The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1461: Is it good to land on the ground?


read2();  In the hearts of most monks in the Taixuan Land, gods are real.

  Whether it is the false gods who pretend to be gods and ghosts, or the true gods who have been oppressing one side since the age of the fairy palace, they are invincible in the eyes of the respective believers.

   How do mortals stand shoulder to shoulder with gods?

   But at this time, Sima Annan's sentence, using the power of a mortal, to perform the might of the gods, is like a heavy hammer, which hits the hearts of all the monks who have heard of it.

In the eyes of these sect monks, Yan Jue Guozun, who gallops the country above the nine heavens, is undoubtedly no different from a god. Then these sect cultivators shook their heads and stared at the surface of the North Sea, raising their hands to cover them. On the right arm, the stern Yan Jue Guozun was on his right arm, and the shock and horror in his heart could be imagined.

   The aloft god, was directly cut off his right arm by a mortal, and it was cut to pieces along with the law, unable to be reborn, destroyed, and seriously injured!

   "Damn, damn!"

The roar of Yan Jue State Venerable’s upper mouth, in addition to his anger and tyranny, was accompanied by an insignificant fear, because he deeply knew that the doomsday Yan Blade that was slashed by a single knife contained the law of destruction. How vast and pure.

   The power of the source that he is proud of has escaped like a natural enemy. Therefore, whether it is the crimson kingdom all over the body, or the flesh and blood in the body, they are broken, cut, and destroyed without resistance!

Up to this time, every cell in the upper body of the Yan Jue National Venerable was trembling with fear, so the former who was severely injured did not directly violently counterattack, but rather unexpectedly hovered above the sea. Do your best to recover from a serious injury.

More and more violent rainstorms enveloped this cliff. This may be the first rainfall in the Gobi Desert of the Sun Empire in 10,000 years. A few years ago, there must be countless alien races of the Sun Empire rushing here. Kneeling thanks to the gifts of the gods.

   But now, on the way of Daiyu Xianshan's rebirth through the layers of space, on this uncovered desert, the alien race by the Sun Empire sea has almost completely died.

   Although life is fading all the time, there are more disputes.

   Conquest and expansion requires war, defending the country requires war, independence requires war, and so does reunification.

   "This is Daiyu Xianshan, the chief officer of the great land of China, Daxia Military Aircraft Division, Sima Annan, I have met you all."

   Under the fierce rain, Sima Annan’s voice continued to sound, and then he raised his head and looked at the rounds of terrestrial fairyland kingdoms above. After raising his hand to the front, he continued to speak:

   "My Daxia pays attention to courtesy first and then soldiers, so although you are not good at waiting, you still can't lose courtesy."

After    finished speaking, Sima Annan stood upright again, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and continued to speak:

   "But there is one more thing, I hope to discuss with you."

   At this point, Sima Annan raised his right hand and pointed to the rest of the six-wheeled kingdoms above the sky, exuding colorful lights, and the words of each word rang directly under the heavy rain:

   "The Lord of My Great Summer, Emperor Fuyao, is about to come here, and you are too disrespectful of such a high posture, so if you have a discussion, can you all land on the ground?"

   As soon as Sima Annan said this, the entire void on the shore of the fairy mountain was directly frozen, and even the torrential rain that fell was directly set in place under the impact of this violent violent air machine.

After a few more breaths of time, above the sky in the center of the North Sea, there suddenly rose one after another with extreme coercive aura. The powerful realm coerced and rolled outwards, directly forming a series of colorful laws of thunder. It keeps shining and falling between the clouds above.

  There are so many land gods and gods who are pouring out their own anger, causing the whole world to change color, thunder and wind and clouds change, and then a sound of endless anger rolls down from the sky:

   "Yellow-mouthed kid, dare to let me wait to drop the mortal world, it is presumptuous!"

   This voice continued to linger in the center of the North Sea, and then another old and majestic voice, along with the constant roar of thunder, continued to pass down:

   "Let's land in the mortal world, and be in the company of mortals, and be blamed!"

  The sound of divine might pierced the eardrums, which was more ear-sounding than the constant thunder and roar, which is enough to show the anger of these land gods and gods at Sima Annan's words.

At the same time, lightning and thunder, above the violent tumbling sky, the power of the colorful kingdom quickly converges inward, and the vast and infinite high-level pressure, like mountains and angry oceans, is pressed down by waves. .

   Under the violent pressure, Sima Annan's expression in a white robe remained unchanged, allowing the violent wind rushing down from above to blow the white clothes outside his body, opening his mouth, and responding loudly:

"You are really absurd for these so-called land immortals. They regard it as a shame to fall on this land. You don't know that you were born on the ground, grew up on the ground, and cultivated on the ground. "

   Sima Annan’s words still had the same venom as before, and then a trace of disdain flashed in his black eyes, and the voice continued to spread out:

   "Although our country was founded in a short period of time, we still follow the ritual system. Naturally, we understand the principle of not forgetting our roots. For Xianger and other ungrateful people, we can only spurn it."

   At this point, Sima Annan stretched out his finger to point to the ground under his feet, and his increasingly loud voice went straight into the sky:

"The earth under your feet gives birth to you and raises you, but you only want to hang high in the sky and overlook the sentient beings. But you don’t know that now is not the so-called fairy palace era, and you are not born to live above the nine heavens. Lun and Er Deng are only land gods. Isn't the word land not enough to understand?"

   Sima Annan’s words can be said to be heart-stirring, especially the word land, which caused the vast wills above to burst and roll, and then a majestic voice continued:

   "If you are slanderous, the deity and others are you, the little fairy mountain creature ants, who can comment and discuss, the toad swallows the sky, and death is not a pity."

   The kingdom that this radiant voice radiates, the whole body exudes a dazzling golden light, and if you look closely, you can even find that the densely intertwined layers of the kingdom are intertwined like dragon scales.

   Then Sima Annan below, narrowed his eyes, turned his gaze to the direction of this country, and the flat response continued to sound:

   "In fact, we really don't care if you so-called ungrateful ungrateful or not, but I have the rules of Daxia, if you are allowed to dominate the sky and look down on your Majesty, then we people simply wipe our necks."

After    finished speaking, Sima Annan paused, and the words raised a little bit louder again directly resounded through the world:

   "You should be more clear about my Daxia's rules. After all, your clone was directly blown up on the central battlefield in Beihai. Are you right, from the respect of the Central Shangguo?"


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