
read2();  "Those emperors of the Central High Kingdom, although they have completely torn their skins because of this great power dispute, the entire Taixuan Land knows that now the high above the Central The most important thing for the old emperor of the country is the face of the country.

   "If you let them know that these princes let the old nine be killed in full view and remain indifferent, they will surely burst into anger, and these princes will not be able to eat them!"

When Jiang Yue’s **** iron-blooded fighting spirit, wrapped in the boundless breath of taboos, directly cut open the Golden Palace where the Nine Princes were located, some monks in the Supreme Profound Land who knew better about the Central Kingdom spoke anxiously. Then these people seemed to think of something. Continue to speak:

"This human cultivator who appeared suddenly, with great momentum, was a violent move to sever the Golden Palace. I don't know if these princes have been late to make a move, can they save the old nine, but whether they can. After this battle, once the news of this battle is sent back to the rear, the power displayed by the Immortal Island human race will make the entire Supreme Profound Land violently boiling!

   As soon as these words came out, these uneasy sect monks nodded their heads in agreement, and then they looked more and more difficult when they thought of the situation where they were riding a tiger.

After a few breaths, under the lock of countless lights, the golden palace where the Nine Princes were located crashed into two pieces with a cracking sound. At the same time, more than ten mad cracking magical powers directly blasted the place where Jiangyue and the Nine Princes were. .

The dazzling light bursting out from the violent supernatural power directly obscured the gaze from all directions, making it impossible to see the truth inside for a while, and then a terrible scream sounded from under the supernatural power and spread to everyone In the ears.

   "It's the Ninth Prince of Central Shangguo, he is screaming!"

This scream came out, causing all the surrounding cultivators to feel a sudden twitch, and then the valkyrie behind Jiang Yue suddenly opened his closed eyes, swinging the sword of heaven and earth in his hand, and directly exposing all the magical powers pouring from all directions. Chopped.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   Under the roar of the mountain whirring like a tsunami, all the magical powers and streams shattered under the Valkyrie Sword, and suddenly countless broken laws were flying in all directions, making the entire North Sea Central Battlefield a splendid firework show in full bloom.

   At the next breath, the indomitable Valkyrie behind Jiang Yue raised his sword-holding hands up, and the two great swords of heaven and earth overlapped in front of him, just right in front of him surrounding Jiang Yue and the Nine Princes under the sword.

   Then a strong iron-blooded fighting spirit surrounded Jiang Yue's body, directly forming the prototype of an iron-blooded battlefield kingdom, including himself and the Nine Princes, while Jiang Yue's voice suddenly sounded within the kingdom:

   "Nine Princes, this is the battlefield kingdom owned by our company, and the rules in this kingdom are very simple and easy to understand."

   Jiangyue’s voice was filled with increasing excitement. Then he looked at the corner of the battlefield kingdom, clutching his right shoulder and the wailing nine princes, his murderous voice continued:

  "The rule of the kingdom is a duel. In my kingdom, you and I fight life and death. If I win, I will absorb your cultivation base to supplement myself, and vice versa.

   "In other words, as long as you can kill me, then all the cultivation bases and magical powers of our company will be absorbed by you. This is a big deal!"

Before the words fell, Jiang Yue's figure disappeared instantly from within the kingdom, and the Ninth Prince, who was holding his shoulders on the other side, let out a terrified scream again. In the first wave of confrontation with Jiang Yue, the latter's hands were sharp. The Great Sword already saw the solid dragon scales outside the Nine Prince's body as nothing, and directly pierced his entire right shoulder.

   There was a little golden blood in the gurgling, gushing out from the crevices of the fingers of the Ninth Prince, and when Jiang Yue once again disappeared in front of his eyes, there was only boundless fear in the eyes of the Ninth Prince.

   "Come out, get out for this prince, behind me is the entire Central Shangguo, you can't kill me!"

   bursts of screams came from the mouth of the nine princes, and facing the empty country in front of him, his whole mind had completely collapsed, and while covering his **** shoulders, he generally continued to cry:

   "Let me go, as long as you let the prince go, I promise to leave Beihai immediately. I will never step into this place again in my life, let me go!"

   The nine princes' crying begging for mercy at this time was completely devoid of the honor and demeanor that a noble emperor of the kingdom should have. However, in the face of death, there is no distinction between high and low, as long as it is wailing and begging for mercy, everyone is the same embarrassed. !

As everyone knows, the extremely humble behavior of the Ninth Prince at this time is being seen by countless people on the entire Beihai battlefield, not only the monks in the profound land, but also the countless sons who are watching all of this in the vast land of China. people.

Under the densely intertwined countless complex visions, the entire Beihai battlefield fell into a very strange silence for an instant. At this time, the most ugly complexion was none other than the prince of Central Shangguo and others, and then gritted his teeth. The voice of spit out from the prince's mouth:

   "The waste, the waste that has lost all the faces of the Central Shangguo, if possible, the prince would rather kill this waste directly, so as not to be embarrassed!"

   "His Royal Highness, are you going to give all your strength to rescue?"

As soon as the voice of the prince of the Central State University fell, there was a counselor who asked about it. Then, before he could finish his words, the prince above stared directly at him with extremely cold eyes. The latter trembled and hurriedly said nothing. .

Then, after countless gazes continued, in the battlefield kingdom above the central battlefield, the scarlet sword light once again appeared from the void, and this time, the sharp sword of the Celestial Army stabbed into the Nine Princes. On the left shoulder, the latter continued to let out a cry of pain.

At the next breath, Jiang Yue's body in a flying robe slowly appeared in front of the Ninth Prince, and then his right hand held the hilt of the sword and gently lifted the sword, no longer hesitating, directly facing the latter's neck, straight Chop down.

   "Those who commit my great summer, die!"

   An icy voice sounded softly from Jiang Yue, and the great sword swept across a mysterious trajectory and approached the neck of the Ninth Prince. However, in the next moment, a vast and incomparable will suddenly appeared over the entire Beihai battlefield.

  As soon as this will appeared, it already occupied the entire center of the North Sea, and the incomparable coercion of the country was pressing on everyone's shoulders from top to bottom.

   At the same time, an old and majestic voice rolled down on its own:

   "The nine princes are defeated, and the fight for the superior is out. Because it damages the authority of the upper country and deprives the emperor's order, outsiders can't kill it!"

   After this brilliant sound blasted into the world, Jiang Yueluojian's right hand paused slightly, and the blade of the sword glowing with cold light was only a few minutes away from the neck of the nine princes!


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