The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1348: Countless souls


read2();  The wind swept the setting sun, and the blood chaotic dusk.

Beihai, the land of Taixuan, had not been shining down for tens of thousands of years due to the endless fog of Taoism that permeated the sky and the earth. After the birth of Shenzhou Haotu, it was accompanied by the fog of Taoism from the northern gate. Crazy assimilation, Da Ri finally revealed his true face in Beihai, but the first sunset in these tens of thousands of years was exceptionally red.

   is the red blood stained at dusk!

This is the first confrontation between Daxia and Taixuan in the depths of the North Sea. From the beginning of the morning sun to the scorching sun, it was still in full swing, with blood flowing everywhere, and even a large amount of blood poured out. At this time, not only the glazed land, which is the main battlefield, but also the surrounding North Sea is floating scarlet.

   "Nine armies unite, surround six and open three, close dragon!"

   Under the orange-red sunset light, the roar of Daxia commander resounded throughout the world. After a breath, the Daxia Ninth Army, who had already charged to the end of the battlefield, directly turned around and began to close the dragon.

   If you take a bird's eye view of the center of the North Sea from the sky, you will find that on the huge battlefield, a vast besieged city formed by countless great summer soldiers has formed between heaven and earth.

This battlefield besieged city that occupies the entire battlefield is square, like a magical power imprinted by a seal of heaven and earth, blocking the heavens and the earth, and a long army formed by nine charges, and fleeing countless monks in the Supreme Profound Land. It was directly divided into eight parts, and at the same time poured out an unparalleled iron and blood aura.

   At the next breath, over the nine islands, the command sound from Wang Jing's voice shook the sky, and it came to everyone's ears:

   "The whole army is encircled, the steps are coordinated, the heaven and earth fortresses are supernatural, let go!"

   As soon as the four words of the heaven and earth fortress in Wangjingkou came out, the central battlefield of the North Sea, which was originally full of iron and blood, suddenly changed its aura, and the vast and extremely heavy aura fell from the sky violently.

At the same time, the closed Great Xia Shield Armored soldiers marched forward together, and then slammed the heavy shield against the land in front of them, accompanied by a continuous clacking sound. The shield stretched forward neatly, and then the barriers with rich golden light rose to the sky, shining the whole world.

From a distance, the supernatural powers of the barriers released by the Great Xia Shield Armor are like building blocks to build a majestic fortress city. Under the continuous combination of each other, they continuously form a block that becomes wider, thicker, and higher. Fortress wall!

Afterwards, a series of ferocious and powerful Weiyang army puppets, under the roar of the commander, also stopped the advancing figure, and the light of the runes representing the defensive barriers began to light up, and the purification potion stored in the puppets directly It is boiling, releasing a huge amount of heaven and earth vitality, providing it with abundant energy.

If the heavy shield barriers released by the shield armies are the city bricks of the heaven and earth fortresses, then the magical powers of the barriers released by the puppets of the Weiyang Army puppets are the cornerstones of the entire fortress. The two are one step. The cooperation between the tanks is for the strongest defensive formation of the Daxia army, the supernatural powers, the fortress of heaven and earth!

The magical powers of the Heaven and Earth Fortress at this time are countless times stronger than those released a few months ago by the Lingbo Lake in Chuzhou, Daxia, in order to deal with the sleepless gods. The entire center of the North Sea, in just a few breaths, went straight to the ground. Build a fortress of heaven and earth exuding vast golden light.

   This heaven and earth fortress connects the entire sea and sky, and this time it appears not to defend against foreign enemies, but to blockade and suppress!

Then the incomparable vast aura swept outwards, causing an indescribable force of suppression to suddenly appear in the depths of this extremely thin North Sea, and also caused a large number of cultivators in the Great Profound Land to be fleeing. The whole person seemed to be trapped. It was like an invisible shackle, suddenly heavier a hundred times, and even the steps of fleeing south were extremely difficult.

   "It's an array, enough to cover the entire North Sea battlefield. We will all be locked in and wait for death!"

   The terrifying voice roared from the monks of the Supreme Profound Land, and the first to feel the infinite power of this heaven and earth fortress were those sect masters who released the flying magic weapon and took the lead in fleeing backward.

As we all know, the speed of flying magic weapon naturally exceeds the body method of the feet. Therefore, before the Great Xia Nine Dragon Army below closes, the black spots on the sky will almost fly out of this piece of magical power constructed by the Great Xia Faxiu army. Liuli battlefield.

   Then the sect monk who stepped on the flying magic weapon, looked down at the Great Xia Shield Armour soldier who had just become a force on the ground, subconsciously hesitated, and muttered:

"I think this sect master has been in the land of Tai Xuan for a lifetime, but I did not expect to overturn the ship in the depths of the North Sea. This time, most of the elite monks of the entire sect were damaged by this. You have to find a place to hide and heal your wounds first, otherwise if the enemy knows about it, it will inevitably be another hunt."

   is full of intrigue and deceit. Once injured, it means life is in danger. Therefore, these sect monks have to think ahead of time to escape after they are born.

However, as Zhao Yu said, the best thing in the whole world is to obliterate the madness. Therefore Dadao likes to give the most tragic blow when he thinks he escapes and ascends to heaven. The next breath, the eyes of these sect monks suddenly opened. Big, in addition to the look of horror in his eyes, there is also a deep despair.

   Because I saw the golden wall of the whole world directly in front of you, and its appearance was so abrupt, it appeared on the face instantly, it was inevitable.

   "This suzerain is unwilling!"

   The screams of infinite despair resounded across the sky. These monks from the Supreme Profound Land who were riding the flying messenger violently forward had no time to react, and together with the flying magic weapons, they ran into the heaven and earth fortress head-on.

The next breath, accompanied by a sound of ordinary sounds and screams, on the walls of the fortress of heaven and earth, one after another poignant scarlet flowers bloomed, and at the same time, the sky above the sky was like a flock of birds. The flying cultivator of the Profound Land was still in constant flow because he couldn't control his figure, hitting the golden barrier with one head, and then falling from top to bottom with no strength.

   "Dah Xia Minxiu shot ten arrows rain, Dah Xia Weiyang Army thunder ballista, Dah Xia French Army's supernatural power baptism, prepare!"

   The nine armies were encircled, and after the Heaven and Earth Fortress surrounded almost all the monks who fled from the Supreme Profound Land, the voice from Wangjing resounding through the sky from the rear, just like the life and death sentence issued by the Hell of the Earth, basically announced the death of these monks.

After a few breaths, waves of rain of arrows turned into black clouds and rose towards the sky. The backpack ballistas of the puppets of the Weiyang army also rose, and countless thunders, like the ear-piercing sounds of birds, gathered inward, and at the same time, the nine islands Above, the Daxia Fa Xiu Army, which had been restored, began to gather supernatural powers.

   "Your Majesty has an order. Those who commit Great Xia will not keep prisoners, kill without pardon, release!"

   As soon as the command sounded, Beihai changed color and countless souls.


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