The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1376: Please enlighten me


read2();  How long does it take to build a giant fortress connecting the sea and the sky in the rough and desolate center of the North Sea?

Maybe some people think that it will take dozens or even hundreds of years, and some people think that this is impossible, because the North Sea is a land without any vitality, not to mention how to build such a huge place on the sea with violent winds and waves. Fortress?

   is simply a fantasy.

   But at this time, the vast land of China in the great summer, but clearly told all the monks in the Taixuan Land to go north, it does not need to be long to build a fortress in the center of Beihai, just one day!

   Within a day, a heaven and earth fortress formed by the combination of the ancient ruins shrine as the core, the Weiyang army's sling cart puppets, and the upper shield armor and magical powers, directly rises from the sea and occupies the entire sea.

   "The Southern Heavenly King, your lord, is there a big formation ahead of this?"

Outside the Immortal Gate of the South Palace, a sound of horror came from the mouth of the Heavenly General Huofu, not just her, among the entire army of monks, all monks who saw such a magnificent fortress took a cold breath. Angry, numb scalp.

These monks who went north to look for opportunities would speculate that after entering the depths of the North Sea, which was shrouded in the Shura Region, they might be facing an extremely tragic battle between the two armies, but no one had expected that this battle would turn out to be. A siege battle.

   As we all know, in almost all battles, the casualties and difficulty of siege wars deservedly rank in the forefront.

   "This is not just a big formation, it can also be called a real fortress, because every brick and every rune in this formation has been completely substantive."

The Nantian King Xiliu, who slowly stood up from his seat, reflected in his pupils the fortress in front of him, the heaven and earth fortress exuding rich golden light, and through this reflection, you can even see the neatly arranged on the fortress. The Daxia army, and the frontline commander Wang Jing with a standard armor and a handsome face in the front.

   "Human race, is it really the human race that betrayed the Taixuan land in the legend and caused the entire fairy palace to collapse?"

After seeing the appearance of Daxia soldiers above the fortress of heaven and earth, he continued to speak inconceivable words from the mouth of Nantian King Xiliu, and then raised his hand and made a stop gesture, the Huofutian would continue to nod his head. , Opened his mouth and let out a roar that resounded through the sky:


The roar rolled out, and then between the undulating scarlet mist in the Asura domain, the warships of the Taixuan Land began to slow down, and then under the sound of command, each warship opened itself at the same time The defensive enchantment, colorful defensive rune barriers suddenly appeared above the sea, just as colorful bubbles suddenly appeared one after another above the North Sea.

"Dashuai Wang, the second wave of cultivators coming this time is not like the first wave of dragons without a leader. Under the command of the unified will of the holy court, the cultivators of the Supreme Profound Land with their own strengths are combined to fight, and the power cannot be underestimated. ."

   Above the walls of the fortress of heaven and earth, the legion commander Jiang Yue in a radiant army robe flying around, stared at the densely packed warships below, covering the entire sea in front, and spoke.

   Then Wang Jing, who stood beside him like a green pine, narrowed his eyes and smiled at the corner of his mouth, and responded:

   "Because of this consideration, your majesty and the Military Aircraft Department changed their combat strategy this time. It is no longer the previous charge and annihilation, but the use of the heaven and earth fortress to defend and counterattack."

Wang Jing’s voice fell, and the forward generals around him, as well as the taboos of the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division, nodded. I have to say that the Daxia Military Aircraft Department was deduced and formulated by Sima Annan, Xue Bancheng and others. The North Sea strategy of China is interlinked, and almost all the factors that need to be considered are counted, and then the best combat plan is formed.

On the one hand, first let Wei Guogong Xu Sheng lead the Fourth Army and the rest of the troops directly to Shenxian City, set up the position to temporarily cut off the monks in the Taixuan Land who went to the north, and at the same time, the Daxia native soldiers located in the center of the Beihai The monks above formed a two-sided attack.

On the other hand, since Daxia moved the nine islands in the East China Sea to form the Jiuyao formation, using the three supreme magical powers of the French army to destroy the sky and the earth, forcibly created a solid land suitable for the forward army to charge, and then the whole army charged and cooperated. The power of the altar strives to annihilate the first wave of monks in the Taixuan Land northward as quickly as possible.

If it is said that the rapid annihilation war is to be used against the first batch of monks to avoid the two batches of monks from meeting each other, then Daxia, who now holds the entire North Sea in his hands, undoubtedly has enough conditions and confidence to be with this second batch of Tai Xuan The sect monks of the land, have a war of attrition.

   In this way, the defense of the city with the fortresses as a barrier is undoubtedly the best strategy!

So far, no matter if it is the time, the right place, or the harmony of people, Daxia soldiers have already achieved the ultimate, but the battle situation is changing rapidly. Even Zhao Yu, sitting on the imperial throne of the imperial palace, can’t guarantee that it will be foolproof. Wangjing standing above the city wall now.

Wang Jing’s young and handsome face is full of solemnity, because even if the entire world fortress is filled with the infinite iron and blood radiating from the body of the Great Xia army soldier, the taboos on the wall can still feel the void ahead. Among them, that hot breath passed down the mighty and mighty.

  It is like the second round of sun rising in the North Sea Asura region!

   "The Southern Heavenly King of the Holy Court, and the Holy Court monks hidden in this palace, are the most dangerous aspects of this battle. Although there are pre-judgments, they are still not sure about the power of the top monks in the real Tai Xuan land."

   After Wang Jing's voice sounded above the city wall, he raised his right hand, touched the stubble's chin that had grown wildly these days, and continued to speak:

   "If this is the case, then try this man of the holy court in advance, Peng Mu."

   As soon as this statement came out, behind Wang Jing, Peng Mu, another Gemini star in the young generation army of Daxia, lowered his hair and said:

   "The end will be!"

   "Shoot and call out the strength of these people."


After   , Peng Mu, who was burly in shape and heavily shielded on his back, stepped forward, and his entire body like a hill walked to the outermost periphery of the city wall, slowly appearing in the eyes of all monks in the Supreme Profound Land below.

On the towering cloud-like heaven and earth fortress city wall, the Radiant Army shrouded outside Peng Mu’s body is hunting and hunting, together with the ups and downs of Shura evil spirits around it, from a distance, it looks like he is wearing a piece of blood that is completely condensed from evil intention robe.

   Then Peng Mu lowered his head, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed a spear from the void, a spear condensed from countless **** thunders, and his deep voice rang through the clouds in an instant.

   "Peng Mu, Huijun, please enlighten me!"

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