The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1496: Long sword, blue light

"Holy Court Northern Heavenly King, you have to know what you are doing at this time?"

In the void outside Beihai, the land of Taixuan, the voice of the Sect Master Taiqing continued to resound throughout the sky.

Afterwards, the holy king Beitian, standing proudly above the blue waves, opened his hands outward, and countless void heavy water waves poured out from his body, opening his mouth and let out a roar in response:

"Of course this king knows that everything he does, everything in the world is willing and rewarded, and the temporary sacrifice is for a greater cause!"

Before the roar fell, a sturdy dark blue battle armor appeared directly on the body of the Northern Heavenly King of Saint Court, which completely wrapped the entire body of the former, and at the same time, rose up into the sky with the vigorous aura like an abyssal ocean.

Afterwards, the Northern Heavenly King of Shengting raised his hands and raised the sky, and continued to raise Bibo, who had been drunk by the middle-aged man with a single word, and the roar came out again:

"How can the power of the Lord be understood by the rest of the people? You wait for these so-called hidden Sejongmen powers, pedantic thinking, flexible, and completely unable to understand what it means to be informal."

"But this action of the Holy Venerable is tantamount to ceding the entire northern border of the Taixuan Land to Wumianjiao directly. Once this happens, this is the greatest shame of the Taixuan Land for hundreds of millions of years. You must know that tens of thousands of years ago, In order to make the Chaos Sea in the North Realm ebb, countless cultivators in the Supreme Profound Land died here, and now, let's let it go?"

In the Taiqing Sect’s scolding, there is an extreme coldness. This emotion is undoubtedly extremely rare for top-level overhauls that usually do not show up in joy and anger. This shows how much the former is for the Lord’s move. anger.

At the next breath, an increasingly cold gaze shot forward from the blue eyes of the man in the dress, and then the former slowly withdrew the long sword from the scabbard, and the sword drawn this time was different from the previous one.

What he drew out was a light, cyan light!

Countless cyan lights flowed along the surface of this long sword, looking from a distance, like a long sparkling cyan river.

"If this suzerain remembers correctly, you, the so-called holy king Beitian, was born and raised in Beihai. The holy lord today is your hometown!"

"My hometown disappeared tens of thousands of years ago when the sky dome of Beihai was shattered. Master Taiqing, at this time, this Beihai is an abandoned and barren wasteland. There is no way for any creatures to survive here. Abandoned land.

"Beihai County is now a piece of rotten meat, and using this piece of rotten meat from the north to exchange for the peace of the entire Supreme Profound Land, this deal is absolutely a bargain."

The roar from the mouth of the Holy Court Beitian King did not stop. In the next moment, the slender figure holding the Taiqing sword saw the blue sea array covering the entire sky as nothing, and appeared directly in front of the Beitian King.

After that, the Sect Master of the Taiqing sect, dressed in a suit, directly lifted his foot, kicked on the chest of Shengting Beitianwang, and made a roar that resounded through the sky.


This kick of the middle-aged man directly kicked out the long river of azure qi for three thousand miles, and kicked the holy court Beitian King beneath his feet into the big blue sea formation below.

After an instant, under the violent force of the Northern Heavenly King, the entire Blue Sea Array began to tremble violently, and the billowing waves rose to the sky, and made extremely harsh crackling noises.

The cultivation base of the Sect Master of the Taiqing Dynasty is simply difficult to describe in realm. Not only did he smash most of the artifact armor on the surface of the Northern Heavenly King with one foot, even the northern palace of the Holy Court, as the front of the eye, felt like a violent earthquake. Shaking up and down.

"Helping Zhou to abuse and abandon his hometown, you, the Northern Heavenly King of the Holy Court, are getting better and better."

After the cold voice fell, the Sect Master Taiqing lowered his head, his cyan eyes looked at the Northern Heavenly King lying on the blue waves, and the voice continued:

"This mouth of the saint has deceived many people since tens of thousands of years ago. The old guys who helped him, including the Supreme Xuemei Guozun, have long awakened, but you are stuck in it and cannot help yourself. Sect Master couldn't figure it out."

"That's because you don't know what the Lord is looking for. If this piece of Beihai rotten meat is swallowed by the Wurmianjiao, then the entire Chaos Deshen Sea will have at least 300 years of peace.

The louder and louder response sounded from the mouth of the Northern Heavenly King, and then the armor that had been trampled on his chest began to quickly regroup with the source of the surrounding water system, and the voice continued:

"In these three hundred years, my holy court will sweep across Liuhe and all directions and completely unify the entire Taixuan land. By then, the entire world will be unified, and it will not be too late to settle accounts with Chaos Sea!"

"You are talking about dreams, making a deal with the abyss devil. The **** lessons of countless years are already vivid. If the North Sea is swallowed by Sleepless Sect, it is equivalent to the Chaos Destroying Sea having a pedal in the Taixuan Land. Have you thought about these consequences?"

The icy words of the Sect Master Taiqing seemed to completely freeze the infinite water waves in the entire blue sea array below. Then he stretched out his right hand and turned the Taiqing sword turned down by the infinite cyan mist current, pointing directly at the lower one. The voice of the Northern Heavenly King's brows rolled down again:

"The Lord's ambition has long been clear, and on the other hand, do you think about why it sent the South Palace to the same north on the basis of your North Palace?

"That's because the identity of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu in the East Jade Hub Fire Mansion is extremely unusual, and once this Xiliu clashes with the sleepless gods, and is even swallowed directly by the latter, then the Dongji Fire Mansion can be directly pulled. Go to the front as a shield.

"Even your own people have to calculate, and you have to believe that it can unify the Taixuan land. Although the world is divided for a long time, it must be united, but the heaven and the earth are alive. People who can dominate the Taixuan must have both virtues and deeds. The Lord, he is not worthy!"

Unworthy of these two words, there was a decisive message from the Taiqing Sect Master, and then the streamer on the Taiqing sword burst for an instant, and the sharp edge directly rushed to the center of the eyebrows of the northern king of the holy court below.

"This Sect Master wants you to guard you diligently in the Chaos Sea for ten thousand years, and has not cut you off with a single sword. If you are still obsessed with understanding, there is only one word, death!"

After speaking, Sect Master Taiqing paused, seeing that the Northern Heavenly King below was still motionless, no longer hesitating, he swung his sword directly.

With one sword, the wind and the clouds are moving, and the green spirit is 90 thousand li!

The immense azure light directly rose into the sky, and the Beixing Palace Blue Sea Array under the sword shattered, disintegrated and exploded into countless fragments.

In the next breath, the Holy Court Northern Heavenly King, who was enveloped by the sharp edge of a sword, poured out a large amount of blue and gold intertwined blood, but he directly revealed a very strange smile and opened his mouth and let out a wild roar:

"You and the Lord are one of the most mysterious beings in the entire Taixuan Land, so you are not only trying to find out about the Lord's news, but the Lord is also studying you!

"When the Lord came, he said that the Supreme Law of the Taiqing Sect can be transformed into three in one person. If this king guesses correctly, the person who came to Beihai must not be your body, so with this sword, you can't kill me!"

After the hoarse roar fell, a small lamp burning with blue flames suddenly appeared on the shoulder of the Northern Heavenly King.

In the next instant, this light disappeared instantly, and after it appeared again, it came directly under the Taiqing Sword.

At the same time, the tip of the sword collided with the blue light, and the entire surrounding area was directly covered by countless blue lights.

Within the green light, the crazy laughter from the Northern Heavenly King continued to sound:

"This array can trap you for three hundred breaths. After three hundred breaths, all the dust will settle, and my holy court will dominate the world!"

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