
read2();   The border between the Western Regions and the Central Plains, from north to south, there are countless mountains, isolated from the world.

Each of these tens of thousands of high mountains is like a sharp, sharp and insurmountable blade that pierced into the nine heavens. Together, they form a natural barrier that firmly blocks the desert and sand and dust in the west. The invasion of the Central Plains.

  "In ancient times, the countless mountain barriers in front of us were once mistaken by the ancestors as the westernmost end of the Taixuan Land, because it was too high, like the roof of the world, difficult to climb.

   "Until I discovered the existence of the so-called Western Regions, I knew that there was a huge gap in the mountains, connecting the Central Plains and the Western Regions, which is where we are at this time."

   On the towering ancient city wall of Dayan Xiongguan, at this time there are several young Taoist priests standing proudly on the top of the city, pointing the country.

   I saw that these young Taoist priests were all wearing new and gorgeous Taoist robes, with a Taoist sword engraved with runes on their backs. They were upright and very heroic. Looking from a distance, they gave people a sense of vitality.

   Then, the first young man with a handsome face, raised his hand and gently waved his robe sleeve, looked around, and continued to sigh:

   "You know, in the age of the Immortal Palace, this lofty and majestic pass was not only used to chase and kill Buddhism, but on the other hand, it was also used to monitor the legendary giant of Longbo Kingdom."

As soon as the words "Long Bo Kingdom Giant" came out, the complexions of the young Taoist priests around the city wall changed slightly, because in the land of Tai Xuan today, the words Long Bo Kingdom were the same as the human race. Next, it almost became a taboo word, and then someone solemnly said:

   "Friend Daoist Pei, speak carefully."

   "I'm afraid that he will be a ball. This time is different from the past. Look at the Dayan Pass around you. Apart from the practitioners in the Taoist temples, and the creatures who urinate and live here, age, sick and die, are there foreigners coming?"

   The young Taoist who spoke with a anger on his face showed the anger in his heart. Then he put away his expression and continued to spit out coldly:

"The Holy Court and the so-called Four Great Kingdoms themselves sit on the fertile land of the Central Plains, and they are still fighting every day. But whoever thinks for us in Dayan City. If we hadn't stopped the Western Regions, how could they be like this? happy?

   "If you can't eat meat, just take a sip of soup, but you see, now in the eyes of the people in the Central Plains County of the Great Profound Land, we are just like the monks in the west, we are all labeled as beings of the Western Regions!"

This young Taoist surnamed Pei is obviously a typical radical in Dayan City. At this time, the voice of his words became more and more dissatisfied, and then he continued to raise his hand and pointed at the gap between the two giant mountains in front of him, and The voice of the yellow sand that couldn't be seen in the gap came out again:

"Victors always like to tamper with history. Wait and see, besides my Taoist monks in Dayan City, who else knows the Western Regions in front of me, formerly known as Long Boguo, and those Buddhist monks who are happily jumping now, In the earliest days, they were actually slaves to the giants of Longbo Kingdom!

   "Friend Daoist Pei, even if Long Boguo was once powerful, it has been wiped out by the holy court, you don't have to talk about it and make yourself trouble."

Among the young Taoist priests standing with their hands at the head of Dayanxiong Pass, there are also people with clear minds. Therefore, they talked to persuade them. These disciples have extraordinary identities. They are all core disciples of the city’s Dadao Temple. They come to the city wall to participate in regular events. The Taoist Association.

   Then, the other Taoist priests changed the topic of Long Boguo without changing their expressions, and opened their mouths and said:

  " Fellow Daoists, according to the news from various places recently, this place is not peaceful recently. Under the chaos of heaven, the already accumulated contradictions have already exploded. This is a sign of troubled times.

   "And more importantly, now that the entire pass is circulating, this Buddhism will make a big move. Maybe it will go east to attack Dayan City, and the people will be panicked, and they don't know the truth."

As soon as this statement came out, all the monks on the city wall showed dignified expressions. After all, although everyone present was young, their vision and pattern were all outstanding among the same generation. Naturally, they knew that if the Taoist and the Buddha once again broke out. War, then the entire border of the Western Regions will be bloodied everywhere, and no one will be spared.

   "The ambition of the demon monks of the Western Regions to advance eastward is immortal. There is bound to be a battle between Buddhism and Taoism. Whether or not it will fight this time, this day will not be far away. I will put away my luck and prepare well."

   After a slightly older monk finished sighing, everyone around him nodded, and then the former gaze in front of him for a moment, and then subconsciously continued to speak:

   "Weird, that cloud above the sky, so fast!"

The voice of    fell, and the rest of the surrounding people looked up and looked up. On the blue sky, a white cloud pierced through the sky and the earth instantly, and in the blink of an eye, it straddled the entire sky, appearing at the end of the western world like a teleport.

   "Between the whole world, someone can practice the technique of soaring clouds and driving fog to such a degree, how is this possible?"

   Accompanied by unbelievable murmurs, the white cloud that rushed forward faster than the thunder, only a few flashes, disappeared directly from everyone's eyes.

After    more than a hundred breaths later, at an indescribable speed, this white cloud traversed the only gap in the entire Western Regions leading to the Central Plains, and blasted into the endlessly flying yellow sands of the Western Regions.

   Above the white clouds, a middle-aged Taoist priest from Guanyun Taoist Temple stood with his hands, and at the same time, this plain Taoist robe that he had worn for an unknown number of years was hunting in the fierce wind.

   But the weird thing is that no matter how the robe dances, the hair on the top of the Taoist priest's head fixed with a wooden hairpin is still and meticulous.

"After leaving Dayan Pass, I still have to clean up this appearance, especially since this Western Region monk does not have black hair, but it is the most important thing. These monks are talking about the converted monks, and they have no hair on their heads. There is still a fart connection."

After    finished speaking, Master Guanyun with a handsome face raised his hand and touched the black hair on his head, and once again solemnly emphasized:

   "As the saying goes, the head can be broken, blood can flow, this hairstyle can't be messy."

   After this fell with a little bit of self-confidence, within the white cloud under Taoist Guanyun, a voice with a little helplessness suddenly came out:

   "You Dayan Taoist temple, up to the old Taoist priest, down to the youngest generation of the three little Taoist priests, watching the clouds, watching the sea, and watching the sky, are all thick-skinned rascals."

   This voice is extremely crisp, just like a little girl with a cardamom age complaining in anger. After hearing the words, Taoist Guanyun brightened his eyes and continued to speak with a smile:

   "Little Yunduo, you have been floating in the sky for so many years, and you don't know to come back and take a look. Now you have just reunited, and you are talking badly again. From the subjective point of view, your mind is wild!"


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