The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1462: The fight between the sky and the earth


read2();   The center of the North Sea, the land of the Great Profound Sea, the cliffs and the sea, the sudden change of wind and clouds, among the tumbling dark clouds, all kinds of thunder flashes, even the torrential rain falling from the sky, contains unimaginable The country of origin is majestic.

   In a sense, except for the Chaos Sea above the Nine Heavens, the entire Taixuan Land has been around for a long time, and there has never been so many land gods and fairyland monks gathered together.

   At the same time, when Sima Annan’s avatar was blown out in the air, the old respect from the Central Shangguo Enshrinement Institute, who was originally restrained, suddenly began to boil violently.

For some reason, on this fairy island that was reborn after a lapse of tens of thousands of years, the vastness of thoughts and perceptive minds of the terrestrial gods and gods of the fairyland are as if they have lost their eyes and become more than ever. irritability.

   "The clone of this seat, along with all the emperors going north, that is to say, the emperor of my central government by this time, is it too bad for you?"

   The old voice rang in the golden kingdom with extreme coldness, and then the dense dragon scales within the golden kingdom began to circulate, the aura became more and more violent, and the voice continued to spread:

"This place is far away from the warring sea area in the center of the North Sea, and between this place, the North Sea is a place where the sky is broken and the road is abandoned. The land gods can't tear the space to use the distanceless means, so they rely solely on their feet. , Even the old man takes more than half a day.

   "And your information is so good that you can even directly lock the old man's identity. The method is extraordinary. It seems that everyone has looked down on you."

   "Old Master, you can see it, but we are actually helpless."

After    Sima Annan's Yingqi response fell, he raised his hand and took out a folding fan in his arrogant sleeve, ignoring the rainstorm that continued to fall in the sky, swaying and continuing to speak:

  "You said that Daxia was born above the North Sea, and I have no grudges with the Taixuan land and everywhere in the past, and I have no enmity recently, but I will be invaded by countless sects.

"A powerful enemy invades, I am waiting to fight for my own country. In fact, I have not given you these sect monks a chance, but there are people who want to go their own way and invade across the line. Then there is only one end, which is death. !"

As soon as this death word came out, the endless killing intent came out of Sima Annan's tall and straight body, and together with the taboo of the Radiant Army and Dire Division behind him, it turned into a vast and extremely iron-blooded evil spirit, soaring to the sky. From there, it directly dyed most of the sky into a scarlet blood like a sea of ​​blood.

   At the next breath, Sima Annan brushed away the folding fan in his hand. There seemed to be a long river of time flowing in the black eyes, and the more and more cold voice came out again:

   "Now this official will give you an ultimatum again, or it will come to the ground or."

   At this point, Sima Annan's body leaned forward slightly, holding a fan in a waving manner, and his voice rolled like thunder and roar:

   "Either we will strike you down one by one!"

   After the roar, Sima Annan directly held the umbrella and pointed at the golden kingdom from the Central Shangguo, and continued to ask with a shattering void:

   "Fall, or not?"


The response from the golden kingdom above the sky was more violent than ever. Then within this round of the central kingdom, two huge golden dragon eyes lit up directly, and a huge golden dragon opened its mouth. , Open his mouth and growl:

   "Since you were born, no one has ever dared to scold a terrestrial deity like you, no matter what support you have behind, you will be frustrated!"

   Li roar fell, and a ray of golden light from the golden dragon's mouth converged inward, and it only took a few breaths to directly condense into a destroying dragon's breath, facing Sima Annan and others below, and shrouded it immediately.

   After an instant, the pure golden destructive dragon's breath belonging to the golden dragons of the Central Kingdom directly penetrated the entire world, pouring out the vast majesty, and even evaporating the heavy rain in a large area in an instant.

   "The Radiant Army, Night Dire Division, get ready!"

At the same time, Xu Qing, the windrunner behind Sima Annan, uttered a soft scream, and then every taboo in the black robe danced together, taking a step together, and the power of taboo in the body was boiling to the limit. No longer converged, but released out violently.

  In an instant, the prototypes of kingdoms descended directly into the world, and the colorful taboo aura spread wildly, filling every inch of space above the ground.

   Then a violent aura soared into the sky, together in one place, even more violent and shocking than the land above the fairyland kingdom.

   In the next breath, in the eyes of all the monks from the outer sects, there appeared a scene of a lifetime on the shore of the fairy island!

   Whether it is above the sky or the earth, it is flooded with the power of the vast and infinite kingdom. The laws of the great roads that were originally hidden in the deepest part of the world are moved one after another, the void trembles, and the aura is violent and chaotic at an unprecedented level.

   Looking from a distance, the sky and the earth seem to have sent their strongest troops to carry out the most violent life and death fight at this moment!

   "Fatty, put on the altar!"

The windrunner Xu Qing's command still contained the calmness of the sky falling down, and then a figure jumped forward directly, Qiu Hengji, the supplicant of the Radiant Army, took out a holy altar from his arms and placed it directly on the ground ahead. .

   In the next moment, this altar was rising against the storm, and in a blink of an eye it stood proudly like a giant fortress. The soft blue and white light poured outwards like a tide, and at the same time directly resisted the golden dragon breath that penetrated from above.

   "What the **** is this? Even the breath of the golden dragon in the Central Kingdom can be completely resisted. It's really unheard of!"

Dao Dao exclaimed from the sect cultivator of the Supreme Profound Land. Not only them, but also the terrestrial gods and gods above, all because of the appearance of this altar, the boiling thoughts, there was an instant The pause.

   The fight for the top-level overhaul, even the instant clone, in the eyes of others, is a golden opportunity.

[笔趣阁]  In the next instant, a golden-cyan violent arrow rushed to the sky directly from under the altar, tearing the rain, the void, and violently flowing above the sky in just a moment The power of the golden law.

   This powerful arrow shot from the windrunner's hand appeared between the electric light and flint in the most violent posture before the golden kingdom on the central Shang Guozun, and then blasted into it without fancy.

   "Destroy the deity!"

   The roar of dragons from within the kingdom was earth-shaking, and a dragon's claws circling the golden flames shot out, smashing the blue-gold arrow.

   After an instant, a thick throbbing from the depths of the heart shot out from the upper body of the central Shang Guozun, straight into the mind.

   Then the old man in the golden kingdom suddenly turned his head, only to see behind the kingdom, a silhouette of a flying celestial army appeared directly.

   then used Zhong Lizhan who jumped the knife to flash above the void, his lips lightly opened, and the voice came out:

   "The Great Summer Huijun, the mountain giant Zhong Li fights, please enlighten me!"


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