The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1419: The farther the better


read2();  The eastern part of the Taixuan Land, perhaps affected by the abundant rain and the rich life force when the sun rises in Yanggu, the more eastward, the more luxuriant vegetation, spreading into pieces The forests of each other nestle, grow wantonly, and turn into an endless sea of ​​undulating trees.

  Only with such a huge number of plants, and the strong vitality to the limit, can the Qingzhi Kingdom, one of the four great kingdoms, and the Qingzhishumei family known as the children of the forest be born.

   The growth of every tree charm clan needs to be accompanied by extremely long years, and even the most common tree charms can only be transformed after at least thousands of years. This shows that the green branch tree charms are rare and precious.

  Between this reason, except for the Silver Night Forest, the core of Qingzhishang Kingdom, in the countless forests of Dongsheng County, these mysterious jungle spirit trees are hard to find.

   But on the other hand, there are many different races living in the forest of Dongsheng County. After all, the forest is rich in resources, and under the protection of the Shumei clan, Dongsheng Forest has rarely been invaded by foreigners.

   "Little boys, the forest around us is very big, so big that most of the people can't get out of the whole life, and you can tell, how is the status in this forest?"

At the periphery of Dongsheng Forest, the dazzling scorching sun shone from above, passing through the gaps between the surrounding huge trees, and turning into pillars of light standing between the heavens and the earth, and in the middle of these pillars of light stood an inconspicuous small Village.

On the village square, an old woman with a short stature and sharp-mouthed eyes, after asking questions, stretched out her hands and wrapped her thick robe. It was the cold winter, even if the scorching sun above her head was still violent, but still let the forest The creatures felt a deep chill.

   Then, next to the little guys in a group on the square, the crisp voice sounded:

"The Hui patriarch grandma, in the forest, all of us are the children of the mother of the jungle and worship the mother of the jungle, and under the mother of the jungle are the adults of the Shumei clan of Qingzhi Kingdom. They guard this area. The forest is not invaded by those ugly underground demons."

After the sound fell, the old woman who looked like a mouse nodded, raised the wooden walking stick in her hand, knocked on the ground, made two bangs, and the old voice sounded again:

"Although the adults of the Shumei clan are extremely powerful, they are rare. Therefore, we still have to practice hard. Only in this way can we defend our homeland. Even when we become strong, we can walk out of this forest and see the outside world with our own eyes. ."

  The words of the forest green rat old woman carried a trace of desire, and for this already extremely old woman, going out of the forest to see the outside world was one of her lifelong dreams.

   "Grandma patriarch, what do you think it will look like outside the forest?"

   "Grandma has never been out, so grandma doesn't know about this problem either."

The just sensible little guys in the clan are the most curious about all things, so every question comes one after another, and this old woman is also extremely patient, answering them one by one, but the next breath The question from the child changed the face of the old woman.

   "Patriarch grandmother, where did these underground demons who keep invading our Qingzhi Nation come from?"

When this question came out, the mouse cubs who were chatting around felt the dignity of the old patriarch in front of them, so they kept silent. Then the old woman sitting on the stump stood up and raised the crutches in his hand on the ground in front of him. With a heavy stroke, an undulating line was drawn, and then the old voice continued to sound:

"In fact, to the east of our Taixuan Land, the counties within the territory of Qingzhi Nation, the overall terrain is not flat. Except for the Dongsheng Plain where the Silver Night Forest is located, the rest of the land is full of high mountains and ridges, and the more critical Yes, among these mountains, there is a volcano called Tianchi."

After    finished speaking, the old woman raised her crutches and poke a hole between the undulating mountains in front of her, and her solemn voice once again sounded on the small square:

  "This Tianchi volcano is directly connected to the depths of the earth veins under countless miles, and the world under this rolling magma is the place where these ugly monsters of Yan Jueguo live.

"These monsters dream of trying to invade the surface we are on. One day, a long time ago, the Tianchi volcano, which had not erupted for countless years, directly erupted under the action of a strange force. The underground monsters have formally gained access to land and began to carry out aggression, and the Qingzhi Nation where we are, undoubtedly bear the brunt, has been fighting each other until this point.

The old woman's words fell, and the mouse cubs in front of her took a breath, and then began to chatter, holding the old woman's head up, staring at the surrounding beams of light that penetrated from the sky, and sighed slightly. In one breath.

   In fact, there is another point that the old man did not explain to the sensible boy in front of him that it is the gathering place of this forest green rat clan, not far from the front line where the fight is going on.

   In other words, once the front line misses their hands, these small tribes, who are weak and can only survive outside the forest, die the fastest and most simply. .

   "In the land of the profound, weak urination is the greatest sin."

  , with a helpless murmur, emerged from the old woman's mind, and then his eyes fixed on a giant tree not far from the beam of sunlight. His pupils suddenly shrank, and the whole person dared to trot forward.

   Then the old woman lifted the crutch in her hand, placed it flat on the palm of her hand, bowed to the front, and said loudly:

   "The patriarch of the forest green rat clan, I have seen Lord Qingzhi Country Shumei."

After the old man's voice fell, the branches of the huge tree in front of him suddenly began to undulate like waves, and then a slender figure stepped out of the cyan ripples and stood firmly on the branches. .

At the same time, a strong breath of life swept down, engulfing the entire gathering place in the blink of an eye, causing a member of the forest green rat family in the cave to quickly gush out to the Qingzhishumei family. Salute respectfully in front of people.

After   , a steady voice sounded directly in everyone's ears:

   "On the order of His Majesty the Silver Night Mori, you and other peripheral tribes must withdraw back within half a day, and the place will be taken over by the soldiers of the Shumei clan."

  As soon as this statement came out, the faces of the people of the forest green mouse clan changed drastically. After a while, the old patriarch stepped forward and asked:

   "Dare to ask my lord, how long should I wait for the tribe to evacuate back?"

   "At least three hundred miles."

   After the female priestess of the Qingzhishumei clan finished speaking, she looked down at the confusion in the eyes of the people below. After hesitating for a while, she continued to speak:

   "This priest advises you to wait, go now, don't stop, the farther the front line is, the better!"


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