
read2();   I have to say that in the vast and bizarre world of the Supreme Profound Land, where the strong and the weak are vastly different, the faith of living creatures is a part that cannot be ignored.

   Under the law of the jungle where the weak eat the strong, the life and death of the weak are completely involuntary. Therefore, for those creatures who are like eggs covering their nests, both body and mind need sustenance and support.

   Therefore, faith and so-called gods came into being!

The gods in the Supreme Profound Land, like the mother of the jungle, shelter one party with supreme mighty power to gain faith, and like the Buddhist monks of the Western Regions, they firmly control the believers by taking refuge in brainwashing, but more are those who pretend to be gods and ghosts. False gods.

Although these gods are uneven, in the long years after the collapse of the fairy palace, faith has become a deep-rooted part of the entire Taixuan Land. This is also the way Daxia Hongxu Temple wants to create a holy woman in Xiaoyao City. The main reason.

On the other hand, the gods need to maintain their supreme majesty, and they need to perform heaven-shocking miracles at all times to shake the hearts of believers. At this time, the center of the North Sea at dawn, this god-man’s finger, the infinitely dazzling scene, In the eyes of the sect monk, it is undoubtedly the most perfect miracle!

The sunlight bathing from top to bottom contains a hot temperature that is enough to dissipate the cold night sky of the North Sea. The light above the sky is getting brighter and brighter with the forward of the Haihe Ship and the entire fleet, and then the deck The monks above also knelt down subconsciously and began to pray.

In the entire fleet of monks rushing toward Daiyu Xianshan, the vast number of monks may believe in countless gods, but this does not hinder their pious prayers at this time. Then, under the sound of prayers, Daiyu Xianshan before the fleet , More and more clear under the light of dawn.

   Cliff, Gobi, lifeless!

   The real scene on the shore of Daiyu Immortal Mountain is undoubtedly very different from the imagination of all the monks approaching. After the prayers were completed, the monks of Taixuan Land who stood up again, staring at the extremely deserted fairy mountain in front of him, subconsciously muttered:

   "That's not right, it's not that this reborn fairy mountain is full of brilliance and treasures, so why is it so barren in front of you?"

After   's voice fell, the GCC leader standing at the forefront of the deck narrowed his eyes, took a step forward, and responded:

"Dear friends, the so-called treasures from ancient times to the present, as long as they come up, they will directly reveal the infinite glow. They are extremely ostentatious. They are all imaginary things. The real good things are hidden under the simple appearance. This is the way the Dao has always been, the deeper you hide, the better."

   I have to say the words of the GCC leader, directly speaking to the hearts of the leaders of the surrounding major sects, so these people's frowning brows gradually stretched, and the faces under the sun showed a smile again, nodding:

"Membership Master Daoist is reasonable. As a result, I am waiting more and more for the things on this fairy island, but on this fairy island sky, a series of seven palm fate birth and death realm nations stand in the air, giving The pressure for me to wait is really too great."

   "The relationship between these supernatural powers is intricate, so it is normal to check and balance each other."

   At this point, the GCC leader stretched out his right hand and raised it high, and then a louder voice sounded throughout the deck:

"The land of the Supreme Profound Realm has had rules for countless years. If it weren't for being actively provoked and attacked, the terrestrial gods and gods are not allowed to take action against ordinary people, so even if the number of these nobles is higher, it will not prevent us from going. Find your own chance.

   "Everyone listens to the order, let the Lord slowly approach this fairy island coast!"

After the command of    GCC Guild Master clearly sounded in the ears of all the monks, the entire fleet of ships advancing formidable towards Daiyu Immortal Island suddenly slowed down and began to become cautious.

   Even if they knew that these land gods were unable to directly attack them, these sect cultivators faced the top powers of the entire Supreme Profound Land, as if they were facing natural enemies, they had awe in their hearts.

Time continued to flow forward, and as the sun rose, the sea in the center of the North Sea became brighter and brighter. Then, under the towering seaside cliffs like cliffs, a fleet of sect monks came from afar. , Slowly approaching.

As we all know, the two immortal mountains from the center of Beihai overlap each other. Therefore, the Daiyuxian Mountain located above is extremely high from the sea, and the height of the cliffs on the seaside is even higher than the entire Haihe Ship .

   Therefore, the fleet monks who came under the cliff, after hesitating for a moment, began to find ways to land on the island. All kinds of flying races, flying magic weapons, etc. turned into dark clouds, densely rising from the battleship.

   There are some monks who have not enough cultivation level, release the boat and continue forward, trying to get under the cliff completely, and climb up to the dream island in front of them.

   "There is no boat staying on this cliff, which means that we are the first people to land on the island. Go!"

   A loud roar with extreme excitement came from the monk's mouth, and then more black spots rushed out from the battleship on the sea surface, everyone was like a madman, laughing and rushing forward.

   The incomparable great opportunity is ahead, and the agitated monks in the north can no longer restrain their inner restlessness. They roared indulgently and let out a strange cry:

   "Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong, according to the rules of the Supreme Profound Land, everything obtained in the land of no master belongs to me. Chong Chong, first come first served!

   Under the roar of the strange scream, the original rules have long been forgotten by everyone, and the black spots pouring out of the battleships are even worse, like a group of ants out of a hole, mighty.

At the same time, on the deck of the GCC, a blue-robed GCC guild master who hunted and waved forward with a big hand, directly summoning a huge three-headed sea snake from the void. The sea snake lifted its head high and opened its mouth and roared.

After the piercing roar, the extremely dense deep purple poisonous mist spread outwards, and then more and more sea snakes burrowed out from under the sea outside the big ship, raised their heads, their icy eyes fixed on the huge fairy mountain in front of them. .

   "Dear friends, according to our previous agreement, after landing on the island, we will act separately and will not interfere with each other, so I will go ahead with the GCC!"

   The voice from the master of the Gulf Cooperation Council was filled with uncontrollable excitement, and then the blue-robed monks above the ship, under the leadership of the elders, jumped up and jumped onto the sea snake.

   "GCC, land on the island!"

   Along with a roar from the elders, countless sea snakes carrying a monk roared, began to swim the giant tail, and rushed forward.


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