The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1418: Central Plains


read2();  The collapse of the ancient fairy palace represents the complete end of an era that has ruled the Taixuan Land for countless years. It also indicates that the Taixuan Land with countless race creatures has completely entered from destruction to destruction. The cruel stage of reorganization.

   The demise of the old order to the establishment of the new order are often accompanied by countless lives and blood, and the change of times is based on countless bones.

   In fact, for the creatures in the Taixuan Land today, there are very few witnesses to the grandeur of the fairy sage flying all over the sky in the ancient times.

The former glory of the Taixuan Land, along with the shattering of the fairy palace and the sinking of the Wuxian Mountain in the North Sea, was completely swept into the garbage heap of history. However, those who personally participated in this matter are also in a long career. They found that the whole world did not roll forward as they expected, but fell into recession and became lifeless.

   This includes the old monarch of the Central Shangguo, and the third in the world who crushed the entire Tangdu Sky with a punch at this time, Futing!

"After the end of the fairy palace era, there will be no so-called immortals in the entire world, because even the immortal position is gone, and you will not be able to become an immortal if you climb this ladder of heaven. The powerful lords around us will only have one. The name of the land fairy."

In Tangdu, after the old man’s fist blasted out the ruins of the fairy palace above the nine heavens, some old monks on the ground spoke up one after another, and then their eyes continued to rise, watching the looming looming, firmly occupying nine days. The Xianting Nanxianmen above, continued to speak:

"In fact, the changes in the qi around us can be spied on from the number of people who climbed the ladder. In the past ten thousand years, there have been very few people who have actually climbed the ladder since Tangdu, and some of them are just some delusions, created in order to gain attention. Gimmick."

   At this point, the old monk who opened his mouth paused, squinting his eyes, and the voice continued:

"However, this situation has changed drastically recently. In just two years, two people have climbed the ladder to the sky. This undoubtedly clearly shows that we are like a puddle of stagnant water in the Taixuan land. Will change, only this time, I don’t know who can control the ups and downs?"

  As soon as this statement came out, everyone who heard it all around sighed and couldn't help but ask:

   "The troubled times are approaching, and under the torrent of torrents, you and I don't know where to go?"

   "Where to go?"

   The old man who was talking at first opened his mouth to laugh all his life, and then slammed his big sleeves of his toga, and opened his mouth to continue shouting:

"Either you hide like a tortoise, desperately guarding your one-third of an acre of land, or just like the old man above, talking about youth crazy, although you can't fight for the so-called number one in the world, but fight for one. The tone always works."

The old monk’s domineering words just fell, Tang Du’s psychedelic sky above the sky where the sun was intertwined, a punch blasted open the sky, and he pulled back his hands, hugged Yuan Shouyi, and drew a circle on his chest. Tear hard to both sides at a time.

   "Boom boom boom!"

The terrifying thunder of the sky once again resounded through the sky, and then the vast and even greater glow turned into a big hand to cover the sky again, tearing the entire already fragmented sky completely open, making the exact appearance of the remains of the fairy palace above. Gradually, it became clear to everyone.

   Cloud steamed Xia Wei, Qiong Lou Yuyu!

   As the Immortal Palace that represents the most perfect work in the ancient times, even if it has been vicissitudes of life, things are not human beings, it still integrates the most peak buildings in the entire Taixuan Land, exuding unparalleled power and brilliance.

At the same time, the south fairy gate of the fairy palace, which occupies the entire nine heavens, seemed to feel the battle intent and power coming from below. Numerous runes above the fairy gate lighted up, and the blue light suddenly flourished, majestic and mighty. Sweeping down, looking from a distance, it was like countless nine days of water coming from the sky, rolling down, and rushing in all directions.

   "The fairy gate of the ancient fairy palace remains firmly closed. I don't know if Father Fu, who is ascending to the sky at this time, can blast open the fairy gate in one fell swoop and complete the first feat of the fairy palace era after tens of thousands of years!"

Amidst the shouts of countless people in Tangdu, the water of Nine Heavens pouring down from Nanxianmen crashed against the ten thousand rays of sunlight blasted by the old man’s fists. At this moment, the void oscillated. The thunder sounded loudly, just like two invincible forces charging each other, directly opposing one place without fancy.

In the sky above Tangdu, infinite visions clustered, and almost all matter kept circulating between disillusionment and reorganization, and then the purple figure that represented the old man’s sound in the court walked along the ladder to the sky between chaos and disillusionment, and continued Hurricaneously rushed towards the fairy palace above the dome.

   "The wind rises, the wind comes, the wind arrives, help the wind!"

The old and magnificent voice continued to come from the mouth of Futing, and then the Fufeng Heavenly Beast that came from Fufeng County across more than half of the central upper country, within the body covered by dark clouds, let out a violent roar, and then the Heavenly Beast responded. The call of Futing sound pierced the tentacles composed of countless hurricanes into the sky.

At the next breath, a roaring hurricane appeared directly above all the monks’ heads, which completely penetrated the entire world. The hurricane rolled up around the old man’s court, like a loyal and powerful guard, shattering the whole body. The suppressing power of the Immortal Palace escorted the latter to completely outside the tightly closed Nanxian Gate.

"According to the vaguely circulated ancient records, the weight of the immortal gates of the Xianting Sacred Palace is innumerable. Once closed, even the former fairy gods cannot be pushed open at all. For this reason, Xianting specially casts two infinite pushers. The gatekeeper guards Nanxianmen.

"But now everything has changed. The doorkeeper guarding the fairy gate is not in Xian Ting on the one hand. On the other hand, helping the old man to discuss the Tao with the Holy Venerable this time and hit the world No. 1 is the most important thing. Fading and exhausting, he must blast open this fairy gate completely with lightning speed!"

   Tangdu, as the capital of the central state, is naturally a place where dragons and tigers are hidden. Therefore, there are powerful people who have seen the danger of the old man Futingsheng's trip, and they have spoken.

   As Fu Tingsheng said before, this is a feat of blocking a lifetime, and if you are not careful, it will be destroyed.

   Then, under the protection of the tentacles of the Fufeng Heavenly Beast, the former completely crossed the entire void and jumped directly outside the south gate of the heavenly immortal palace.

At the next breath, the sound of Futing continued to rush towards the immortal gate in front of the sky and the earth, and his appearance became younger and younger while the purple clothes were tumbling and dancing. With only one breath, he changed from an old man to a young man. Lang's appearance.

   A black hair danced wildly, vigorous, vigorous, and violent and unparalleled momentum burst outwards, Fu Ting Sheng continued to clenched his right fist, appeared under the Nanxian Gate, and blasted out directly.

   "You and I are ups and downs, why are you afraid of ghosts and gods, let me drive!"

   Accompanied by an earth-shaking roar, Fu Ting Sheng's heavy fists completely slammed on the Nanxian Gate.


   A deafening bell suddenly sounded between the sky and the earth!

   At the next breath, under the cheering of countless people in Tangdu, Nanxianmen slowly opened amidst the roar.

   In the third year of the Taixuan calendar, in winter, the third Futing in the world blasted open the Nanxianmen, and entered the palace to discuss the Tao with the Lord.

   On the same day, the Central Government officially went to war with the Holy Court, and the Central Plains was in chaos!


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