The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1368: Jingguan Mountain


read2();   "The main order of the meeting is passed, the Haihe Shipbuilding direction is true north, straight forward, and gradually increase the speed, and the fleet maintains the position of the middle of the monk army!"

   On the Haihe Big Ship, which is comparable to the mobile fortress on the sea, the voice of the monk is heard throughout the war area.

As the largest ship in the southeast with ingenious craftsmanship and the innumerable efforts of the GCC, the huge hull of the ship has countless areas with different functions. There are countless areas for living, entertainment, trading, etc., and this is the most important one. Part of it is undoubtedly combat.

No matter how extravagant and luxurious the GCC Grand Ship is today, its essential function as a warship remains unchanged. Therefore, after the GCC’s master gave an order, countless GCC cultivators have made it easier for the warships Shang quickly took his place, and began to infuse vitality into the runes and magic weapons that were heavily armed inside the ship, and the ferocity of iron and blood suddenly poured out.

At the same time, with a vigorous and powerful sound of the ship's whistle, the entire ship began to tear the billowing waters of the North Sea in front of it and pulled forward, and because the size of this behemoth was so large that the other sects around it were fighting. The boats moved away from each other, not daring to approach.

   "Brother Lin, the South Palace of the Holy Court above our heads is also moving."

The front string of the Haihe Daguan, on a battle deck, came from Junior Brother Fang with a solemn voice, and then the thinner former drew out the long sword glowing with cold light and inserted it directly into the magic weapon of the warship in front of him. In the groove, accompanied by a crisp clanging sound, the long sword and Yu groove just fit tightly together and merge into one place.

The practice world of the Taixuan Land, with the development of countless years, the first element of the weapons in the hands of the monks today is not sharp or not, because except for some magic weapons with the edge of the sky, most Taixuan The main means of battle for the monks in the land is supernatural powers.

In this way, the effect of the weapon blade on the transmission of vitality and the amplification bonus has become the most important thing. In other words, the weapon blade in the hands of almost every monk is a vitality transmission created at a great cost. The channel is also the most ready-made hub between the warship magic weapon and the monk.

After    Junior Brother Fang inserted the long sword into the groove, he held the hilt with both hands, twisted it clockwise, and then continued to speak while conveying vitality into the sword:

"It seems that the idea of ​​this holy court is similar to that of our sect. The palace is suspended in the middle of the monk army, and it is approaching together with the monk army. I also think it will take the lead to show its dominance and majesty. "

   After the words fell, Junior Brother Fang inserted the spear into the magic treasure slot Lin Xing, and twisted it fiercely. After injecting vitality, a click suddenly sounded.

   Then a huge ship cannon slowly rises from the deck in front of the two. The terrifying barrel and the black base give people a sense of sight of a behemoth.

   "The Holy Court originally had two palaces, but one was missing because of unknown reasons. This made the Southern Heavenly King, who had always been madly split, converge a lot."

   After the response came from Lin Xing's mouth, the core disciple of the GCC raised his head and watched the monks' fleet that turned into a black cloud ahead, and continued to speak:

"Little disciples like us are so insignificant in the battle that destroys the world and destroys the earth at every turn. If the army of the monks in the Supreme Profound Land is defeated, everyone will run for their own lives. You think others will Whether you live or die?

"We are actually poor creatures like Xue Dao. If we have no value and died early, if the disabled confessed any important news, I will grant him death, because like him is disabled, living is painful! "

Lin Xing’s indifferent and cold words directly caused Junior Brother Fang to tremble fiercely, as if he had met this gentleman and gentleman for the first time, but in the place he could not see, Lin Xing’s eyes were ambitious. The flames are burning.

  The scorching sun was rising, and more and more dazzling light began to spread across the vast seas deep in the North Sea. More importantly, a warm breath began to appear on the North Sea, which has been extremely cold for tens of thousands of years.

And under this warm current, the strange creatures that originally lived in the North Sea showed symptoms of extreme discomfort. They all emerged from the sea as if they had lost their ability to move, floating in large areas on the surface of the sea. Like a dead fish.

After a while, the first warship of the northern sect of the Supreme Profound Land began to appear in the distance, followed by the second and the third, and then densely formed into a cloud of boats that could not be seen at a glance, covering the whole Above the sea near the center area.

After    sailed at full speed, the warship was extremely fast, chopping through the waves, and at the same time smashing the numerous North Sea creatures floating on the horizontal rail above the sea in front of them, and continued forward.

   Suddenly, at the forefront of the cultivating army of monks, a pungent smell rushed directly into the monks’ noses, causing countless monks on the boat to frown, and asked unconsciously:

   "It's so pungent, disgusting, and I don't know where it comes from?"

   The sound of inquiry fell, and the monk beside him stepped forward to the edge of the deck, looked down at the torn North Sea creature below, and responded:

   "Could it be the pungent stench of these North Sea creatures after they shattered. It is said that these ugly monsters come from the Chaos Sea. It is not surprising that it smells."

   "This suzerain doesn't feel like it."

   The Zongmen leader headed on the battleship thought for a while, shook his head, and then the voice came out again:

"This smell is very familiar, not from the creatures of the North Sea below, but from the north wind from the depths of the ocean in front of it. It has such a smell from such a distance. It can be seen that the smell ahead is strong, and It smells very similar."

   The sect master’s voice has not yet fallen, and the voices of the other sects on the side came directly:

   "It's like the smell of rotting blood after countless corpses piled up!"

   "Yes, and the number of these corpses is beyond imagination."

   The sect leader, who was lowering his eyes and thinking, subconsciously agreed, then he thought of something and continued to ask:

   "How did you know the source of this smell?"

   "Sect Master, look, you can see from the front!"

   After a trembling voice sounded with fear, the Sect Master suddenly raised his head, and then opened his mouth subconsciously, even his breathing stopped at this moment.

   North Sea Zongmen army, at the end of the line of sight of the warship monk in the front, boundless scarlet blood mist rose from the sea, turned into a blood curtain, and directly occupied the entire world.

   With the blood fog as the boundary, the center of the North Sea was divided into two parts, and under the scarlet blood curtain, a mountain appeared, looming.

   That is a mountain of Jingguan densely stacked with countless heads of monks in the land of the Supreme Profound Land!

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