
read2();  The North Sea, the land of the Taixuan, the faint light of the morning sun has just enveloped the earth, and the sea has been raging and raging for a whole night, and finally fell into a little calm at dawn.

Then they anchored and stationed on the surface of the sea, stretching into a piece of warships. On the warships beyond the end, the monks of the sect sighed and sighed that they could finally lie down in peace, from the north to the south. The group of cultivators who fled down was like a huge boulder smashing into the sea, breaking the original short-term calm in an instant.

   One stone stirred up waves!

   "Don't lie down, get up quickly, something has happened."

   Above the North Sea, inside the warships, the monks screamed and shouted, and then the lying monks jumped up from the bed and responded with doubts on their faces:

   "What happened? Could it be that an enemy came, why didn't you sound the horn?"

   "It's not the enemy, but the first batch of monks who went north, they are back."

   At this point, the monk who opened the mouth revealed a thick and incredible color, and then continued to open his mouth:

   "But looking at these people with tattered clothes and blood, they are in shock, they should have escaped!"

   "What, escaped back? First go out to see the situation."

After speaking, a group of monks swarmed out from the cabin, and as soon as they stepped on the deck, they found that the entire gathering place where the monks was in a mess had become a pot of porridge, whether it was the sea or the sky, there were a large number of people. He jumped up and tried to go to the front to see the specific situation. At the same time, at the northern end of the sea, there were some black spots fleeing embarrassedly and constantly approaching.

   The atmosphere above the entire North Sea suddenly became particularly solemn, and even a layer of haze shrouded everyone's hearts.

   "Brother Lin, where are you going?"

On a large ship belonging to the GCC, a young and anxious voice came from Junior Brother Fang, and saw Senior Brother Lin who was still standing on the deck, and after a lighter footsteps, his figure rose into the air like a big bird. Then the response was heard:

   "I will go to the ship ahead to see the specific situation."

"Wait for me."

After speaking, the Junior Brother Fang hung the long sword in his hand behind his back, and his figure also rose up into the sky, releasing his own racial Taoist image in mid-air, and from his back grew four thin wings like cicada wings. With a light fan, the figure rushed forward.

   The two brothers from the GCC followed the crowd going north and gradually approached the northernmost part of the fleet, a huge ship with a large number of people gathered.

   The ship is as big as a medium-sized city in the Taixuan Land, and it has all the functions on it. There are even restaurants, inns, and trading places, which can accommodate a large number of monks living on it.

This huge ship is the most proud of the entire GCC. It is known as the Great Sea City on the Sea. It is well-known in the Taixuan Land. It is also a famous gold cave on the southeast coast. There is a saying:


In the land of Taixuan, one yel is equivalent to twenty two cents, which is enough to show the high consumption of this sea ship. Therefore, this time looking for an opportunity to go north, this sea ship was driven into the North Sea. , Is also beyond the expectation of a large number of monks.

   We must know that if this ship has spent countless years, countless energy and treasures, there is a slight mistake. For the GCC, it will undoubtedly lose a cash cow lying down to make money.

The scorching sun in the east showed a little head, and then the entire North Sea sky suddenly brightened. After the fog that originally covered the North Sea disappeared, once the sun shines directly from the sky, the temperature in the entire North Sea will be directly Rise rapidly.

   Warm and suitable temperature has never happened in the North Sea in the past tens of thousands of years. On the other hand, a warm environment is undoubtedly one of the necessary conditions for the recovery of everything.

   Beihai, a place abandoned by the heavens, is quietly beginning to recover at this time.

But at this time, every monk in the Supreme Profound Land above Haihe Dabo had no time to take into account the changes in the surrounding sea. Instead, they rushed to the bow of Dabo because there were already monks who had escaped from the north. Was led to the boat.

   "Let one give, let one give!"

On the deck criss-crossed like a city street, the two brothers Lin and Fang are quickly passing through the bustling crowd of monks. As the core children of the GCC, these two are facing the ship underneath. Naturally he is not unfamiliar, so he quickly shuttles between various buildings and squeezes forward.

The area of ​​Da Ship is really huge, so even if the speed of the two brothers is not slow, it took nearly a quarter of an hour to rush to the far north near the bow, find the rest of the monks of their own sect, and merge with them. .

   "The elders of the Gulf Cooperation Council are here, please disperse quickly."

Accompanied by a loud shout, the monks who had gathered in front spontaneously yearned to spread out a passage, and then the figure of a GCC elder with a cold face and no anger and prestige descended from the sky, leading the disciples behind him, a path of self-separation Filed in among them.

After ten breaths of breath, several of them fell on the deck, their expressions languishing, and the monks in their pupils who were still in shock appeared in front of the monks of the GCC. At the same time, the bodies of these monks even exuded a strong smell of blood. Battlefield evil spirits.

   The strong suffocation roared out like a tiger, causing the monks gathered around to change their complexion, and then the white long beard of the GCC elder started to move and opened his mouth:

   "It's a strong evil spirit, and there are countless monks wailing in this evil spirit."

   The GCC elder said with full dignity, and then he squatted down, staring at a young monk who kept shaking in front of him, and continued to speak:

   "The robe of Qingquanzong, the Tang Capital of Central Shangguo, if the elder is not wrong, you should belong to a certain emperor, why are you so embarrassed?"

   The voice of the inquiry fell, and the young disciple of the Qingquan School did not respond, but still trembled with horror, and even his pupils were in an extremely apathetic state.

   "He has been completely scared, so wait to see if there are any of these monks who have been brought to Dabo ship?"

   A deep frowning color continued to emerge from the old face of the GCC elder, and then the group of people swept their gazes towards the stray monks lying in front of them, and they couldn't even find a person who could talk.

   "These people are exhausted because of their escape. It is estimated that they will have to wait for others to escape before they can ask questions."

After speaking, Senior Brother Lin, who also squatted down, just wanted to reach out to explore the aura of a figure in front of him, suddenly his complexion changed greatly, because the monk with weak aura in front of him suddenly opened his eyes and stretched out his hand directly. Put the right arm directly grasping the former.


   Senior Brother Lin let out an exclamation and wanted to pull his hand out, but the palm of this person was so hard, like a very strong pliers, firmly restraining his right hand.

   At the next breath, the south escape monk sitting on the ground, his pupils opened sharply outwards, his entire eyes were bigger than a copper bell, and he opened his mouth and let out a terrible roar:

   "Escape, flee back, don't move forward!"

   The roar fell, and this person's seven orifices suddenly began to gush out countless blood, spraying Brother Lin's face, and then he lost any breath.

   After that, Senior Brother Lin, who was still in shock, turned his head in a daze, with drops of blood dripping down his face, looking at the GCC members behind him, muttered:

   "Elder, he, he is dead!"


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