The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1441: A strong dose


read2();  "Many times, when creatures are dominated by fate for too long, they will confess their fate, because those who do not confess their fate are actually dead. Master Sun, including me now wearing this dress , Standing here with you and becoming the so-called saint of Snow Lotus is actually a kind of confession."

On the second floor of the small inn, a faint voice came from the mouth of the girl Xuelian, and then the former slowly stretched out his white and flawless palms, struggling to open it outwards, trying to grasp the entire sky surrounded by the starlight barrier. In the ear, Sun Qian's response came out:

"The space between heaven and earth is really too complicated. I actually don't believe that there will be people in this world who can really fully understand. Therefore, in these chaotic worlds that are densely intertwined with countless threads, I want to live and live better. , Then you need to find an entry point."

   Perhaps the beautiful girl in front of me is born with a protective and mysterious atmosphere, which makes Sun Qiansun cockroach, who is as hard as iron, also willing to open his mouth and say a few more words:

   "The so-called circulation of the world is actually a general trend. When you can't change the general trend of the world, then there are only two choices you can choose, either with the trend or against the trend."

   "Then dare to ask Master Sun, did the little girl go with the trend or go against the trend?"

   The girl’s questioning voice fell, and a smile appeared under Sun Qian's hood, and the response went out:

  "As the saying goes, good fortune and misfortune depend on each other. If those of us can see what the thief is thinking and where the trend is going, we would have gone to play chess a long time ago, and we are still doing these involuntary chess pieces.

   "But to say it again, it is important to go with the trend or against the trend, it is not important, the sky is falling, and there is a tall man against it, so this officer now gives you a piece of advice."

   Speaking of this, Sun Qian obviously hesitated for a few breaths, as if he was thinking about whether to say the following words. After a few breaths, an unremarkable word came out under the hood of the former:

   "What this official can tell you is that once you are in contact with your majesty and Daxia, then whether you follow the trend or go against the trend, your life will have changed.

"In any case, it will not be worse than it is now. When people are falling into the water and are about to drown, they will not think too much. They will only hold on to this last straw, just like this Li on a high platform. Broken arm, he was very simple, and it was a pleasant surprise."

   Dadao will favor bold people, and among countless casual cultivators, with such courage, this young monk with a broken arm is eye-catching.

   But for the people from Daxia Hongxu Temple who came from afar, their purpose is far more than one Li Broken Arm.

   Therefore, on the snow lotus plateau, Song Xinhao, who is condescending, pointed to the surrounding starlight barrier. The corpses of the sect monks were everywhere, unable to float above the sea, and continued to ask:

   "Wait, what are you still afraid of?"

   This question is like thunder, roaring constantly, but no one responds from below. These wandering and scattered repairs, who are shocked and touched, still remain silent.

   Then Song Xinhao's eyes from under his black hood became more and more cold, and then his cold voice came out:

   "If you don't say what you're afraid of, let the Shao Ben speak for you, you are afraid that these sect disciples have more financial resources than you, and you are afraid that those disciples will have the treasures that can quickly improve their cultivation.

   When Song Xinhao said this, the countless casual cultivators below became quieter. Then the former raised his hand and patted lightly, and the voice came out again:

   "But these are nothing. Whoever says we don't have any casual cultivators. Whether it's celestial coins or the treasures of heaven and earth, I have some of them in Snow Lotus!

As soon as Song Xinhao’s words fell, he breathed, a figure in black robes carried a large number of huge boxes directly to the snow lotus high platform, and then opened them all together, and saw another ray of light rising into the sky. Baoguang not only has the dazzling misty light belonging to the fairy coin, but also the vitality fluorescence from the heavenly materials.

At the same time, wave after wave of extremely strong heaven and earth vitality swept outward from the high platform, and directly brushed the body of the scattered practitioner below, just like spraying on the extremely dry land. The coveted rain.

   "It is the vitality of heaven and earth, such a strong vitality of heaven and earth, I have never felt it in my life!"

   A series of exclamations indicate that the casual repairs in Xiaoyao City have already started to make violent ripples under the impact of wave after wave.

   Song Xinhao, who was on the high platform, continued to raise his hand and make a heavy shot, and then his voice came out:

"I don't know, you are still afraid that these sect monks have sharp weapons and strong defensive armor, which will take the upper hand in the life and death fight, but again, who said these things, we don't have a casual cultivator? "

As soon as the words came out, the eyes of countless casual practitioners who heard the words suddenly lit up, and even the heart was beating fiercely, almost jumping out of the chest, and immediately under the gaze of the increasingly hot eyes below, it was again A large number of boxes were lifted on the snow lotus platform.

After that, Song Xinhao didn't sell anything, waved his hand to open it, and a large amount of light rushed into the sky, and this time the light represented the sharp aura of blades and armor, as well as the strong suffocation that struck the heartstrings of the San Xiu. .

   "A good knife, good armor, fairy coin spirit treasure, my Snow Lotus Club is ready for you, why are you still hesitating, to be a coward completely?"

   Song Xinhao's roar continued to roll out, directly causing some casual repairers to red their eyes, and suddenly took a step forward, a violent change in his face.

   At the same time, in the small inn, the voice from Sun Qian in the ears of the snow lotus girl directly rang:

   "As long as you work hard enough, as long as you are not dead, you can be awakened. You see, it's not that some people are awake, but this is not enough, and there is a more aggressive one."

   As soon as Sun Qian's smiling voice fell, the harder hammer in the center of Xiaoyao City immediately followed.

   I saw Song Xinhao dancing in black on the snow-white high platform. Once again, he took a **** bag from the back and held it high to the sky. Then the young and heroic voice lingered in the sky:

"I don’t know that you still have fear in your heart. I am afraid that among these sects, there is always going over the mountains to fill the sea, and you can slaughter you big monks who are weak and scattered like pigs and dogs. , I really don't care about it."

After he finished speaking, Song Xinhao threw the black cloth downwards, and with the next breath, a huge eagle head fell directly out, and at the same time, the frenzied aura still in the eagle head, together with the unwilling soul, Roaring in all directions.

   The breath of a top monk, it is overwhelming everywhere, as if a mountain is pressing down on the head, and then Song Xinhao's understatement sounded, blowing into the void:

   "You have never seen the owner of this head, but you have heard his name even before you are willing to move.

   "The leader of the Central Plains Eagle Falcon League in the Great Profound Land, he wanted to hit us before, so he died!"


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