
read2();   "Squeak."

After a clear voice came out, the gate of the Guanyun Taoist Temple, which was worn down for years and even covered with a little moss, was completely closed. Then this small Taoist temple became like being in another space. Especially quiet.

   The cold wind roaring in the city is still like a mighty warrior, charging back and forth around the small courtyard, and its enemy is obviously the golden ginkgo leaves flying all over the Taoist temple.

The strong wind wraps the fallen leaves, and the leaves turn into golden rain. Under this golden yellow, the middle-aged Taoist priest in plain robes still sits quietly on the futon. Compared with the previous ones, his eyes are deep at this time. In the middle, endless thoughts and thoughts fly.

   He was falling into deep thoughts, as the so-called thought changes, so in the whole small courtyard, it was like a pair of big hands appeared, and he began to fiddle with the thousands of flying golden ginkgo leaves.

   Under the influence of the thoughts of the middle-aged Taoist priest, the numerous golden leaves in these voids shrink inward and open outward, as if they were breathing in with the thoughts of Taoist Guanyun.

   At the next breath, countless ginkgo leaves exploded outwards, directly turning into a huge circle.

Within the Dao circle, the golden ginkgo leaves meet end to end, and slowly flow forward, dividing the yin and yang poles, forming an eight-stranded shape. Then, between the extremely rich Dao rhyme radiating outwards, an extremely vague voice comes from the Dao circle. Outgoing:


  As soon as this statement was made, the Taoist Guanyun Taoist who was originally looking down slowly raised his head, stared at the front, and said very seriously:

   "I am the master of Guanyun Taoist Temple, and I am no longer the brother of Dayan Taoist Temple."

   The words from the middle-aged Taoist priest fell, and the Daoyuan that originally circled the poles stagnated slightly, and the voice continued to sound:

   "Being a brother for one day, and being a brother for life."

   "Dayan Taoist temple has the rules of Taoism. Once you leave the temple, you will start sects on your own. If you don't call in the inner circle, you can't actively contact with the temple, and you don't know the specific location of the temple. Taoists, rules are rules!

After    Guanyun Taoist had finished speaking, his face once again showed a little smile, and then he stretched out his hand and gently waved to the front, a breeze blew out, and a deep voice followed the breeze into the circle:

   "For so many years, Guanli has never looked for me to wait for these masters. This time you came to find me. Is it true that the situation has become so serious as the little female monk said?"

   This questioning sound came out, but Daoyuan’s response did not sound for a long time, and after a hundred breaths of breath, the illusory voice came out again:

   "Brother, it's very serious, unprecedented seriousness!"

After finishing speaking, a blue qi flew out from within the circle, gradually forming a pattern of interlaced light and shadow. Above the pattern, countless yellow-brown sand and dust billowed up into the sky, like a giant yellow sand swallowing the sky. Like a beast, it occupies the entire space between the heavens and the earth, and within the yellow sand, a lot of misty Buddha light shines through, and you can even hear the Sanskrit sounds in your ears.

   "Brother, this is the scene in the Western Regions today. Buddhism monks are doing everything they can to bring millions of miles of yellow [笔趣阁] to press the sand, which is already an endless situation."

  The sound that rang in the Taoyuan was unprecedentedly solemn, and then it paused, and the voice once again sounded within the Taoist Temple of Guanyun:

   "More importantly, this yellow sand has the ability to shield and detect. My Dayan Pass is completely incapable of knowing the specific developments of Buddhism in it. Guangguang relying on the words of several female monks, I cannot make a clear judgment."

   "It is a foregone conclusion that Buddhism wants to return to the Central Plains. A life-and-death dispute between Taoism and Buddhism is already at hand, and Dayan Taoism should not have any fluke psychology."

   After the middle-aged Taoist priest in the courtyard finished speaking, Daoyuan's response sounded immediately:

"Brother, you should know my style of doing things. Naturally, it is impossible to take it lightly. On the other hand, Master has been silent since he left the temple in his early years. Now that the Buddhist army is overwhelming, I can't get out of my body for the time being. , In desperation, I came to look for your help from brother."

As soon as the word    Shizun came out, the entire courtyard where the Taoist Temple of Guanyun was located fell into deep silence again, leaving only the brushing sound of boundless fallen leaves flying and rotating and rubbing.

It is true that the two words "Master" have extraordinary meanings to the two Taoist priests in the courtyard. Then, on the ground futon, Taoist Guanyun sitting cross-legged, raised his right hand and directly touched the void in front of him. Zhong once again pinched a ginkgo leaf, and continued to speak slowly:

  "The rules of Dayan Taoist Temple have been extremely strict since ancient times. The three disciples chose one of them to observe, and you should be clear about the subject of the master at the time of selection."

After    finished speaking, Taoist Guanyun's expression became more and more solemn, and his voice continued to spread:

"I folded a leaf and watched it gradually wither in my hand. It asked, what happened to this end, withered on your hand, and I sighed, why fell on my hand, withered, this ending, then for the entire avenue of heaven and earth In terms of what is the causality?

   "This question has been pondered by the Master for so many years, but now I want to know how you answered it in front of Master at that time, and why did Master choose you?"

   The two consecutive questions of the middle-aged Taoist revealed that his heart was not at peace. However, the will within Daoyuan in the small courtyard has not been answered for a long time, and in the end it was just a solemn sentence:

   "Brothers have always topped their peers in terms of speed, and even the children of the Wujiang Sect are far behind. Therefore, the specific situation of Buddhism outside the customs, I still have to rely on you."

After    finished speaking, the Daoyuan that appeared out of thin air in the small courtyard suddenly exploded outward, and countless golden leaves once again turned into fallen leaves and flew above the sky.

   "It's still a rascal as always. This is almost exactly the same as Master, maybe because of this, Master chose you."

With a little helpless voice coming from the mouth of Taoist Yun, he shook his head, stretched out his right hand, and gently turned downwards, accompanied by a crash of the entire void, all the ginkgo and gold leaves flying in the small courtyard At the same time, it smashed down, and countless breeze winds up around Daochang Guanyun.

  The leaves fall, the wind rises!

In the extremely strange scene, the middle-aged Taoist priest in the courtyard took out a wooden hairpin in his robe, rolled the hair draped behind him with his left hand, and then inserted the hairpin. The temperament of the whole person suddenly changed. .

   At the next breath, the middle-aged Taoist priest raised his hand, and a white cloud above the sky fell straight down as if he heard the call, and then stayed in front of the former like a well-behaved mount.

   Then the Taoist priest of Guanyun raised his foot, his figure soared into the sky, and instantly went straight into the sky, leaving only a touch of words to linger in the small courtyard:

   "Everyone in the world wants to find the place of Dayan Taoist Temple, but how did the world know that the countless Taoist Temples in this Dayan Xiongguan are all Dayan Taoist Temples. The real Dayan Taoist Temple is not hidden in the world, but becoming the world!"


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