
read2();  As the leading young talent of the GCC, Lin Xing is not a flower protected in a greenhouse.

   On the contrary, a large number of pirates killed in the East China Sea in the Taixuan Land were panicked, leaving a reputation.

   There was a period of time when these pirates who made a living by plundering in the East China Sea fled around like frightened birds. For a time, they did not dare to show their heads. This shows that this GCC senior brother's methods are sharp.

For Lin Xing, his head fell to the ground, blood spurted, and even slashed in front of him, would not make his mood have too much waves, but at this time, facing the extreme fear in front of him, he was very good at it. Lin Xing felt a deep chill from the unfamiliar monk who was holding his arm and the pupils of the latter's eyes that swelled outwards before his death.

   "Brother Lin, are you okay?"

   Until the concerned question from Junior Brother Fang sounded in his ears, Lin Xing, who was shivering all over his body, came back to his senses. He quietly concealed his abnormality, pulled the corner of his mouth, and responded:

   "Senior brother, I'm fine, but I didn't expect this person to be scared to death."

After the voice fell, Lin Xing got up and took a step back, wiped the blood on his face, tried his best to suppress the throbbing in his heart, and then he continued to raise his head and stare ahead, looking at each person still fleeing towards this gathering place. The monk in the land of the Supreme Profound Realm had thoughts surging in his eyes.

   "Senior Brother Lin, what do you think these people have encountered on the sea in front of them that would make them fear this way?"

   Lin Xing's ear, from the sound of Junior Brother Fang's continuing to ring, he was full of confidence before, but with a little timidity, and then Lin Xing beside him shook his head and responded:

"Senior brother, I can't imagine what kind of situation will make these top powers of the Supreme Profound Land fear this way. We must know that every cultivator of those top powers may be more advanced than us in cultivation. Strong."

   Just after the words fell, many monks who had escaped from the south in the north bumped into the Shanghai Heda ship, and roars continued to be heard:

   "Human race, the human race born from Xiandao killed us all, run away, run away."

The words   Xiandao Human Race made the complexion of every monk who heard about it changed wildly, and then doubts and fears began to interweave in their hearts, and the haze shrouded in this army of monks even worse.

As the saying goes, the real fear often comes from things that are invisible. Therefore, it is not only the two GCC brothers at this time, but even the massive monks in the big ship like a city, and the entire group of monks across a large area of ​​the North Sea. Both began to spread more and more intense fear.

   For a time, rumors spread, and the military was in chaos!

"You can't go on like this, otherwise, let alone continue northward looking for opportunities, after a long time, some unsteady minds will have to retreat. In this way, if this fairy island creature is really so terrifying, it is not good news for us. "

   An old solemn voice came from the mouth of the GCC elder, then he turned around and continued to speak to the monks behind him:

   "You first besieged the monks who had fled back to one place first, and asked what was going on ahead, and to prevent the spread of rumors and panic, the old man went to the Haihe Building to find the master."

   Soon after the words of the GCC elders fell, in the center of the huge GCC, in a magnificent giant building, a voice came out directly, and it resounded across the entire North Sea in a blink of an eye:

   "I, the leader of the Gulf Cooperation Council, hereby invite all the main actors of the big forces to come to the Haihe Building to discuss the follow-up and find opportunities!"

The rolling voice lingered back and forth in the void, clearly reaching the ears of all the monks, and then one after another big power sect masters and elders gave a few simple commands to the sect disciples before them, and the figure disappeared. In situ, it turned into a streamer and headed straight for Haihe Dabo.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Haihe Building was carved with beams and painted a building. In the antique one-story hall, the gate of the hall close to five stories high opened suddenly, and then one after another Dao robes flew in and out, the great monks of the sect. Stepping in from outside the temple, looking around for a week, under the guidance of the young and beautiful female friars of the GCC, she took a seat behind the desk.

The GCC is worthy of being the largest sect in the southeast coast of the Taixuan Land. Therefore, the main hall of this big ship is full of luxury. After most of the sect monks are seated, the top of the main hall is dressed in blue The middle-aged man in a large robe slowly walked out from behind.

This middle-aged man has a feminine face and tender skin. If it weren't for a male voice, it would even give people a sense of indistinguishability. At the same time, inside the body of the GCC club master, a strong yin air waved outwards. The waves are radiating, and the two characters of Shanghai and Lanpao are very conspicuous.

"Everyone, the reason why the Lord of the Association has hurriedly invited you to come here to discuss this time, you must be very clear. The first batch of monks who went north have only returned partly, but these people are either unconscious or scared. , And the news brought back is extremely bad.

   "Based on the words of those monks, we can basically determine one thing."

  The voice of the GCC leader fell, and he looked down for a week. After indulging in a breath, he continued to speak word by word:

   "The first batch of monks who went to the northern fairy island in search of opportunities should have been killed by the newly born fairy mountain creatures, and very few escaped back!"

As soon as the two words    kill all came out, the air in the entire hall almost completely solidified in an instant, and waves of violent aura gushed out from the body of the great monk of the sect, causing gusts of wind to appear directly out of nothing in the hall.

   "The GCC leader's words are true. Although this lord has heard it when he came, he still feels unbelievable. You must know that the first batch of people who can reach the center of the North Sea are all top powers, and there is no weak person!"

   The words of an elderly sect master in the main hall represented the inner thoughts of the heads of the other sects in the hall. It is true that this news is unacceptable to any monk in the Supreme Profound Land.

   "A large part of the monks who have escaped are on top of our ancestor Daship. If you don't believe it, you can ask yourself."

   The voice from the upper part of the Haihe Hall was filled with certainty, and then the GCC leader suddenly waved his right hand and his big sleeve, leaning forward, and continued to speak:

"There is another very important point. It is the Golden Palace of the Son of God in the Central Shangguo North, which has returned from the front. There are two missing. Although I don't know which two emperors are missing, the news is undoubtedly for me. a bolt from the blue!"

   The words of the GCC Association's lord were constantly lingering in the hall, and the whole hall immediately became silent, no one spoke, and it was chilling.

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