The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1466: Silver Mountain Power


read2();  "Xuan, the power of qi and blood in Yinshan's body is too vast, far beyond the imagination of this seat, this sound of beating heart makes me feel a little fearful, this What has he experienced for tens of thousands of years?"

In the center of the North Sea of ​​the Taixuan Land, the sound of the Great Lord Jinhai roared out with unprecedented horror, and then the Xuan on his shoulders, slightly lowered his head, watching the two people wave and wave with the sound of heartbeat. A wave of trembling North Sea surface opened his mouth and slowly exhaled:

   "This Great Silver Mountain may be able to smash that barrier with the power of blood!"

   The young man Xuan's voice fell, and at the end of the two of them, the two big hands that covered the sky and the sun were at the end of the eyes of the two people, tearing all obstacles and descending into the world.

   Then along the cliffs of Daiyu Xianshan, whether it is the void, gravel, creatures or the core laws in the deepest part of the avenue, they all began to emit screams that are hard to hear by ordinary people.

   also wailed, there were ordinary sect monks who hugged their heads and howled, and rounds of land gods and fairyland kingdoms that were completely enveloped by the hands of the Great Lord Silver Mountain.

   "The underground demon **** is on top. The essence of this silver edge is actually the power of qi and blood. How could this be possible? How could there be such a tyrannical existence of qi and blood in the Supreme Profound Land?"

In the sea surrounding the Xianshan Mountain, Yan Jue Guozun, who was directly slashed to the surface with a fiery knife by lava boasting, quickly gathered the crimson kingdom that flashed inward, and then raised his head to look at the silver palm that covered the sky. Can't help but spit out a word.

   At the next breath, Guo Zun Yan Jue completely dispelled the idea of ​​rising to the sky again, and continued to speak with infinite sternness:

   "I'm afraid this time, we so-called land gods will be laughed at by the entire Taixuan land for thousands of years!"

   In fact, it is not only Yan Jue's national monk, the rest of the monks who still hang the kingdom above the sky, their heart is also as turbulent as a tsunami.

   And under the palm of the violent and unparalleled Silver Mountain, these terrestrial fairyland monks are usually proud of the country, at this time, like a candle under the ravages of a violent wind, swaying back and forth, perhaps in the next instant it will be completely extinguished.

   "Damn it, deceive people too much!"

   A series of deafening roars spread out from within these kingdoms, and then one after another, the supernatural powers of the Supreme Realm containing the power of the law of violent were released with all their strength.

   "Supernatural powers. The ice dragon howls."

   "Supernatural power. Nirvana Toad."

   "Supernatural power. Mengze!"

   For a while, the entire void under the two palms of Heaven and Earth of the Great Silver Mountain, the law surged crazily, and the void was shattered.

There is a huge frost dragon, hovering and swimming in a body covered with frost scales, opening its mouth forward to spray a breath of frost that freezes all things, and there is also a dark flying Emperor's toad with a poisonous law, opening its back The wings on the upper side were violently pouring a poisonous mist toward the top.

What’s more striking is that there is a terrestrial **** from the south of the Taixuan Land, who forcibly summoned the phantom of the southern Daze Yunmeng, trying to directly use this vast Daze to withstand the silver The palm of Shandazun's hand.

"This is Yunmeng Daze, whose whereabouts are elusive, and appear when you are not looking for it. Once you find it, it is difficult to find its whereabouts after exhausting all means. According to legend, the ancient giant who died after chasing the sun was because of looking for this cloud. Mengze was so hungry and thirsty to death that he was able to summon this great Ze to the world, presumably this deity had been fortunate to have entered this secret realm."

   These sect monks who hugged their heads and hid by the cliffs and seas were all overhauled by the sects with extraordinary knowledge, so soon someone came out of this thin tray of Yunmengze.

   It is worth mentioning that Yunmeng Daze has spread so widely throughout the Taixuan Land. Such a reputation has also made the desperate monks continue to ignite some hope at this time.

   Then the eyes of the elder Zongmen lighted up, got up from the ground, and said with Qiyi:

"I don't know if the legendary Yunmeng Daze can hold up these two hands of heaven and earth covering the earth, if so many land gods and fairyland venerables cannot stop them with all their strength, then this time, I am waiting for a complete fairy **** to save!"

   "It's certainly possible, I'm a powerful overlord, how can I lose my life here!"

   After rolling out with an extremely unwilling voice, these sect monks with bloodshot eyes all stared at the violent and changing sky above.

   An instant later, the hands of the Great Venerable Yinshan patted directly on the Cloud Dream Daze. At the same time, the vast supernatural powers of the other high-level cultivators were completely blasted at the same time.

   Let these conflicts of interest be intertwined, and the terrestrial gods and gods who belong to each other can work together to perform magical powers. This scene is hard to see for tens of thousands of years!

   "Boom boom boom!"

   In the next breath, under the countless roars, under the palm of the great silver mountain, directly turned into a completely chaotic state, and at the center of the chaos suddenly appeared a void black hole with infinite suction.

   Then a pure and incomparably dark glow shot out from this black hole, completely absorbing everything around it, including the magical powers of the law and the aftermath of vigor.

"Heaven and earth have spirits, and avenues are everywhere, and we can also understand this heaven and earth as the body of the avenue. In order to protect the body from irreparable damage, there will be a series of defensive measures at the core of the Tao. Round black hole is one of the measures, generally called the hole of nothingness!"

   On the constantly oscillating ground, the young voice from Sima Annan resounded in the ears of all the Daxia monks behind him, and then the young man in white fluttering lightly shook the folding fan in his hand, and the voice continued:

"That is to say, once there is a magical power in this void that exceeds the limit set by the avenue, there will be such a black hole, which will lead the excess directly to an unknown place, thereby ensuring the integrity of the main world. This is what we The vast land of China does not exist, and it is also one of the manifestations of whether the laws of heaven and earth are perfect."

   After Sima Annan fell with a certain voice, the windrunner beside him thought for a while, then his head under the black robe lifted up, and the voice of inquiry came out:

   "According to Lord Sima, this hole of nothingness can absorb all laws and magical powers. Does it mean that the degree of power it appears is the ceiling of the magical power of the Supreme Profound Land?"

   "That is naturally not."

   Sima Annan’s response sounded with a slight smile, then he put away the fan in his hand and continued to speak loudly:

   "There is no so-called absolute in this world, everything has its limit, and if this hole of nothingness can really absorb everything, then tens of thousands of years ago, the Beihai sky above our heads would not be broken!"

   As soon as Sima Annan's words fell, the power of the silver blood and blood under the palm of the great silver mountain above the sky was once again violent several times, and continued to photograph it mightily, and then squeezed it inwardly and pinched it again.

   At the next breath, the emptiness black hole immediately collapsed, and the endless power once again poured out in all directions.

   The power of Silver Mountain, earth-shaking!

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