The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1392: Three British Wars


read2();   "One hundred thousand fire palace heavenly troops have moved, and the holy court is about to launch a full scale, then I will wait!"

The majesty and majesty of the sun billowing outwards completely filled half of the Asura region’s sky. At this time, within the Asura region’s battlefield, whether it was the flame storm that was still raging forward, or the vast power generated by the collective eruption of 100,000 heavenly soldiers, It clearly demonstrates the power of the holy court.

   Guangguang, a southern palace governed by the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, its combat power even directly exceeds the sum of countless sect warships below it!

   "Huofu Heavenly Soldiers, melt into the palace!"

   In the fire mansion celestial army formation, a breath of command sound suddenly sounded, and then over the battlefield, suspended in the back of the huge holy courtyard south palace, directly began to exude a rich golden and red intertwined light.

  After a few breaths, the Fire Palace Heavenly Soldiers began to disperse suddenly, and at an extremely fast speed, they surrounded this holy court to conquer the world's mobile fortress, forming a battle.

   Golden light intertwined, the aura soared, the raging fire rising from the body of one hundred thousand fire mansion heavenly soldiers merged into one place, and then was absorbed by the Nanxing Palace beside them.

   Then countless intertwined horizontally and horizontally, densely packed mysterious runes appeared above the South Palace, and flashed as if breathing, as if it was rapidly gestating a terrifying existence that was shaking the world.

   At the same time, right in front of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, the great sun storm composed of five-color original flames, after smashing the ice and breathing, continued to approach the walls of the heaven and earth fortress.

Although the storm that pierced through the sky and the earth has not yet arrived, the extremely hot heat wave radiation and energy have already bombarded the golden barriers, causing the rune-winding enchantment to continue to fluctuate and ripple, indicating that it is suffering. A violent shock.

   Then behind the fortress wall, a voice from Xue Beichuan sounded directly:

   "Guardian, push up forty-nine puppets!"

As soon as this statement came out, a guard sergeant kept stalking the huge guard puppets and moved forward quickly. At the same time, there were a large number of big summer guys with large buckets who rushed to the puppets, very vigorously. Jumped onto the platform, and then quickly poured the purification potion in the bucket into the puppet to supplement the previous consumption.

In the past two years, under Zhao Yu’s supreme will, the position of the Ministry of Industry of Daxia has soared. After absorbing and merging the organs, the designs of various puppet organs have emerged one after another, and the impact it brought is obvious. Xia Zimin understood the convenience and power brought by the device.

   This is no exception on the battlefield. At any time, Weiyang's artillery, which is hundreds of times faster than the joint release of supernatural powers by monks, has always been the first choice of front-line marshal Wang Jing.

   Therefore, Wang Jing, who stood upright on the Dianjiang platform, stared at the five-color flame storm violently in front of him, then raised his right hand and slammed his fist, opening his mouth and let out a roar that resounded between heaven and earth:

   "Weiyang Army's thunder cannons, reverse yin and yang, boom!"

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Wang Jing’s roar even overwhelmed the ear-screaming roar of the blazing storm in front of him. In the next instant, the blazing white thunder cannon streamers once again soared into the sky, passing through the blood-suffering void, like a meteor shower. , Blasted down from above the city wall towards the front.

  The densely intertwined Thunder Ballistas instantly filled everyone's sights, and at the same time occupied all the space before the storm tornado.

Different from the vaguely spot-killing of the monk's battleship in the Taixuan Land, this time, under Wang Jing's roar, all the sling puppets of the Daxia Weiyang Army lined up while pouring forward to the front. Wei.

Then countless thunder ballistas intertwined in the void, and several breaths turned into a vast expanse of thunder. Within the expanse, a tsunami composed of fierce thunder rose into the sky, facing the storm dragon in front The volume rushed down.

   Flames and Thunder, the two laws of the sun in the world officially blasted in one place, but unexpectedly, after the thunder and fire, the sky and the earth did not fall apart like the rest of the people imagined, but rather weird annihilation and disappearance.

   is silent, but even more terrifying!

   "The void is collapsing, completely collapsed!"

   A monk in the Great Profound Land who witnessed all this made a strange cry directly, and then the voice from Wang Jing continued to sound in everyone's ears:

   "Reverse yin and yang, everything will disappear!"

The voice of    fell, and surrounded the blazing sea of ​​blazing thunderstorms like a tide of water, and it became extremely dark in an instant, and the same conversion, there were completely different original laws.

  From yang to yin, it only takes an instant, but between the reversal of yin and yang, infinite power can emerge!

Then, under the gaze of one after another, the incomparably dark thunder burst out of the thunder pond, like a bone gangrene, and began to spread outside the rolling five-fire storm, like the golden body of a giant of heaven and earth. Above, it was covered with weird and cold black frost.

All this is also silent, looking from a distance, like a big mouth extending outwards, in the strange silence, swallowing the big sun storm completely into the belly, letting the people you see, Subconsciously, the cold hair stood upright, and he was clearly exposed to the bright sun, but still felt cold all over.

   "This, this storm formed by the Five Fires of the Origin, was swallowed?"

   An incredible voice sounded from the inside of the warship above the sea, and then an angry voice was directly uploaded from the sky:

   "No matter how many means you have, in the face of absolute strength, everything is futile!"

As soon as the sound fell, the five-fire seven-ling treasure fan was once again lifted from the hand of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, and then the colorful feathers on the treasure fan were directly lit up, and a completely different cry of the **** bird began from the treasure fan. Outbound.

At the same time, the big sun tornado that was almost completely swallowed by the sea of ​​thunder in the front seemed to be stimulated and summoned by some kind, and suddenly expanded outwards, and then a pair of wings and claws burst out, trying to drill from the tornado. Out.

However, in the next moment, the Nantian King Xiliu, who was about to wield his magical powers with a fan, suddenly bowed his head and frowned. Because of the void beneath him, a huge **** magic circle suddenly appeared, and countless scarlet blood flowed quickly in the magic circle. , Is exuding extreme evil spirits.

   Ancient taboo magical powers. Blood sacrifice!


   A faint voice came from the mouth of the Nantian King Xiliu, and then he raised his foot forward, trying to tear the void in front of him, leaving the blood sacrifice array directly.

   However, between the electric light and flint, a War God Swift Spear was the first to tear out of the void, completely blocking the direction of the West Stream.

   "Go away!"

   The Southern Heavenly King Xiliu turned the treasure fan in his hand and slashed directly on the God of War Spear like a sword.


   The harsh sound came out, and the God of War Swift Spear was chopped off to the side, and it only took a very short time. Then Xiliu's right foot continued to step out, and his figure was blurred.

   "Want to leave, have you ever asked this son?"

   A violent roar suddenly resounded through the clouds. Before the sound could be heard, a shadow of blood went directly from top to bottom, holding a sword on the head of the Nantian King Xiliu.

   The intense and extreme battlefield suffocation, pouring outwards, and engulfed in the dazzling big sword cold light, tens of thousands of lights lit up in an instant.

   The commander of the Celestial Army Corps Ego.

   Ancient taboo magical powers. Power attack!


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