
read2();   As Sima Annan said, there is no so-called extinction in this world. Even the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth has its limits and will be broken.

   Beihai County, the land of Taixuan, was originally the land of Taoism after the war tens of thousands of years ago. Therefore, the core laws of the world, including this hole of nihility, are only operating on the basis of the remaining instincts.

In other words, Beihai County is not only incomparably thin, but also the laws of internal circulation are much weaker than the rest of the region. However, even so, the feat of the Great Lord Yinshan in pinching the hole of nothingness also makes all The monk in the land of supreme profoundness who witnessed all this almost immediately shocked his eyes.

   At the next breath, the Great Lord Yinshan's hands of heaven and earth continued to spread out, both hands were like slapped on the table, directly on the phantom that seemed to be magnificent Yunmeng Daze.


After an incomparably clear and crisp sound, this Yunmeng Daze’s magical power phantom was immediately disillusioned, and at the same time, the mirage-like lakes and trees in Daze, and the light and shadow of the spirit treasures and strange animals, suddenly disappeared, just like It's never been like that.

At the same time, the more and more violent Qi, blood, and silver Qi are directly like a flood of beasts. Accompanied by the sound of a dragon's heartbeat, they occupy the space between the heavens and the earth. It also allows the land gods who exerts the magical powers of Yunmeng Daze within the overhaul kingdom. , There was an uncontrollable muffled hum.

   Then the entire void on the shore of the Fairy Island appeared a breathtaking scene!

The two hands of Heaven and Earth of the Great Silver Mountain rolled down with unstoppable momentum, and under the vast and vast palm of the silver awn, a full five rounds of glorious land gods and fairyland exalted the kingdom, pressing the top of the gods above. Next, fall step by step.

   "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe that the picture in front of me would really appear in front of me."

   On the cliff by the Xianshan Lake, some heads of the sect squatted backwards and sat down, wailing in their mouths with unimaginable despair.

   The scenes that happened before his eyes had completely destroyed the last line of defense in these people's hearts, and then more desperate voices continued to be heard:

   "It is not the legendary fairy island of chance under our feet, but the Asura Hell, the Asura Hell with ten deaths and no life!"

When the violent wailing sounded straight into the sky, the speed of the two hands of the silver mountain was even faster, looking from a distance like the whole world in front of him, directly upside down, and under the pressure of the silver continent, this Lun Lun was originally an invincible kingdom, but at this time he was falling in an extremely embarrassed posture!

   Shenzhou Haotu Daxia and Sima Annan, who was shaking a folding fan, did not break their promise. With incomparable strength, they confirmed the statement to the entire Taixuan Land:

   "Daxia has the rules of Daxia, even if it is a land god, if you don't come down, you will be bombarded!"

   After three breaths, the palm of the Great Lord Silver Mountain above the sky is getting closer and closer to the ground, which also means that the five-wheeled land gods on the upper kingdom are also getting closer and closer to the ground.

Then, under the horrified and numb gazes, the five kingdoms landed at the same time, and all the monks in the land of the supreme mystery, there seemed to be countless thunders in the ears, and the entire sea of ​​knowledge seemed to have countless sharp blades cutting back and forth, opening their mouths. Spouting a lot of blood.

   It is true that among the highly solidified social classes in the Taixuan Land, these big sect leaders who occupy the superstructure of the pyramid are so proud of themselves.

   They sit on a large area of ​​sects and enjoy the noble power like princes. They are disdainful of the casual cultivators who live at the bottom, and believe that only by constantly seizing opportunities can they go further.

  Similarly, the moment they saw Daiyu Xianshan, it was the darling of heaven who shouted like a beggar seeing meat.

   Within this boundless world, there are too many times, it is impossible to distinguish the so-called high and low!

   "It's over, it's all over!"

   Under the murmur of the sect monk who had suffered severe damage, and fell completely on the ground in the land of the fairyland kingdom, the unwilling violent will swept through, and then formed a roar.

Since then, after Yan Jueguo and Central Shangguo Zun who were bombed into the sea, the remaining five kingdoms were also pressed onto the ground, and they were able to witness the succumbing of so many Shangjing Peerless overhauls. For everyone who witnessed around, there was a sense of mixed feelings in their hearts.

   Horrified, unwilling, desperate!

It is conceivable that when a person who was originally aloof and overlooked the existence of sentient beings was bombarded into the mortal world, how angry his heart would be. Then the vast will within the kingdoms began to fluctuate with unprecedented levels, heralding These cultivators of the upper realm are thinking about whether to fight life and death.

   Then, on the shore of the immortal island sea where the wind and clouds changed infinitely, on the yellow sand of the Gobi, the Great Silver Mountain suddenly stopped the mighty overturned hands of heaven and earth, and then folded his hands inward and held them together. At this moment, the silver awns poured outward to reach the peak directly.

On the palm of the hand held by the Great Silver Mountain, there is the long and huge picture of Daxia’s first artifact, the mountain and sea map. Above the picture, the mountains, rivers, lakes, and villages and cities are vividly visible. The rich fireworks atmosphere symbolizes the ultimate in Daxia Prosperous and prosperous.

   At the next breath, on top of the mountain and sea picture scroll, originally shaking his legs, watching the lively mountain and sea picture is peaceful, the small figure stood up, and then slowly kneeled down in front of him respectfully.

   Not only Xiao Taiping, but also the silver great statue holding a scroll of mountains and seas in his hand, the magnificent figure like a mountain hidden in countless silver awns and sand, also began to kneel on one knee.


How big is the body of the Great Silver Mountain, with every move, the ground shook the mountains and the void tremors, followed by a loud noise, the Great Silver Mountain kneeled on his right knee, at the same time, led by Sima Annan and others Brother Daxia, also kneeling to greet each other, shouting directly into the sky:

   "The ministers, please welcome your majesty, long live your majesty!"

   The tsunami-like shouts from this mountain did not fall. At the top of the sky, the respectful voice belonging to the Great Silver Mountain resounded directly into the void like thunder:

   "Yinshan, welcome your descent!"

This sound of greeting, which spread out from above the sky, contained unimaginable power, making everyone who heard it frightened, and even the very far away King Jinhai could not help his whole body shake .

   In the next moment, a blue-white light of teleportation suddenly lit up on the palm of the hand of the Great Silver Mountain and on the scroll of the divine artifact mountain and sea.

This transmission light was not eye-catching at first, and then it became more and more huge, and it became more and more dazzling. In the end, it was like a sharp blade of heaven and earth, directly piercing the nine heavens of the North Sea. At the same time, it was so rich that it was difficult to The imagined imperial prestige began to spread out in the beam of light.

   "Congratulations on your descent to the North Sea, Great Summer is glorious, and immortal!"

   Under the high voices of overwhelming mountains, the light of transmission slowly weakened, revealing a thin and tall young emperor's shadow, the next breath, a calm and majestic voice, overwhelming the world:

   "All love Qing, flat body!"


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