The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1341: Welcome to my battlefield


read2();    a trip to the mountains, a trip to the water, located in the central Shangguo in the hinterland of the Taixuan Land, and the distance from the northernmost Beihai County is incalculable. Therefore, the one who participated in the battle of the nine sons The prince of the Ninth State, coming to the Beihai battlefield at this time, can be described as wading through mountains and rivers, and full of ambition.

But the nature between heaven and earth is cruel, and all things change will not be favored because you are a noble prince of the kingdom. Therefore, among the golden eyes of the nine princes above the golden palace, there is a figure holding a sword in front of you. It is tearing apart the void, zooming in extremely fast.

   "Ancient taboo magical powers. Sword dance!"

   The sword student dancing in the sword blade storm stopped abruptly, and then grasped the blood crystal sword in his hand, facing the scarlet blood feather storm in front, and suddenly pierced out along the law line.

In the next breath, a sword dragon that contained infinite kendo laws roared out. The scales of the sword dragon's body, composed of countless swords, stood up outwards, wrapped in an endless violent sharp aura, and directly swept the blood feather storm in front of him. The whole torn apart.

   Then the figure of Jiang Yue holding a big sword, fell from the top to the head of the sword of the sword, standing steadily, the two combined into a sharp sword, in this storm of heaven and earth, an unstoppable hurricane rushed forward.

   "Dead, die, die!"

   In the golden eyes, the nine princes of Central Shangguo, who were getting more and more frightened, roared out from his mouth became more and more stern, mobilizing all the strength of his body, trying to directly suppress Jiang Yue in the storm.

   However, letting the former roar how angry and stern, the momentum of the sword dragon tearing storm is still violent, and then the eighth prince not far behind the nine princes golden palace directly uttered a roar:

   "Emperor brothers, if Lao Jiu is beheaded alive in front of you, you will feel how your father will think about it, my Central Government will lose face and become the laughing stock of the entire Taixuan Land!"

   As soon as the eighth prince said this, whether it was the most powerful prince or the other princes, they all raised their eyebrows, and opened their mouths one after another:

   "Take a shot and save Lao Jiu this waste, you can't let him die in front of us!"

The roar fell. From the golden palaces of the princes, the magical power stream suddenly rose up, and fell straight down towards the center of the battlefield. After a breath, Jiang Yue, who stood proudly on top of the swordsman dragon with his sword, raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said loudly. , The voice resounded across the sky:

   "The King of Hades made you die for the third watch, who dares to keep people until the fifth watch!"

After he finished speaking, Jiang Yue held the sword and raised it violently from top to bottom. A dazzling sword light suddenly gleamed across the world, and together with the **** thunder of the Wang Jiang clan of Bei'an, the storm before him was completely complete. Cut in half.

In an instant, Jiang Yue's figure disappeared, and at the same time, the infinite sword dragon, with the most violent posture, first strangled the eight heavenly horses that were constantly neighing because of fear into blood, and then bombarded the golden glowing gold. Above the palace.

Outside the Golden Palace, the defensive barrier that was originally sufficient to withstand the baptism of the Weiyang Army’s thunder guns and crossbows, only persisted for the two breath time, and was completely torn by countless kendo edges. Under the power of the vast edge, the huge Golden Palace trembled crazily and was suddenly Boom back.

"help me!"

   Until this time, the nine princes in Seli's inner circle showed their fears, screaming again and again, and then constantly shaking at the end of the square below the broken golden palace, Jiang Yue slowly appeared dragging the big sword.

The strong wind blew the celestial robe outside of his body, and the black robe under the violent dance, like the devil claws of the **** of death, with a terrifying scream, then Jiang Yue raised his head, his dark eyes, watching As the face changed wildly, the nine princes in messy python robes raised the corners of their mouths and continued to show a cold smile, and the voice came out:

   "Meeting for the first time, but self-introduction is not necessary. For a dying person, it is really unnecessary!"

   The voice fell, Jiang Yue raised his hand to cut out two swords to his side, and directly cut the two rushing attendants into two. Between the blood and internal organs, the pungent smell of blood rose to the sky.

   Once upon a time, above the most noble Golden Palace of the Nine Princes, there were only good wines and delicacies, and groups of dancers. Have you ever seen such a **** and **** situation?

   Jiang Yue's right foot on the square, every time he took a step forward, he would chop off the head of a guard and attendant with a big sword in his hand, causing a tragic appearance between life and death on the chaotic golden palace.

After two breaths, Jiang Yue dragged the **** sword and stepped to the center of the Golden Temple Square. His eyes continued to interweave with the nine princes above. However, at this moment, the two people looking at each other on the empty square. The look inside is completely different.

   That is the gaze of hunters and prey!

   "According to your majesty's will to accelerate the advancement of the battlefield, the nine princes should be on your way!"

   Jiang went up to the sky and let out a roar. After the roar, the well-proportioned Celestial Army Killing God held a sword in both hands, directly facing the Golden Temple Square below, and stabbed it violently. Then the sword's edge pierced into the ground like a piece of tofu.

At the same time, Jiang Yue's indomitable battlefield Valkyrie behind her, her entire body swelled again, materializing black flames erupting, and behind the huge victory banner swaying wildly, she also held the sword of heaven and earth with both hands and pierced it mightily below. In the sword palace.

   Between the heavens and the earth on the North Sea battlefield, a deafening sound of golden drums suddenly sounded, and it also contained the shocking cry of hundreds of millions of soldiers and horses to charge!

   Ancient taboo magical powers. Power attack!

   An instant later, within Jiang Yue's upright and pine body, the rich iron-blooded golden light was released, and the violent aura that had frightened everyone once again rose up, stirring all the wind and clouds in the entire North Sea.

   Then the young man of the Radiant Army twisted the big sword that had pierced into the golden palace, and the first crack suddenly appeared on the emperor's golden palace built with extremely strong treasures.

   "Crack, click!"

Accompanied by the louder and denser clacking sound, with the big sword in Jiangyue's hand as the center, the dense cracks spread forward like a spider web, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a long dragon with open teeth and dancing claws, and it roared upwards. The prince invaded.

   "Cut off, this emperor's Golden Palace is a treasure built by the Central Kingdom with countless geniuses and talents. It can be said to be an indestructible fortress. Now it has been directly cut open by this human race. These nine princes are more fortunate!"

  The cries of exclamation one after another continued to sound from the monks in the Taixuan Land, and then countless black and red iron blood surged outward from the gap in the golden hall, giving out a scream like a ghost.

At the same time, the rest of the princes who came from behind quickly turned into streamers and bombarded directly. The flame of survival in the eyes of the nine princes became more and more enthusiastic, but the next moment, the pupils of the latter suddenly expanded and contracted because Jiang Yue's figure stepped out of the ghost flames on the battlefield and came to him, and the distance between the two was only half an arm.

   After an instant, Jiang Yue raised his sword and stabbed the nine princes ahead firmly!

   Ancient taboo magical powers. Duel.

   "Nine Princes, welcome to my battlefield!"


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