The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1464: Please Yinshan Grandmaster


read2();   Since the rebirth of Daiyu Xianshan Mountain in Beihai, this land where few people have set foot for tens of thousands of years has seen earth-shattering battles explode one after another in just a few days. One after another, the land gods and fairyland masters were blasted to the earth, and the world was shocked!

From the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu within the Shura area in the center of the North Sea, to the Yan Jue Guozun who was directly cut down by the lava Kuayan Blade in the North Sea, and at this time, under the ancient tree in the hands of the mountain giant, The golden kingdom into the ground.

   This scene made the monks of the sect who witnessed all this, their minds felt as if they had been violently hit by a heavy hammer, they were in a daze, and they subconsciously murmured:

   "It has changed, everything has changed, how can this land **** be so kneaded?"

After the sound of infinite fear fell, the ground on the shore of the fairy island sea continued to trembled violently up and down like the turbulent sea outside. Immediately afterwards, Zhong Li, the giant of the heavens and mountains, continued to hold on tightly like a pillar of heaven. The heavenly tree trunk lowered his head and let out an ancient roar:

   "False glory is meaningless, the earth is the root of you monks!"

   After the roar, the mountain giant raised his right arm, once again raised the heavenly tree in his hand, facing the golden light below, trying to soar into the sky, the central Shangguo Zun Shangguo immediately smashed it down.

Under the incomparable strength of the mountain giant, the big sky tree in Zhong Lizhan's hands completely shattered the entire void below without any hindrance, and then slammed on the kingdom again and again, making a sound of piercing the eardrum. Loud noise.

And it’s worth mentioning that the ancient tree that Zhong Lizhan smashed at this time even carried splash damage to the surroundings. Therefore, the violent energy was scattered, almost smashing the already devastated Gobi ground into the most primitive chaos. status.

This is undoubtedly an expansive scene. The mountain giant Zhong Li has shown his power to the fullest, and the taboos on the ground headed by the windrunner Xu Qing also know that behind the power of destroying the world, the mountain Within the giant's fierce attack, there is also an explosion of supernatural power that is second to none among all taboos.

   The country of the monks of the upper realm of the Central Upper Kingdom was so crushed on the ground at this time because of the great reason that the forbidden magical landslide contained the extremely mysterious law of dizziness.

   "I have long heard that Brother Zhong Li's explosive power that can be blasted in an instant is among the best in the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division. When I see it at this time, I really deserve it."

   In the crowd where the taboo above the ground was, the sigh of the little king Jiang Yue who belonged to him came out, and then Li Yi nodded next to him and responded with a sound:

"Brother Zhong Li's two forbidden magical powers, landslide and throwing, are actually a combined magical power. The damage power that can be caused by the joint release can even be tripled, completely achieving the horror effect of one hit and killing, so I have seen it before. The enemies who shot are dead."

Although Li Yi's words were still plain, but to the rest of the people, their hearts were stunned, especially those at the back of the team who didn't know much about the taboos, and took a deep breath without moving. .

   Then these people stared at the pale rocky surface of the mountain giant ahead, and for the first time felt that the grandson of this extremely low-key Ximan King had such a violent and destructive power!

   "Your Majesty, the taboos of the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division, each is a monster among monsters, and it is impossible to judge it with common sense."

   Almost the same thought emerged from the minds of these great Xia sect overhauls. Sima Annan, who was swinging the folding fan in the front of the crowd, raised his head and stared at the rest of the kingdoms spread out from above. The young voice resounded through the sky again:

   "The official confirms again, wait, is it still not?"

Sima Annan’s voice of asking and asking, with boundless self-confidence and domineering, then his right hand holding the folding fan slowly raised, and the taboo standing proudly behind him, the violent auras lingering under his body, once again Rising into the sky, pointing to the sky above.

At the next breath, he used the thunder method to bring the central upper kingdom to the golden kingdom, and smashed into the mountain giant below the earth to end the battle. He slowly stood upright, raised his head, and looked at the tumbling sky above his head. He opened his mouth again and let out a roar:


   Before the roar, Li Zhan directly raised the big sky tree in his hand, and violently threw it out against the land and fairyland that hung high above.

In the next moment, the huge pale white tree directly crossed a dazzling pale white parabola and flew into the sky. At the same time, it blasted all the void along the way, and with indescribable power, it rushed to the several statues above that exuded dazzling light country.

   "Too much bullying!"

The sound of billowing sounds from the kingdoms above the sky, in addition to the still vast power, but also with complete anger, the next interest, one after another vast will, directly mobilizes belonging The laws of heaven and earth at the foundation of the avenue form one hand after another that covers the sky and the sun.

Red, white, black and purple. Except for Qingzhi Guozun, the other four land gods and gods at the same time shot at the same time. After an instant, the four land gods' lawful hands stirred the situation, and the pale old tree that was thrown up by the final Lebanon It was taken into several sections, and then continued to be photographed mightily.

After Yan Jue and the two upper-level monks of the upper kingdom in the center were slammed into the ground by Daxia monks in a thunderous manner, the rest of the Taixuan land was overhauled and could no longer stand proudly in the clouds, but Qi Qi shot, earth-shaking.

Four top-level overhauls in a row, unleashing the infinite power created by the power of their own kingdom, it is hard to describe in words. The shore of the fairy island where everyone is located seems to be directly taken to the ancient battlefield of infinite crisis, no matter who it is, It is possible to die directly in the next second!

   "Don't humiliate the land immortals in the land of the primordial mystery, young man, you have done too much, and you are not sorry to die!"

   The radiant voice uploaded from the Sky Vault, with a strong killing intent, at the same time, the speed captured by the four noble hands was violent again, and the entire void boiled like boiling water.

   "Actually, what the official did is not too much."

   The voice of Sima Annan under the altar was still steady, and then he calmly watched the infinite supernatural powers from above, and the young and loud voice continued to be heard:

"My official said that when you come to my Daxia site, you must abide by my Daxia rules. You wait to come uninvited, but still want to dominate our heads. There is no such truth in the world. , Let the officer down!"

   The long roar from Sima Annan's mouth fell, and the cliffs where everyone was on suddenly began to roll violently, and the countless gravel on the Gobi Desert at the back was like a fountain, roaring toward the sky one after another.

   In the next moment, silver light, countless silver lights like mercury rushed out from under the Gobi, and took only one breath to occupy the entire Gobi desert, and condensed upwards to form the outline of a towering and endless mountain.

   At the same time, the respectful voice of heaven and earth directly belonging to Sima Annan continued to resound through the sky:

   "Please Yinshan Great Lord!"


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