weaker than anyone. Every Daxia citizen will prove to the world the greatness of the entire country with a sharp sword in his hand!"

Suddenly, a young and jealous voice came from under the altar on the battlefield of the Chinese Army. It was not loud at first, but it became higher and higher. In a blink of an eye, it resounded over the entire battlefield, followed by a blue and white altar light. Below, a tall and symmetrical figure slowly appeared.

  The son of the Prince of Bei'an, the Tianhui Army Jiangyue!

   The celestial army robe outside Jiang Yue's body was flying in all directions because of the energy rolling in front, and his right hand dragged this one-man sword.

Before stepping forward, the sharp sword in Jiang Yue's hand made a clearly visible long mark on the glazed ground, and the moment the celestial army killer stepped out of the light of the altar, infinite The endless blood on the battlefield suddenly exploded from his body and rose to the sky.

   This vast eruption of battlefield air, although scarlet like blood, is different from the blood mist surrounding the entire battlefield. It is killing intent, iron-blooded battle aura!

   At the next breath, the boiling battlefield killing intent quickly condensed inward, forming an indomitable battlefield Valkyrie, standing proudly on the battlefield.

This Valkyrie also holds a big sword in both hands, and behind it, a huge flag that symbolizes victory is flying in all directions, and the black and red smoke condensed by the souls of the battlefield emerges outward. It belongs to the will and the top monks. The momentum instantly encompasses the entire Chinese military battlefield!

   "It is another top-level master repairer. Looking at this aura, it far exceeds the Master of Palm Fate Birth and Death Realm. Who is the sacred human race on this sunken island, and why is it so powerful?"

   If the hesitant monks in the Supreme Profound Land were only shocked, then after Jiang Yue completely released his ancient forbidden Dao soul, these people were completely terrified, and they opened their mouths and shouted horrified roars.

   Then, under the concentration of countless gazes, Jiang Yue raised his hand, his legs bent slightly, and he lifted his big sword and pointed directly at the nine princes above the golden palace, his savage voice continued to resound through the sky:

   "The commander of the Radiant Legion, I was ordered to come and kill the nine princes of Central Shangguo. Please feel free to go on the road!"

The sound of Jiang Yue from the Radiant Army was like ice water poured down in the twelfth lunar month of winter. After that, before the nine princes above could speak and roar, the endless blood of Jiang Yue suddenly exploded like a volcanic eruption. Above, a plum blossomed with blood came into full bloom.

   In the center of the plum blossom, the figure of the Wang Shizi of Bei'an holding a sword rose into the sky, turning into a blood-red arrow and rushing straight up.

   As he said, he is going to send the Ninth Prince for the last time!


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