
read2();   Except for the dead, there is no person who pretends to be asleep in this world. If there is, the method of calling is not strong enough and not violent enough.

   descended from the center of Beihai, the people of Hongshe Temple headed by Sun Qian, prepared carefully and interlocked with each other, and used a wave of stronger than wave of shocks to blast open the heart of countless casual repairs in the entire Xiaoyao City.

   Although it is extremely difficult to do, the way Sun Qian and the others blasted open the San Xiu heart gate is plainly simple, that is, what these casual cultivators are afraid of and what they lack, they will show and provide.

   From the massive amount of cents at the beginning, to boxes of treasures, blades and armor, and the last straw that crushed the camel.

   Eagle Falcon League leader's head!

   In a certain way, the head of the great monk of the Eagle Alliance, for the casual repair of Xiaoyao City, has a stronger impact than the other powerful heads.

The existence of the Falcon Alliance, a sect, is based on plundering. It is atrocious and has a reputation among casual cultivators. It is worth mentioning that the monks of this alliance, before heading to Shenxian City by the North Sea, It is directly across the entire Liusha County, including Xiaoyao City.

   Along the way, the cruel cultivators of the Falcon League left countless blood and blood, and a large number of loose repairs on the ground, without warning, were directly penetrated by the magical powers that fell from the sky, and died.

   Therefore, for the vast number of scattered repairs gathered in the center of Xiaoyao City at this time, the leader of the Eagle Alliance and his monks brought indelible fear to the former not long ago.

   In other words, how deep the fear once was, then how shocking the heart to look at this huge eagle head at this time!

Under the gaze of countless pairs of fiery eyes, this eagle head, half the size of an adult, lay unwillingly on the white platform, still releasing an extremely cruel and fierce aura. The foot lightly stepped on this head, and all those who had witnessed all this in casual repairs felt a tremor in their hearts.

Song Xinhao’s move to step on the head of the Great Zongmen monk was something that these wandering and casual cultivators would not even dream about. Then, under the eyes of everyone, Song Xinhao raised his right foot and directly lifted the eagle under his foot. Kicked to the San Xiu group below, while the voice of heroic spirit continued to roll out:

   "Since you dare not step on the heads of those little sect disciples, dare you dare to step on the head of a great monk at the pinnacle of the palm edge birth and death state?"

When the deafening roar rang through the ears, many black bags were lifted up to the snow lotus platform. Then, under Song Xinhao's violent wave of his hand, the heads of the big monks in the black bags were thrown down. Densely dense, like falling rain.

   Within each of the heads thrown downwards, there was a vicious aura, and contained the aura of vast laws unique to high-ranking monks, instantly making the entire void in the center of Xiaoyao City extremely viscous.

   This is undoubtedly an unforgettable picture of countless casual cultivators in Xiaoyao City. The heads of the Zongmen who were originally out of reach and could only be looked up to were left behind one by one.

The impact of everything in front of all the San Xiu is unparalleled, even hard to describe in words, so a large number of scarlet bloodshots began to emerge from the eyes of the San Xiu, and spread outwards rapidly, indicating a raging The fire was burning violently.

   In the next instant, Song Xinhao’s roar blasted directly into the ears of all Sanxiu:

   "Wait, step or not?"

  The roar roared around the void, and at the same time, this sound was like a volcanic eruption, which directly became the last straw to overwhelm the camel, causing the San Xiu gathered on the snow lotus platform to open their mouths and scream:

   "If you don't step on your head, what dare you!"

Before the roar fell, San Xiu with completely bloodshot eyes roared forward, raised his foot, and struggling to step on a sect monk who rolled down to the ground in front of him.


After    there was a muffled noise, the head burst for most of the time, and then another casual repairman stepped forward and continued to lift his foot to step on, and a roar came out:

   "Isn't that the sect monk, I trampled you to death, trampled you to death!"

   The hoarse roar completely aroused the **** nature in these San Xiu's hearts that had been silent for too long, so more and more San Xiu rushed forward and began to step on the head of the sect monk above the ground, like crazy.

In a sense, anger and blood will spread and spread rapidly, so once a large number of loose repairs roar and rush forward, it will form a mighty avalanche. It only takes a very short time. Completely spread to all loose repairs in the entire Xiaoyao City.

   After a breath, the mountain roars like a tsunami, from every casual repairer’s mouth, resounding across the sky:

   "Kill, kill the sect monks, trample them to death!"

   Under the deafening roar, the ground and the void of Xiaoyao City began to vibrate rhythmically, and even the starlight enchantment that enveloped the center of the city began to tremble under the roar.

   Xiaoyao City completely changed at this moment. This is also an unprecedented change since its establishment. Under the rolling yellow sand, the extremely strong **** evil spirit is roaring to the sky like an ancient behemoth.

   Then inside the small building on the second floor in the center of Xiaoyao City, a girl from Snow Lotus continued with an amazed voice:

   "This casual cultivator in Xiaoyao City, the inner anger and bloodliness, has been awakened!"

"It is not easy to wake up the **** nature of the wandering cultivators in this city. It took us a lot of effort and various methods were used. Fortunately, the response was good. Then it was Snow Lotus's turn. Girl you are on the court."

   After finishing talking, Sun Qian, the chief minister of the Great Xia Hongsheng Temple, raised his hand and lifted the white robe hood of the snow lotus beside him, directly covering the girl's face, and then turned and walked down the second floor of the inn first.

  At the same time, Song Xinhao on the high platform looked down at the countless sculptors in Xiaoyao City, which was completely in a state of madness. The corners of his mouth raised, and his high voice once again sounded in the starlight barrier:

   "If we want cents, we have them, and we have treasures for cultivation. We have no shortage of blade armor and high-level combat power. So what do we lack now?"

   After Song Xinhao's voice fell, he didn't wait for the San Xiu below to respond, he clenched his right fist, and continued to shout:

  "We lack a base full of vitality of heaven and earth. The Xiaoyao City of Liusha County is full of yellow sand. The vitality of heaven and earth is thin and the conditions are bad. It is almost a deadly place.

"And when I want to develop and become stronger, I have to go south, and occupy the places that are full of vitality controlled by the people of those sects. My snow lotus cult has been passed on since Xiaoyao scattered people. With a mission to create a piece of pure land for the wandering and casual cultivation of the entire Taixuan Land!"

   Song Xinhao's voice fell, and countless casual practitioners under the snow lotus platform, spontaneously raised their arms and shouted, roaring into the sky:

   "Go south, go south, pure land, pure land!"

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