
read2();  The land of great mysticism, with vast land and abundant resources, with a vast area, naturally has some extremely strange and mysterious places.

There are countless unknown secrets hidden behind the forbidden area of ​​the North Sea, or the east pole Yanggu where the sun rises. However, in the rich land and countless lives of the Central Plains, there is a county. Although it is adjacent to the extremely powerful Central Shangguo, it reveals strangeness everywhere.

   That is Fufeng County.

In Fufeng County, except for certain areas, it is surrounded by countless sharp winds. It is difficult for ordinary monks to hold a breath, and they will be completely cut into powder. At the same time, this county is also composed of flying races. The old nest of Tianyun Temple is located.

Even for countless years, there has been a legend in the land of Taixuan. It is said that at the beginning of the central government, the Fufeng County had been included in the former territory, and the army of the kingdom was stationed here. After the county, the sky was obscured by the sky, and the behemoth was directly forced out of the county.

   "It turns out that the legend of Fufeng Heavenly Beast is true, and it has come to Tangdu in person!"

Shocked shouts of horror sounded one after another throughout the entire Tangdu, and under the situation that the giant wind beast sheltered the day, the entire bowl-shaped central Shangguo Capital City suddenly turned upside down day and night, with only a ray of light. Through the gaps between the tentacles of the giant Fufeng beast, shining downwards, the qi in the entire world changes directly.

After a few breaths, a deafening roar was passed down from the sky above the sky from the dark clouds that only exposed the hurricane-like tentacles of the heavenly beast. At the same time, the vast will of the Fufeng heavenly beast began to wake up, and there was a sudden gust of wind in Tangdu. Howl.

   Numerous rootless winds directly generated in the void began to raging and raged, clacking the trees and buildings below, and also causing countless creatures in the capital to scatter and avoid, shouting loudly:

   "What about the monks in the Heavenly Dragon Palace, why this place of Fufeng Heavenly Beast Hall is a demon in Tangdu, but the Lord has no response?"

   "Heavenly beasts attack the city, where are our soldiers?"

   With a cry of fear, suddenly, from inside the Shangguo Imperial Palace, the center of Tangdu, a bell rang through the sky. The bell sounded like thunder and spread throughout Tangdu in the blink of an eye.

  At the same time, the bell sounds as if there is a certain infinite power. After crossing the border, the void calms down, and the entire huge city covered by it, the raging hurricane also dissipates. After an instant, a brilliant voice came directly from the palace:

   "Everyone, stay calm, don't worry, this Fufeng Heavenly Beast came to the soup without malice, it was only invited by the Lord."

   This majestic and majestic voice fell, and the whole soup immediately fell into silence. The original noisy voice disappeared at this moment, and all the people turned their attention to the center of the city.

   At the next breath, above the Central Shangguo Palace, two figures slowly rose up, and as soon as this figure appeared, it completely became the center of the world.

   Then the old monarch of Central Shangguo, wearing a golden dragon robe, lowered his head slightly, watching the countless people below, as well as the capital and rivers and mountains that he had ruled for countless years, but fell into silence, unable to speak for a long time.

   After a long time, the purple-clothed old man beside the old monarch turned around, saluted the former, and spoke first:

   "My lord, the matter is over, there is only one fight."

   The voice fell, the old man was still unmoved when he saw the old monarch in front of him, he increased the volume slightly, and said again:

   "Your Majesty!"

   "Ting Sheng, this monarch has been in charge of the entire Central Government for tens of thousands of years. Naturally, he understands these principles in your mouth. This monarch just doesn't know how to say goodbye."

   "On the emperor, under the avenue, parting is the normal state of life, and you are the emperor, and you should not have this emotion."

   "Maybe this gentleman is old, you know, the older you are, the more afraid you are of parting."

   With a little sigh, it came from the mouth of the old monarch of the Central Shangguo, and then on his old face, the rest of the expression completely disappeared, leaving only majesty and endless majesty.

   At the next breath, the overbearing voice continued to spread from the mouth of the old man:

   "Maybe it won't be long before you will meet with my lord, then you and I will have a happy drink."

   "Then it's settled, Lord!"

   After the old man smiled and said, he took a step forward in Volley, opened his hands and opened his mouth with a loud shout:

   "The old man helps the court sound!"

As soon as the three words Futingsheng came out, it directly engulfed a vast force, causing the originally silent people in the huge Tangdu underneath to suddenly turn red, raising their arms and shouting, and their mouths were mad. Roared:

   "It's the first to help the respect, we are the best in the central government, help the respect!"

The whole soup was completely silent, and it took only a short moment to burst and boil, enough to see the prestige and power of the old man Futing’s voice in the Central Shangguo Middle School, followed by the roar of the mountain whirring and tsunami, Futing The voice raised his hands and pressed down gently, the old and magnificent voice continued to resound throughout the city:

   "Everyone, please listen to the old man."

After the sound of    rolled out, the sound of the whole soup boiling gradually disappeared, and once again fell into the silence of the city, and then Fu Tingsheng's face showed a smile, and the voice resounded through all of Tangdu's ears:

"The sun and the moon are in the past, and cannot be recovered. The old man has been with his Majesty in his practice for nearly 30,000 years. In these long years, thanks to the love of the Lord and the heavens, although he has experienced nine deaths, he still lives to this day. It's really not abandoning the road."

Fu Ting Sheng’s words at this time are neither humble nor overbearing. The reason why the people of the Taixuan Land trust and admire the former is inseparable from the kind and peaceful temperament of many young people. In his eyes, the old man was like a bright lamp in the dark night, illuminating the road ahead.

   Immediately after a few breaths of condensing, the old man's words of the court sound continued to ring in everyone's ears:

   "It stands to reason that at the age of the old man, this cultivation level should be satisfied, but Wu Futing's voice does not recognize this fate!"

   The voice fell, Futing Sheng once again raised his hands suddenly, raised his head, and looked at the Fufeng Heavenly Beast that turned into a black hurricane above the sky, and opened his mouth and let out a roar:

  "Why can someone sit on the cloud and overlook the common people?

  "Why can someone enjoy Lingxiao alone and cover the sky with only one hand?

   "Why did I go to the kingdom to inherit the orthodox of the fairy palace, but was blocked from the fairy gate?"

   Why these three contain a strong and unyielding will, and then the sound of the court is getting louder and louder and the roar shook the sky:

   "People in the world are not convinced, and I am not convinced by the voice of the court, so the old man has to spend his life to fulfill a dream."

   After finishing talking, endless rays of sunlight rose up from the old man's body, directly connected to the Fufeng Tianbeast above.

   At the same time, the entire soup below was under an indescribable power, and began to tremble violently. Numerous stones and gravel on the ground, accompanied by a earth-shattering roar, rose into the air.

   "Today, the old man vowed to blast open the fairy gate and discuss it with the Lord!"


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