The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1391: Heavenly soldiers let go


read2();   Yan, heavy fire. Cold, freezing too.

   Yan and cold are two completely opposite origin attributes, which repel each other and restrain each other. Therefore, under the blast of the cold and cold, there will be a direct explosion of violent power that is enough to shatter the void and divide the world.

"Elder Ge, people in the world often have doubts. The sky is the sky when the creatures lift their heads. The nine heavens that cover our monks' heads are so majestic and vast, and how the **** battle in the North Sea tens of thousands of years ago broke the entire sky. of?

   "I didn't understand at first, but after seeing such an earth-shaking power erupt, I began to believe in the cause of the Beihai Tianqi."

A terrifying murmur sounded from above the Shenji Pavilion battleship, and under the vast mighty power that was invading from above, the battleships above the sea surface of the Asura Region were all pressed deeply by a finger. Like a toy boat in the turbulent sea, you can't help it.

The violent shaking of the warship’s hull and the chaotic auras made the monks of the Supreme Profound Land on board no time to continue bombarding the fortress walls shrouded in cold mist in front of them, and while maintaining the defensive enchantment of the warship, He opened his mouth and stared dumbly at the half-red and half-blue Asura Sky Sky above.

   After about a hundred breaths, the first drop of rain fell from the sky, traversed an arc, directly hit the barrier outside the warship, burst outwards, and scattered a small spray.

  The first drop is followed by the second drop, and the third drop. After just a few breaths, the drifting rain fell all the way, and then numerous ripples suddenly appeared on the undulating sea.

"It's raining?"

   A voice of doubt came from the monk in the Great Profound Land, and then the older elder nodded and responded:

   "After the cold and fire intersect, it will be rain. With such a strong attribute and magical power, there will be a heavy rain!"

   This person's voice fell, and above the chaotic sky of the Asura domain, thunder bursts suddenly, and the rumbling voice continued to be heard, and then the rain of red and blue intertwined supernatural powers poured down, which was extremely strange.

   "In the falling raindrops, blue and red rays are intertwined, indicating that the two magical powers are still gambling in the void. Such a earth-shattering battle has not happened for a long time!"

   On the battleship of the Shenji Pavilion, the old man who controlled the Divine Machine Grand Ceremony to quickly turn the pages and recorded the changes in the battlefield, the old face was full of excitement flushing.

He deeply understands that once the **** battle in the North Sea recorded in the Divine Machine Ceremony before him spreads to the south, then the entire Taixuan Land will undoubtedly be completely detonated, and it will even cause endless waves, completely changing all creatures’ influence on the world. Basic knowledge.

   At that time, both for himself and the Shenji Pavilion who obtained first-hand information behind him, the significance will be extraordinary.

  Thinking about this, the light in the old eyes of Shenjigege was even worse. The whole person seemed to be several decades younger. Then he stretched out his hand and pointed at the drop of raindrops above, and the voice continued:

   "Although it is difficult for us to directly see the magical power game above the sky, it is not impossible to get a glimpse of the situation of the fierce battle. You can see the raindrops falling from above."

   After finishing speaking, the old man of Shen Ji Ge Ge coughed slightly, and when everyone around focused on the raindrop that quickly fell, the voice came out again:

"The raindrops produced by the direct collision of the hot and cold magical laws can actually directly reflect the game situation between the two above. If it is half-fire and half-blue, it is evenly matched, and once one of them appears When the color is overpowered by the other, it indicates that the balance of victory has already begun to tilt.

  The explanation from the old man of God Jige Ge did not fall, and suddenly, a cry of exclamation next to him directly remembered:

   "It's changed, it's changed, Old Ge, look at the top, the distribution of the two colors in the falling raindrops has changed!"

  As soon as he said this, everyone was shocked, and then suddenly raised their heads and looked at the top of the sky, looking at the raindrops that had just fallen, and their pupils shrank.

   I saw that just as the monk said, above these overturning raindrops, the two colors of gold and blue that were originally chambered to resist have directly changed.

   More gold and less blue, indicates that the flames of the sun are beginning to gain the upper hand!

   The same is true of the facts. After another fifty breaths of time, accompanied by an increasingly loud bursting roar, countless water mist and chaos intertwined in the North Sea sky, the rich golden light reappears, and in a blink of an eye it is like the sun, illuminating the entire Asura region.

In the next second, the more and more dazzling golden light began to disperse all the surrounding ice, and then completely occupied the space between the sky and the earth, and then on the sky, the original tornado storm blasted by the Nantian King Xiliu with five fires and seven feathers, penetrated through the sea and the sky. During that time, roaring and tearing apart the extremely cold dragon breath in front of him, he continued to roll forward mightily.

"The Holy Court Nantian King is worthy of a top-level overhaul standing in the clouds of the Taixuan Land. He can resist the entire Celestial Island race army with one person's strength, and can also completely gain the upper hand. And this raging original flame storm, if you use Within the sect of a certain power in the Taixuan Land, 90% of the sects will be directly obliterated!"

   The murmur sounded from a monk's mouth, and the faces of the monks in the land of the profound mystery were now reflected in a golden light, but they kept their eyes open for fear of missing the development of the next battle.

   The life-and-death struggle between high-ranking monks often only takes a moment.

   And these people have built a whole world fortress wall in front of them, and the fairy island Daxia, which isolates the world, is not a soft persimmon that is kneaded at will, but a powerful northern overlord!

   "The breath of the frost dragon was completely torn apart. I wonder if this fairy island human race can have a follow-up method to block this big sun flame storm?"

   Thoughts jumped in the minds of a large number of monks, and then the leaders of the various sects who were approaching the golden walls of the heaven and earth fortresses stopped one after another, suspended in the air, waiting for the next round of fierce confrontation.

  Under the aftermath of the mighty power of destroying the heavens and destroying the earth, even if these people are the dominating sect powers, they dare not easily intervene, because the gods fight and the mortals are a little careless, and they will be destroyed.

   "The strength of this fairy island Daxia is unfathomable. This suzerain feels that until this time, even the Holy Court Nantian King has not forced its true strength. There should be follow-up methods."

   As soon as the voice of a sect elder fell, the response of the other great sect master continued:

   "If you follow the sayings of fellow daoists, the South Palace side of the Holy Court has not yet exerted its strength. You see, the Huofu Heavenly Soldiers behind the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu are just lined up and have not yet begun to charge!

As soon as this statement was made, everyone's eyes converged, and then they looked towards the looming huge array of heavenly soldiers under the billowing flames. However, the next breath, the Nantian King Xiliu continued to reverberate through the sky with loud shouts, but let these sects The monk's eyes lit up directly.

   "Huofu Heavenly Soldiers, gather together, join forces!"

After    Jiao shouted, there was a roar that shattered the sky:

   "Please follow the decree of the Southern Heavenly King!"

   After the roar, a person wearing red armor and burning flames all pulled out their sharp blades, and began to release a depressed and dormant violent aura outwards.

   The heavenly soldiers let go and burned for nine days!

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