The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1375: Under the castle


read2();   "Many times, blindness is not terrible, but blindness is truly hopeless."

   In the imperial hall of the White Emperor Palace, Zhao Yu's young voice sounded, and then the civil and military officials below saluted forward, and a uniform voice came out:

   "The ministers, please follow the instructions of your majesty."

After    the sound of a mountain whistling and a tsunami fell, the young emperor raised his hand and gently pressed down, all the voices stopped abruptly, and the next breath, Zhao Yu's voice continued to resound through the void:

   "Xue Bancheng, the latest news came from Xue Dao just now. In the army of cultivators going north, the seeds of differentiation have already been laid. In your opinion, what else needs to be done?"

   Di Yin rolled down, and then Xue Bancheng, who stood upright under the elevated platform of the Imperial Palace, saluted and said respectfully:

   "Your Majesty has many mountains and mountains in his chest, everything is under your control, and you don't need to say anything about it."

   "When did you stay with Sima Annan and learned the skill of flattering."

After    came out with a slightly smiling voice, Zhao Yu waved his hand, and Emperor Huang Huang once again passed on:

   "Ling Wangjing, begin to put pressure, the time is almost time, I will end the first stage of the North Sea battle on the southern bank where the Sun Empire is located!"


   After the promise came out, a large number of commanders rushed out of the Huangji Hall. After that, everyone in the hall, including Zhao Yu, continued to look at the picture scroll of the fully unfolded artifact in the sky.

On the scroll of mountains and seas, the scene in the North Sea Asura region is vivid, especially in the hands of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu. The jade pivot fire mansion's five-fire seven-ling fan is like a light bulb that emits dazzling light. Very conspicuous.

Before Jingguan, the Holy Court Nantian King Xiliu blasted out of the Yan Mie Shenhe River, and after three fans smashed the golden barrier, he did not immediately continue to do it. Instead, he stood before the eight shining golden characters and fell into a long silence.

   Only the strong can understand the strong better, so they can feel the will contained in the golden light in front of them, how strong and overbearing, and even contains a different kind of aura that is hardly encountered in the land of the supreme profound.

   "It's so rich and majestic, so domineering, and the offender will die. Is this the legendary emperor?"

   The murmured words came from Xiliu's mouth, and then among the five Huofu Heavenly Generals behind him, the Muzhong Huotian General, headed by him, stepped forward and asked softly:

   "Master Nantian, what should I do next?"

   "Naturally continue to move forward. If a few big characters scare my king, then I Xiliu will return to the East and hide on the sacred hibiscus tree and never return to the Central Plains."

   The Southern Heavenly King Xiliu’s response sounded with the same confidence as before. Then he raised his right hand, waved his hand, and made a sound that resounded throughout the sky:

   "All the fleet, cross Jingguan, and let the king continue northward!"

As soon as this statement came out, whether it was on the sea in front of Jingguan or the sect masters who were still on the battleship, they all showed a hint of hesitation. Then these people looked at the treasure fan in Xiliu's hand or gritted their teeth. An order to continue forward was given.

   For a time, in this area of ​​Shura that was enveloped by the boundless **** evil spirit, the warships continued to move forward, bypassing the huge mountain of Jingguan surrounded by golden characters, and headed towards the center of the Shura area where the blood red evil spirit was more intense.

After a few hundred breaths, among the slowly moving fleet, the first warship from the land of Taixuan, formally crossed the forbidden line drawn by the vast land of China and entered the depths of the **** sea. For the second batch of monks in the Taixuan Land, who were worried and moved forward cautiously at this time, this was also the open embrace of the **** of death.

   "All go north, speed up!"

   After the Nantian King Xiliu's will was revealed, in the South Palace of the Holy Court, hung high above the battleship, the urging of the Heavenly Commander of Fire House resounded through the sky, causing all the monks' battleships to continue to speed up.

   Then the speed of the entire fleet going northward continued to increase, and one after another rushed into deeper waters.

However, if you take a bird’s eye view of the entire army of monks from the sky, you will find that the Haihe Big Ship, which was originally located in the central area, is slowing down at an imperceptible speed, allowing the rest of the surrounding ships to pass over itself, making the entire huge hull more and more Approach towards the end.

At the same time, a disciple of the GCC, carrying the seal of the GCC master, cautiously jumped into the air from above the ship, carrying an extremely explosive news, and headed towards the other powerful warships. Quick transition.

   For a while, a turbulent and unusual undercurrent began to erupt among the monks' army that seemed to be heading north.

After experiencing the terrifying episode of the mountain of Jingguan, the army of monks who continued to go north for the next half an hour looked exceptionally calm, except for the more and more intense scarlet aura in front, covering the sea and sky. Did not encounter any danger.

   At this time, the Haihe Grand Ship and some surrounding Zongmen warships that intentionally slowed down had reached the end of the entire army of monks.

   "Go to the King of Southern Heaven, this GCC DaShi has just been launched, and has been shrinking back. I don't know what ideas these people are thinking."

   Outside the immortal gate of the South Palace of the Holy Court, the voice of a celestial general of Huo Fu came out, and then the latter paused, and the accusation continued:

   "Do you need the terminal to lead people to extinguish the GCC?"

   "No need, it's just a clown jumping beam. Even if you have a ghost, you can't get over the big waves. When the king is in Beihai, it is not too late to go to the East China Sea to settle accounts."

After the Nantian King Xiliu returned to the Nanxing Palace, he did not return to the Nantian Temple, but sat directly outside the fairy gate. After his voice fell, he raised his hand and beckoned, and there was a heavenly general immediately. Present a round-shaped melon with golden whole body.

Then Xiliu raised his hand to take it, lowered his head and opened his red lips to take a bite on the fruit. Suddenly, a pure golden juice gushed out. At the same time, accompanied by an extremely hot breath of the sun, the next breath, the voice of the Southern Heavenly King continued. :

   "Daddy told me since I was a child that if you are full and good for war, you will eat one too, and when you can do it."

  As soon as this remark came out, the five Huo Futian generals behind Xiliu's complexion changed, and they all shook their heads and spoke:

   "The esteemed cultivator is a shame to us. This hibiscus fruit is the most precious treasure of the heaven and the earth. The edible fruit is edible.

   "It's so squeamish."

The whispering sound came from Xiliu's mouth, and then he crushed and chewed the golden hibiscus fruit in his hand in threes and twos, holding the treasure fan that exuded colorful light, slowly stood up from the seat, and then looked straight ahead. At the end, an excited voice came from between the red lips again:

   "This king has even eaten the hibiscus fruit, don't let me down, Immortal Island people!"

After the voice fell, following the gaze of the Nantian King looking westward, a golden light suddenly began to appear in the thick rolling scarlet fog, and as the Nanxing Palace and the warship fleet approached, the golden light became more and more prosperous. , Liancheng began to appear in the eyes of all monks in the Taixuan Land.

   That is a fortress of heaven and earth that connects the sea and the sky, with countless runes and golden lights!


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