
read2();   "The elder ran away, and the lord also flew away with the flying magic weapon in advance, brother, what should I do?"

   On the chaotic North Sea battlefield, desperate roars rang out one after another, but in a blink of an eye they were submerged under the sound of the charge to kill, disappearing without a trace.

   Then the young man from the sect who was slapped flying by the elder of his own parents, climbed up from the ground with difficulty, shook his head, and the anxious and desperate cry of the younger brother once again sounded in his ear:

   "Brother, the assault troops of the human race are here, get out of the way, quickly get out of the sides!"

However, the young monk who was completely in a trance, his ears were full of buzzing ears, and he couldn't hear the roar of the junior fellow in the distance. Then his eyes turned blankly, and after a breath, the ground beneath him trembled violently. , And then a large and strong horseshoe rapidly enlarged in its pupils.

   "My life is over!"

   A cry of wailing came from the mouth of the young sect monk, and then a huge force struck him, knocking his whole person into the sky and at the same time, it also tore the former's body directly from the waist into two pieces.

   "Is that my legs and lower body?"

After the last thought flashed, in front of the young monk, a small mountain-like centaur raging beast soldier charged by, followed by a dragon-like assault force. After two breaths, the upper body of the young monk ran into the face. Above the defensive barriers released by the armored men of the Human Race Shield Armor, everyone realized that this was all eliminated, and fell into eternal darkness ever since.

   "Dead, brother is dead, run away!"

Along with the collective charge of the nine armies of Daxia, more and more sorrowful and wailing voices sounded from all over the Beihai battlefield. The fire of fear in the hearts of the monks in the Supreme Profound Land continued to spread outward, By this time, it had already formed a situation of collapse.

   "His Royal Highness, all the sect monks below are all shocked, the situation is extremely unfavorable!"

Above the Golden Palace where the prince of the Central State University was located, a trembling voice from his subordinate aides rang, and then the gloomy prince from the upper side slammed his fist against a golden pillar next to him, and made a sound from his mouth. The sound of gritted teeth:

   "His Royal Highness is not a blind man, I can see it clearly when I flee from below!"

   After the cold words fell, the frowning majesty continued to curse:

   "The disciples of these big forces are all pretentious and heroic in slaying casual cultivators. Once they reach the real battlefield, they will directly become bereaved dogs who have fled away. It's really waste."

Having said that, the eyes of the elder prince looking forward at this time also have a shocking color. It is true that even if he is an emperor of the kingdom, seeing such scenes of countless monks being chased and fleeing, Still horrified inside.

   "Your Highness, what shall I do next?"

   While all the monks in the hall were watching the rushing Great Xia Ninth Army in amazement, an untimely questioning sound pulled everyone's thoughts back, and then everyone looked directly at the big prince above.

   Now there are only two options before the prince, fight or withdraw?

   But no matter which decision, under the current situation, it seemed extremely difficult. For a while, when the eldest prince hesitated, the entire golden palace suddenly fell into a strange silence.

However, after only a few breaths, the silence was completely broken, because over the battlefield, the three rounds of black, red, and yellow taboo kingdom prototypes that competed with the sun began to cut through the void, facing the golden palace of the princes. Rushed from the rear.

At the same time, a gust of taboo aura that these monks in the Supreme Profound Land had never experienced before rushed like a storm, directly pressing on the hearts of all the monks in Tangdu, making them feel like they were in an ancient place at this moment. In the incomparably mysterious continent, an emotion of incomparable awe subconsciously rose in his heart.

   "Your Highness, these weird top-level corrections are coming, please make your decision as soon as possible!"

Facing the vast and mighty power of the three taboos of the Radiant Army, one of the staff above the Golden Palace could no longer hold their breath, and they all spoke to remind them, and then the fists under the elder prince’s python robes were tightly clenched, and even fell deeply into the flesh and blood of the palm , But he couldn't tell the retreat.

  He is the prince of the Central Empire that is recognized as the most likely to ascend to the throne, and once this retreat is first spit out from his mouth, his chances of winning the battle between Kowloon and the mainland will be reduced by at least 20%!

The Radiant Army Taboos are rolling in more and more momentum, even looking forward at the place where the Great Prince’s Golden Palace is, you can see the body of the Valkyrie behind Jiang Yue, burning black and red wars. Homura, at the same time, the big prince's clenched fists were getting tighter, his lips moved, but it was still difficult to make any sound.

After   , a cry of exclamation sounded from the aides and monks below, which made the faces of everyone in the temple loose for an instant.

   "His Royal Highness, they have withdrawn, and the golden palaces of the other princes are retreating, including the four princes!"

As soon as this statement came out, the central prince of Shangguo, who had been increasingly cold and stern, suddenly looked to his side, and what was caught in his eyes was the scene where the forces of the other princes including the four princes of the archenemy evacuated collectively. .

   In this way, the face of the elder prince was much better, and a very faint voice was gently spit out from his mouth:


Although the words of evacuation were extremely inaudible, the attendants below ran out of the temple without stopping, telling all the monks the evacuation instructions, and then whether it was the huge golden temple or the large number of monks flying in the air, They turned their heads to the south, and they looked as if they were still majestic, but they were in embarrassment!

   "Retired, retired, these golden palaces fled, we won, Great Xia is mighty, your majesty is mighty!"

All the monks in the Taixuan Land fled south, within the vast Daxia 36 prefectures of China, countless Daxia citizens who had seen all this through the mountain and sea maps, raised their arms and shouted, and cheers rushed to the sky. , Causing the two immortals mountains floating on the sea to be shaken three times.

   At the same time, in the imperial hall of the White Emperor Palace, under the leadership of Li Chunfeng, the Manchu Civil and Martial Arts stood up to salute the young emperor above, and a uniform voice came out at the same time:

   "Congratulations to Daxia for winning the first battle of the Taixuan Land, congratulations to your majesty, and God bless Daxia!"

   "All flat body."

Zhao Yu’s voice from the throne is still as stable as a mountain, giving people the supreme majesty of wind and rain. Then the young emperor’s eyes looked at the nine army encircled in the mountain and sea map, and the young voice continued to spread. Out:

   "Everything is difficult at the beginning, and now this battle concerning the settlement of the country and the community has a good beginning. It should be gratifying, but the drastic change has just begun. I should face it with all Daxia soldiers and people."


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