The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1369: Shura domain


read2();  京, it is called Gaoqiuya, Guan, Que Xingye.

   Kill the enemy, conquer the corpse, build the Beijing view, to show the martial arts for all generations!

At the outskirts of the central area of ​​Beihai in the Taixuan Land, where Sima Annan first used the forbidden line with Xuantian Wine, there appeared a huge mountain of Jingguan built by the heads of countless monks in the Taixuan Land, and it was enough to shock the world. The **** evil spirits poured outwards, changing the colors of the world.

Countless **** red fog gushes out from the heads of the people in Jingguan. After rising into the sky, it will cover the sky and the sun. At the same time, in this dense blood fog, there are countless monks who are unwilling to cry, let All the creatures that approached, subconsciously counted down their hairs, and their hearts trembled.

In County 108 of the Supreme Profound Land, although there are fighting and fighting all the time, at the same time, the Jingguan of the size above the North Sea, looking at the sect monks from the warship, is Unheard of, unseen.

   "The sky is above, what did I see, the view of the human head, such a huge view of the human head, this is a murder that has never been seen after the **** battle in Beihai, the land of the Supreme Profound Land, tens of thousands of years ago!"

A howl came from a large ship in the forefront, and then there was silence among the entire army of monks. After seeing this giant Jingguan straight into the sky, the large northbound fleet in the land of the Supreme Profound Land, except Except for the violent and rapid gasp, everyone seemed to be silenced by magical powers, and it was difficult to open their mouths to make any noise.

   Under the quiet environment, time seemed to be extremely slow, and as the monk's army fleet approached slowly, the scarlet blood mist that rolled over the sky completely obscured the light of the scorching sun above.

   Then one after another warship drove into the area enveloped by Jingguan’s blood and energy, and at the same time, the whole body of the sect monks of the Taixuan Land, which was chilling, was dim and only blood red.

   Countless blood qi tumbling ups and downs accompanied by an extremely pungent smell of blood, as if completely entering the rumored Shura region.


When the warship of the monk army gradually approached Jingguan, under the scarlet sky, the voice of the Southern Heavenly King of the Holy Court resounded through the sky, reaching the ears of all the monks, and then the entire army of warships moving forward gradually stopped. But at this time, the cultivator on these battleships, the shock in his heart not only did not decrease, but became stronger and stronger.

The **** misty souls heralded the tragic first battle in the north. Of course, Jingguan, who was almost connected to the entire world in front of him, clearly told everyone that this tragedy was only for the Taixuan land whose head was cut off. For the monks of great power.

   Jingguan is the glory of Xiandao Daxia, and it is also the boundless shame of the forces going north in the Taixuan Land!

   "To bully people too much, cut off the heads of these monks and build them into Jingguan, but no one can bully me in a place where I am too mysterious?"

   An extremely angry roar roared from above the warship, and then various figures jumped from the warship, above the sky, turning into arcs, and falling on the sea before Jingguan.

   Then these sect great powers raised their right hands one after another, and slammed the long-sleeved robe in front of them.

   The mighty vitality suddenly rolled forward, almost condensing the front into substance, and the blood mist covering the Jingguan was blown away a little, revealing countless cultivators' heads stacked on top of each other and their eyes open.

In the pupils of the eyes on these heads, there are still the boundless panic and regret before their death, and under the gaze of countless eyes, even those standing in front of Jingguan have experienced many battles, and there are a lot of grievances in their hands. The great power of the sect, deep inside, felt great pressure and shock.

  "The young master of Eagle's Nest, the master of Tianhu Sect, the elder of Lei Lin Sect, etc., these people are the powers of the famous party on weekdays, and now their heads are beheaded and they are built on the Jingguan.

   "Thinking that before Shen Xiancheng set off, this sect master still talked to these masters of the Palm Fate Birth and Death Realm, but unexpectedly, after a farewell, it was eternal separation."

The words from a great sect master carried a strong sorrow, and then he continued to turn his head and glanced at the heads piled together like ants on Jingguan, the color of horror in his eyes became more and more intense. , Continue to speak:

"To build a Jingguan of this scale requires countless heads of monks. Therefore, this newly born fairy island creature will kill all the monks who have explored opportunities to the north, and build the view here without leaving prisoners. "

After this person's voice fell, the sea surface of the North Sea next to the sects suddenly split, and a deep blue mist rose from the sea, forming the indistinguishable slender body of the GCC leader, and then faint words came from his mouth Outgoing:

"Killing all, leaving no prisoners, killing all is the real horror. This indicates that the immortal mountain creatures born from under the North Sea have unparalleled confidence to bear the monks of the sect of the land of my great mystery, and see this Beijing The violent counterattack after watching."

As soon as the words rush to kill and kill all came out, all the heads of the sect who heard about it condensed, and then an extremely ugly look appeared on their faces, because they were already in the Jingguan in front of them, and they felt the immortal mountain human race ahead, that The unending endless billows of evil intentions.

   For a time, the dense blood mist that enveloped the whole body almost turned into countless sharp blades, cut from all directions, giving people a feeling of uncomfortableness.

In the eyes of the monks in the Great Profound Land watching from all the warships in the rear, the faces of the dead monks above Jingguan suddenly became distorted, forming a hideous ghost, with the corners of the mouth raised, revealing extremely harsh ears. Grinning:

   "Come on, come on, I am waiting for you in hell, come on!"

   bursts of roars rang through the ears, and under the hoarse of the ghosts, some people with weak minds gradually turned red, the blue veins on their foreheads began to bulge, and they roared with fear:

   "Go away, wait for these lonely ghosts, get away from me!"

A large number of one after another yelling sounded on the battleships, indicating boundless fear, spreading among the monks, and then more and more monks began to go crazy under the devil, attacking indiscriminately in all directions, at the same time Keep roaring.

   "Come on, hold on to Junior Brother, he is crazy, Junior Brother will wake up soon, this is the barrier formed by Jingguan, wake up quickly!"

   An angry roar came from the mouths of a large number of monks, and at the same time the surrounding monks stepped forward and pressed the frantic monks on the deck, and the situation of the entire fleet suddenly became particularly chaotic.

   "What a strong battlefield evil spirit."

The extremely solemn voices almost all came from the Zongmen Daxiu in front of Jingguan, and then the GCC Club Master stretched out his right hand and gently grasped the front, a ray of scarlet blood appeared in his hand. Continue to ring:

   "The more important thing is this evil spirit. It is not that the immortal mountain creature is formed with supernatural powers, but it is true. Because of the extremely powerful negative energy, it has caused violent feedback between heaven and earth!"

   Three people are in a crowd, quantitative changes cause qualitative changes. After this **** evil spirit condenses to the limit, you can also get feedback from the entire avenue, thus forming a very special environment.

  The world can also call it, Shura domain!


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