The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1449: The battlefield of the North Sea


read2();   "Great Master, this North Sea opportunity has progressed faster than I thought, and it has deviated from almost everyone's expectations."

Above the sea in the center of the North Sea, a huge golden ocean undulates up and down, and in the center of this golden sea, the huge body of the great statue of Jinhai sits on the surface of the sea, the shoulders of the great statue, the young man is unhurried. The voice came out.

Then this ordinary looking, ordinary figure, and equally ordinary young man looked straight ahead, his gaze seemed to penetrate the wind, waves and darkness directly above the sea, and he saw the huge fairy island entrenched in the center of the North Sea like an ancient behemoth. Lips lightly opened, and the voice continued:

"Since this fairy mountain was born under the North Sea, only a few days have passed until now, but in such a short time, the vast majority of this North Sea has fallen into the hands of this mysterious fairy mountain force, with such a rapid expansion method. , Hasn't appeared in the land of Supreme Profound for countless years."

   After the young man Xuan's words fell, Jinhai Great Lord sitting cross-over on the sea, in the huge puppet eyes, revealed a color of doubt comparable to ordinary creatures, and then a very strong voice came out:

   "In the past few days, the deity has been fighting the sleepless giant ao. It is still unclear to what extent the situation in the North Sea has developed, Xuan, tell the deity."

"The tiger devouring the dragon, this immortal mountain force in the North Sea, which was born not long ago, is unexpectedly powerful. The countless sect monks who went north looking for opportunities have almost all been destroyed, and the strategy pursued by this immortal mountain force is actually Only a few points."

Speaking of this, the black robe dancing Xuan stood up on the shoulders of the Great Senior Jin Hai, stretched out his hands and folded his hands, first grabbed the void in front of him, and then shot them, directly blasting out one after another rotating hexagrams. At the same time, the voice continued:

  "The first point is to weaken the division and cut the sect monks of the Taixuan Land to the north into countless pieces, thereby infinitely weakening the overall power of the monks in the north.

"The second point is that for the attack, the soldiers and the soldiers will be the generals, and all these fragmented and fragmented sects of the Supreme Profound Land are swept away. Therefore, it includes several emperors of the Central Kingdom, several hidden sects, and my sage. All of Tingnan Xinggong and the palace were all swept away in such a short time."

Along with the words from the young man Xuan’s mouth, above the void in front of him, the hexagrams emitting cyan light began to quickly assemble and spread out to form a huge map representing the Taixuan Land Beihai .

At the next breath, these hexagrams resemble one after another exuding rich scarlet light, and each scarlet hexagram represents a great power in the Taixuan land that was destroyed by Daxia in these few days, and it also indicates This area is almost completely controlled by Daxia.

   Then the young man Xuan raised his hand and swiped, the cyan force of air luck dissipated, and the hexagrams of the universe were fixed, but the message represented by the hexagrams made the Great Lord Jinhai also sigh:

   "This mysterious force of the Beihai Xianshan Mountain is really vigorous!"

I saw this map of the North Sea composed of hexagrams, centered on the immortal island representing the birth of the world, and most of the surrounding area showed a very conspicuous scarlet color, and this scarlet blood glow was advancing outwards at an orderly speed. Soon, it will completely occupy the entire North Sea.

   "This mysterious force will not be born before it is born. Once it is born, it will directly stir the situation, and immediately become a northern overlord without knowing it, even so fast that it is difficult for anyone to react."

Although there was still not much emotion in the young man Xuan’s voice, his wrinkled eyes heralded the changes and hexagrams, which made him feel extremely incomprehensible. Then the former continued to raise his hand and point towards it. There was a touch of blue at the center of the hexagram, and the voice continued:

"The last thing this mysterious force needs to do is to connect all the controlled areas together, and then completely take down the entire Beihai of the Supreme Profound Land. Therefore, the shore of the fairy mountain where these land gods and fairyland monks land at this time is the last , And the most important puzzle!"

   The words of the young man Xuan had just fallen. After the Great Lord Jin Hai under him pondered for a few breaths, the sound of the urn sound followed:

   "According to Xuan you's previous meaning, the bank of the fairy mountain in front is undoubtedly the final battle place chosen by the forces of the fairy island. This is a shameful plan, because if you want to find this opportunity in the North Sea, you must set foot on this fairy mountain in the North Sea.

   "But the deity is totally unimaginable, what kind of means can be used to completely wipe out so many land gods and fairyland deities, even Xuan You, count the hexagrams, all hexagrams will die."

   "Then let you and me wait and see, maybe we can witness the greatest change of this era."

After   , the young man Xuan stretched out his hand to directly retract all the hexagrams, and continued to sit down cross-legged, together with the Great Master Jinhai, watching the front quietly, holding his breath, and no longer speaking.

   The night in the center of the North Sea, in addition to the cold and dead silence, also contains a strange aura that is hard to describe in words, and the closer to this reborn fairy mountain, the violent and turbulent sea surface is calmer.

   "Meeting Lord and Daoist fellow, you can see that the roaring waves around here have gradually subsided. It seems that God is paving the way for me to wait for the great opportunity. It is a good omen."

As it approached dawn, on the deck of Haihe Dabo, the elders of the suzerain who gathered to the forefront of Dabo because of becoming more and more agitated, turned their heads and stared at the suddenly calm sea around them. The voice with a smile continued:

   "Seeing that the Beihai Fairy Mountain is right in front of you, I wonder if you are ready for a big fight?"

   As soon as this voice came out, it immediately caused a burst of laughter, and the faces of all the monks were filled with confident smiles.

   At the next breath, a large sect master standing on the deck holding his hand, raised his head and stared at Daiyuxian Island, whose outline became clearer and larger in the darkness, and continued to speak:

"Thirty years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, who can think of coincidence that we can stand out among so many powerful opponents and become the first batch of sect monks to set foot on this Beihai fairy mountain. , The opportunity of heaven and earth, really amazing!"

As soon as this statement was made, all the repairmen on the deck nodded. In the next moment, the first ray of sunlight between heaven and earth shined directly from the front, straddling Kunlun Mountain straight into the sky, and then pierced the night sky in the center of Beihai, vast and mighty. Swing down.

   Looking from a distance, the wisps of sunlight stretched out, just like a **** stretched out his finger to touch.

   Holy, misty, and worshipping!

   After a breath, the sun's rays shone directly on the monk's face on the deck, shining on the faces of different looks.

   Under the light, there is nothing to hide!

   Then an old sect monk knelt directly on the deck, raised his hands to the sky, and opened his mouth and shouted:

   "This is one of the gods. We are the people who have been touched by the gods. This North Sea opportunity is destined to be ours!"


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