
read2();  " Yinshan is the breath of Yinshan, Xuan, this is the breath of my brother Yinshan. Even after tens of thousands of years, he is still so familiar. It is him, it is he!"

   In the center of Beihai, outside of the newly born Daiyu Xianshan, one after another violent waves swept outward because of the violent battle ahead.

   Then on the surface of the sea, the Great Lord Jinhai, who was sitting upright and cross-headed, suddenly raised his head and opened his mouth with a deafening roar at the moment when the first silver light appeared on the shore of the Xianshan Sea.

In the next instant, the entire dark-brown sea rolled thousands or hundreds of times more violently. The dazzling golden light spread out like a volcanic eruption, and then the figure of the Great King Jinhai that went straight into the sky came from above the sea. Standing up, between the endless golden glows tumbling, billowing momentum rose to the sky.

   "The deity's previous guess was correct. During the Battle of the North Sea for tens of thousands of years, Yinshan really sank along with the two fairy mountains. Now he is back!"

The voice of the Great Master Jin Hai continued to roar out with full joy. Although Jin Hai, which is essentially a puppet of heaven and earth, does not have the full of emotions like flesh and blood, but the brothers who have been parting for so long appear in the front again. The town envoy of the ancient fairy court holy palace felt unprecedented excitement and excitement.

   Then, the Golden Sea Great Lord, whose body was like a ten thousand renown high mountain, went straight into the sky, and the dense golden veins all over his body suddenly lit up, and he took a step forward, and the voice continued:

   "The breath of Silver Mountain is on that fairy island, the deity is going to find it!"

   After the thunderous voice of the Great Lord Jinhai fell, the young man Xuan, who stood upright on his shoulders, narrowed his eyes, raised his hand without saying anything, and blasted out a shocking 16 hexagrams.

   One after another, the hexagrams enveloping the rich blue aura alternately combined on the sea in front of the void, suddenly forming the back armor of the gods, which contained the principles of heaven and earth, and suddenly the dragon and phoenix beasts with extraordinary momentum.

   After a few breaths, the hexagrams spread out, blood bursting into light, and then Xuan's young voice continued:

   "Sixteen hexagrams in a row, no good for hexagrams and hexagrams, the great master stays!"

   As soon as the words came out, the raised step of the Great Master Jin Hai hovered directly in the air, and then the sound of the urn sound rang out:

   "Hyun, what did you say?"

   "There is a big danger in the fairy mountain in front of you. If you move forward rashly this time, I am afraid you will not see the face of your brother."

Although the voice of the young man Xuan was still as plain as water, it took on an extremely rare dignified color, and then he waved his hand to put away all the sixteen hexagrams glowing red in front of him, watching the rolling forward and connecting the whole The violent tsunami between the sea and the sky, the voice continued to spread out:

"Now that you know the location of the Great Silver Mountain, you don't need to be so anxious, and if you carefully sense it, you will find that the breath of the Great Silver Mountain pouring outward is no small matter. Just close to the pressure of the body, you can There are only a handful of people in the world who can achieve such a tsunami!"

  As soon as these words came out, the great Jinhai who stopped, stretched out his right hand with a vast golden glow, slapped the tsunami in front of him, and then rose into the sky again with a horrified voice:

   "The breath within Yinshan's body has completely changed, and there is that ancient heartbeat, far beyond what it used to be, who can recast such a powerful heart!"

The horror of Jinhai Great at this time is not unreasonable. It is true that it is also the gatekeeper of the town. It can best understand that such a heart that drives the puppet of heaven and earth is so incredible. What's more, after having a new heart, Yinshan University Respect, how terrible would it be?

If it is said that after rebirth, the powerfulness of the Great Lord Silver Mountain, the Great Lord Jinhai above the sea far away from the fairy island, can only sense a scale and half of claws, then at this time the monk of the Supreme Profound Land Zongmen on the shore of the fairy mountain sea, and Lords of the Land Fairyland, no doubt can really feel it.

   That is a supreme power that can hardly raise any resistance!

   Daiyu Immortal Mountain Sun Empire seaside, there are many miles of Gobi gravel, after they soared into the sky, the vast and endless silver light gushes out from below the ground, surging towards the sky above, condensing.

At the same time, the power of blood and energy contained in the silver glow directly shook the fist-sized sandstone into powder, covering the entire sky behind, and then under the gaze of countless lights, a huge and boundless shadow gradually appeared Out of outline.

   This outline is a mountain-shaped giant at first, and if the mountain giant that revealed its body before is a mountain, then the figure looming in the silver light and sandstorm at this time is a **** peak.

   And this mountain is constantly rising to an alarming degree!

   "What kind of existence is within this silver light? Why is it that only seeing its shape makes my heart burst outward, like having an invisible big hand, squeezing this monk's heart!"

   As the great statue of Silver Mountain over the Gobi desert grew higher and higher, a series of painful voices came from the mouths of the monks of the sects by the sea.

   Then these monks, who were sitting on the ground, raised their hands to cover their chests, their faces were pale, and they opened their mouths and spit out a mouthful of blood.

   At the same time, a very clear roar sounded in everyone's ears:

   "咚, 咚, 咚!"

   This sound was deafening at first like a heavy beating of a war drum, and then it became louder and louder, and even brought the earth-shattering roar of dragons.

   "This, is this the sound of a heartbeat?"

The murmur that came from the mouths of these sect monks, with incomparable horror, then some monks struggled to climb from the ground, raised their heads and looked at the giant that occupies the sky and the ground, and shook their heads suddenly, exclaiming The sound continued:

"This sound is swift and fierce, far surpassing the roar of tigers and dragons, trembling the entire void. If it is a heartbeat, the power of the blood in the body will be huge. I don't believe this abandoned island that has sunk for tens of thousands of years. There would be such a great creature!"

   For these monks in the Great Profound Land shrunk on the cliffs, in the short time after landing on the island, too much shocking things happened.

And those unbelievable voices have not yet fallen, and everyone's shouts stopped abruptly. At the same time, the breath of these monks all seemed to dissipate at this moment, looking at the void in front of them, and their eyes were deep. Deep at a loss.

   That is a daze beyond my own knowledge!

   In the next breath, over the Gobi yellow sand covered by silver awn and sand, two huge shadows suddenly tore the silver awn, as if the two continents were on top of each other, and descended mightily.

   "Hand, this silver giant mountain turned out to be the big hand of this existence!"

   After the sound of utter horror came out, everyone's eyes were completely covered by two large silver hands that could hardly see the border.

   At the same time, above the void, a voice capable of tearing the void rolled down:

   "Your Majesty is coming, let the deity land to welcome you!"


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