The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1417: Climb the ladder to the fairy gate


read2();   "The sky is here, I am not dreaming, am I going to ask for it?"

Along with the earth-shaking announcement of the old man's touch of the court, the bright sun was completely obscured, the big city of Tangdu shrouded in dim black light, and the city was silent. Everyone was shocked by the sound of the former that kept lingering in their ears. After the meeting, the monk murmured.

   The words fell, and the rest of the cultivators who gradually reacted took a deep breath and responded:

"If I heard correctly, caressing his old man is because he wants to blast through the immortal gate of the immortal palace ruins above the nine heavens, and go to the Lingxiao Temple to find the Lord to discuss it, and to talk about the Tao, in fact, it is life and death. ."

   "Your Majesty has allowed it. This undoubtedly means that the Central Government will directly engage the Holy Court to start war. There is chaos, the State is chaotic, and the world is chaotic!"

   Facing the sound of the strongest man in the Central Shangguo, helping the court, at this time, this unpredictable declaration of the world, the people of Tangdu who were trembling in their hearts, at this time, the only thought in their hearts was only one word.

   The world is in chaos!

As the saying goes, a mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. Therefore, the people of the Central Kingdom think in their hearts that there must be a battle between the Kingdom and the Holy Court, but once this moment is really close, a wave emerges from the depths of their hearts. The fear rushed to the top of his head, and his hair was standing on end.

   For tens of thousands of years, the Holy Court, or the power of the Holy Venerable, has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Therefore, the people of the Central Kingdom feel that the sky is spinning and it is difficult to recover.

However, the world is rolling forward, and there will be no change due to personal emotions and wishes. Just as standing proudly above the void at this time, with arms outstretched, the rays of light are everywhere, and the extremely violent momentum rolls out. The old man Futing said.

   Raised his arms and shouted this time, boldly, he has been waiting for a whole life.

   "The old man dare to spend his whole life to fulfill a dream!"

   The old man’s grand voice is full of more and more domineering, and his eyes are also shining brighter and brighter.

The Holy Venerable has been overpowering the entire Taixuan Land for too long and too long, so long as the sound of Futing, the third place in the Tongtian list, will blast open the fairy gate as a dream. .

   "The old man talks about being crazy as a teenager, and he is the third in the world, and he can't get it in my eyes. If you do, you can be the number one in the world."

When the voice fell, the purple robe of Futing sound rolled and fluttered, and the open hands on both sides moved forward, as if embracing the whole world in front of him. At the next breath, the sky of Tangdu, which was completely occupied by the behemoth of Fufeng, was rapidly moving outwards. And when it was turned on, the colorful rays of sunlight burst out like fireworks.

   The entire soup became like a psychedelic wonderland in an instant, and on the huge body of the Fufeng Heavenly Beast, a grand world that continued to grow and then disappear slowly appeared.

   Then the third sound of the court in the world, a burly body than ordinary people slowly rose into the nine heavens under the sunlight, and the world above the sky was changing faster and faster, and even the monks’ eyes and thoughts could not keep up.

   "Between one thought, there are billions of millions, which not only represents infinite possibilities, in other words, it is also eternal!"

   Inside the town, a large monk who knew a little about Futing sound sighed and spoke. Then they raised their heads and stared at the sky above, the unpredictable grand world, the voice continued:

"From the kingdom to the world, the force of air transport supports the eternal law, and the Supreme Lord has reached a detachment that I can't even imagine. Maybe he, the third under heaven, can really blast open the fairy gate and discuss one. On this world first!"

   "We should no longer call the old man an honorable man, but a great saint."

As soon as the word Great Sage came out, it was like an edict from a god, causing all the people around to remain silent, and then a loud noise like thunder came from the nine days, and in this roar, in addition to the broken and reorganized sound of the eternal world, There was a thunderous crackle of reality in the realm of Taixuan.

   Then the vision above the void became more and more violent. The sky beast that had been entrenched for nine days helped the wind, and the tentacles made up of countless hurricanes all over, first shrank inward, and then resembled a rage beast tearing the sky, and violently tore it outward.


   Accompanied by a harsher roar, the void that shrouded everyone's head under the eyes of everyone was like a thin sheet of paper, which was torn to pieces.

   In the next breath, at the end of the eternal world that flickers in disillusionment, the quaint stairs winding straight up one after another slowly appear in the eyes of the world.

  Long steps are like dragons, going straight up for nine days, and people can't even see the end of the steps.

   "The ladder to the sky, I never thought that I would be lucky enough to see the ladder to the sky in this life."

   "According to legend, in the ancient fairy palace era, if you want to enter the heavenly court as an immortal official, the most basic requirement is to go straight up the ladder for nine days and come under the immortal gate, so that you can get a little favor from the ancient immortals."

   The thoughts of communicating with each other were intertwined in the city of Tangdu, and then an elderly person sighed and hissed:

   "From ancient times to the present, no matter what era it is, it has been the obsession and dream of countless people to climb this ladder to the sky. Without mentioning the help of the father, even the old man and I want to use this life to fulfill this dream."

   After finishing speaking, Wushuguang continued to stare at the sky blue, simple and simple, and even without the slightest decoration and rune description, the color of desire can be seen in the eyes.

In fact, this so-called ladder to the sky is unremarkable in the eyes of the monks and creatures on the ground. It is even like an ordinary river ladder that is stepped on and walked on the river bank at the door of the house. But whether it is in ancient times or today, there are most of them. People will never see this ladder for a lifetime.

Below the Tongtian Ladder, the old man Futing Sheng's purple-clothed dancing figure rose higher and higher, and then lightly tapped on the huge body of the Fufeng Heavenly Beast. When the figure appeared again, he came directly to the end of the Tongtian Ladder, steadily stepping on it. On it.

  "Climb the ladder to the fairy gate, and never hate the world ever since.

   "One bridge, one long light, one crossing and one life after another."

   Lang Lang's singing came out from the mouth of the old man on the ladder, and in this song, there was no slight bit of grievance, and some were just the singing of the young people when they rushed to their dreams.

   Then he flicked his sleeves with the sound of the court, and began to run wildly on the ladder in front of the sky.

   Hundreds of thousands of rays of light, the eternal psychedelic world flickered back and forth around the body, and the Fufeng Heavenly Beast that covered the sky and the sun followed behind, causing the purple-clothed old man to help the court. At this time, it was like the ancient times, calling the wind and calling the rain, shaking the world.

The sound of Futing rushed on the ladder at an extremely fast speed. With every tap of the footsteps, it flashed upwards along the winding ladder. After a while, its figure appeared directly on the nine heavens, everyone Deep in the end of sight.

   In the next instant, the old man stretched out his right hand, directly clenched his fist, and then violently smashed it out at the sky above.

   "It should be a **** drunk [August 1 Chinese website] to crush the chaotic cloud!"

   The high voice continued to roll across the sky, and then the entire sky was shattered by the roar of Futing, turning into countless fragments and falling down.

After   , in the depths of the end of the shattered sky, a huge and boundless fairy gate appeared loomingly!

   Fairy Court Holy Palace, revealed to the world!


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